Cap't Jim Palmer, The Dream Business Coach show

Cap't Jim Palmer, The Dream Business Coach

Summary: Internationally-Acclaimed Business Coach, Entrepreneur Mentor, Customer Retention Specialist, Book Publisher, and Podcaster

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  • Artist: Jim Palmer, The Newsletter Guru
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 Entrepreneurial Fatigue – Dr. Carri Drzyzga | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:17

Stick Like Glue Radio #175 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview the Functional Medicine Doc – Carri Drzyzga on her new program, Entrepreneurial Fatigue – How to Fuel Your Brain & Body for Entrepreneurial Suc-cess . Don’t miss this powerful show. Download MP3 Stick Like Glue Radio On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview the Functional Medicine Doc, Carri Drzyzga, on her new program, Entrepreneurial Fatigue – How to Fuel Your Brain & Body for Entrepreneurial Success. Don’t miss this powerful show. Main Questions Asked: Why are you so passionate about entrepreneurial fatigue, and why did you create this program? Is there a difference between physical fatigue and mental fatigue? Is there a correlation between mental exhaustion and how your body responds? How does fatigue affect entrepreneurial bottom lines? What is the root cause of fatigue? Talk about skipping meals. What are natural treatments for fatigue? Talk about supplements and vitamins. What are some of the signs that your blood sugar is too low? Talk about color breathing.   Key Lessons Learned: Functional Medicine & Fatigue Functional medicine is where you find the cause, fix the cause, and feel normal again. Many doctors don’t see fatigue as a serious problem, so they simply recommend taking time off in order to fix the problem. Rating Your Fatigue How do you rate your average energy level from 0-10? If you aren’t at an 8 or higher, then you are suffering from some level of fatigue. Fatigue affects not only you and your family but also your business’s bottom line. Fatigue and Entrepreneurs Your number one business asset is ‘you,’ and you need to keep yourself healthy. Lack of sleep will start catching up with you if it becomes part of your lifestyle. Root Causes of Fatigue Long work hours. Not shutting brain off and having down time. Not practicing stress management. Not getting good sleep. Not talking vitamins. Not eating enough vegetables. Ambient Light We live in a society with a lot of light, and when we sleep at night, we should be sleeping in a bedroom so dark that you can’t see your hand in front of your face. These days there is too much ambient light in bedrooms, mostly coming from electronics: TV, alarm clock, cell phone, and cable box. Ambient light blocks your brain from producing adequate amounts of melatonin. Skipping meals This is like not putting gasoline in your car, and your blood sugar crashes. You can invest in hiring someone to prepare meals, a menu, or do your grocery shopping. Think of it as part of entrepreneur delegation. Natural Treatments Make sure you are ingesting enough protein and drinking enough water. Practice stress management. Cortisol is your main stress hormone, and when it is out of balance, it will atrophy your brain. Take magnesium before you go to bed. Use a white noise machine with nature sounds while you sleep. Exercise. You can do this on the job in chunks of 10 minutes. Check your diet. Key vitamins and nutrients are essential to the body and keep the brain strong. Supplements and Vitamins People often take the right vitamins but don’t take the correct dose in order to have an effect on the body. The majority of supplements need to be taken with meals so they get properly absorbed. The vinegar test is a way to see if your multivitamin gets absorbed or ends up in the toi...

 Benefits of Outsourcing – Erland Bakke | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:52

Stick Like Glue Radio #174 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview serial entrepreneur and best-selling author Erland Bakke. Erland is the founder of Mr. Outsource and shares his entrepreneurial journey as well as many nuggets for those thinking about outsourcing. Don’t miss this powerful show. Download MP3 Stick Like Glue Radio On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview serial entrepreneur and best-selling author Erland Bakke. Erland is the founder of Mr. Outsource and shares his entrepreneurial journey, as well as many nuggets for those thinking about outsourcing. Don’t miss this powerful show. Main Questions Asked: What was the first company you started? Did you bypass sites like Elance and go direct? How did you go about assembling your dream team? How do you define a freedom lifestyle?   Key Lessons Learned: Problem Solving Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship starts when you have an inner desire to build something. If you have a problem in your business, it is likely that others also have the same problem. If you solve it, you can add value to others and also profit from it.   Building a Team Building a team is the most important thing an entrepreneur does and what separates A-list companies from B-list companies. Steve Jobs only hired ‘A’ players because they only hang out with other  ‘A’ players.   Outsourcing Hiring someone on the other side of the world is around 1/20 the price of hiring someone in the west. Regulations that western countries have in place make it difficult for business owners to employ people at a fair rate.   The Dream Team When Erland starts working with someone, he is always thinking long-term. When hiring, ask yourself if you like the person, trust them, and can you work with them for many years to come? It is important to continually educate them so they don't have to ask next time. The ‘why’ is more important than the ‘what.’ The staff must want to grow with the business, have more challenges and responsibility within the organization. This is how loyalty is built.   Mr. Outsource Uses a hybrid method and offers a lot of training and personal development. Mr. Outsource offers a co-working space and suggests that clients pay for their VA to work in the co-working space.   Freedom Lifestyle A lifestyle business is being able to have and run a business from anywhere in the world. Freedom has 5 different levels: 1. Political: Ability to say what you want without getting prosecuted. 2. Social: Freedom to be the person you want to be. 3. Financial: You rule your money, and your money doesn’t rule you. 4. Mind: Freedom to know your programming comes from your parents, the media, the school system, and friends. 5. Oneness: Connecting on a deeper level with all things in the world. Resources: Mr. Outsource Click to Tweet: What separates A-list companies from B-list companies? Find out w/ @OutsourceMr @newsletterguru What are the 5 levels of freedom for entrepreneurs? Find out w/ @OutsourceMr @newsletterguru Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe and leave a 5 star rating and review in iTunes!

 Secrets of Time Management – Kevin Kruse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:28

Stick Like Glue Radio #173 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview New York Times bestselling author, and Forbes columnist, Kevin Kruse. Over the last 20 years Kevin has started or co-founded several multi-million dollar companies which have won awards for both fast growth (Inc 500) as well as employee engagement (#4 Best Place to Work in PA). Don’t miss this important show! Download MP3 Stick Like Glue Radio On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview New York Times bestselling author and Forbes columnist, Kevin Kruse. Over the last 20 years Kevin has started or co-founded several multi-million dollar companies which have won awards for Fast Growth (Inc. 500), as well as Employee Engagement (#4 Best Place to Work in PA).  Don’t miss this important show! Main Questions Asked: What led you to write your book, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management? Tell me about the Harvard experience that saved 8 hours a week. Did you have any ‘ah-ha’ moments when you interviewed people for your book? Are there any similarities between billionaires and Olympic athletes when it comes to productivity?   Key Lessons Learned: Productivity People think they need time management, but what they really need is extreme productivity and balance. How can we increase our productivity 10X while still feeling balanced? Sell people what they want but give them what they need. If people knew exactly what their time was worth, they would outsource and delegate more.   Theme Days Ultra productive people dedicate each day to a certain theme. For example, Monday for Marketing, and Tuesday for Products. Theming can also be useful when chunking time.   Meetings “Never take a meeting unless someone is writing you a check.” - Mark Cuban. Even big companies have ‘No Meeting Wednesdays,’ which allows for ‘get things done’ time. Daily standup huddles are a great way to supply contextual awareness and gets rid of a lot of ‘got-a-minute?’ meetings.   Harvard Business Review Study By asking the following three questions, the average person freed up 6 hours of meeting time per week and 2 hours of other task time. Can I drop this task? Can I delay this task or delegate? Can I redesign it?   The Morning Routine Change your morning and change your life. How you spend the first 60 minutes of your day dictates the productivity level of the rest of your day. High achievers don’t skip meals, and they know that food is fuel. Schedule 1-2 hours of focus time as early in the morning as possible, as you are cognitively strongest in the morning.   MIT Most Important Task. Identify this and schedule this for early in the morning.   E3C We all have the same exact minutes in the day, so it’s all about energy and focus.   Energy  How am I maximizing and maintaining my energy throughout the day?   Capture Have a notebook so you don’t have to carry everything in your mind. This is a great way to de-stress. This doesn't’ mean working off a to-do list. Calendar Live your life from your calendar and not your to-do list. Protect the calendar with the power of no. Concentrate Shut off social media notifications and email alerts.

 Franchising as a Business Model – Matt Miller | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:22

Stick Like Glue Radio #172 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview Air Force veteran, and the founder of School Spirit Vending, Matt Miller. School Spirit Vending’s franchising program provides a proven and profitable business system for busy professionals and their families looking to develop secondary in-come streams, while raising millions of dollars for education at the same time. Don’t miss this im-portant show! Download MP3 Stick Like Glue Radio On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview Air Force veteran and founder of School Spirit Vending, Matt Miller. School Spirit Vending’s franchising program provides a proven and profitable business system for busy professionals, and their families, looking to develop secondary income streams while raising millions of dollars for education at the same time. Don’t miss this important show! Main Questions Asked: Tell us about transitioning from traditional vending to helping schools fundraise. Was the idea positive-based school spirit? Do you have rules as to what can be in the vending machines? How does your program work? Who is a good prospective franchisee? Is it a hard sell to get the vending machines in schools, and is it different for every school district? What is your un-business philosophy? Talk about podcasting in your business. Key Lessons Learned: Bulk Vending The equipment is inexpensive, and the capacity is high. There is a long time between service cycles. Bulk vending is mechanical, so there is no worry with electronic circuit boards. Vending in Schools The program is a passive fundraiser for the school and doesn't require any volunteers. The equipment for the school is customized, along with sticker designs which feature the school colors and mascot. The vending machines act as a year-round fundraiser for the school. School Spirit Vending Having franchisees means that they have the ability to make most of the money but also assume the risk. School Spirit Vending receives a licensing fee and royalty in exchange for the expertise and system. The team is spread across 23 states. Prospective Franchisees Need to have a couple of days per month during a school day. Participants often have his or her own business and is looking to diversify. Some franchisees start with a few thousand and cash flow their way forward. The Un-business Philosophy You don’t have to be a stuffy sales person in order to be successful. Matt encourages family involvement in all levels of the business. The uniform of choice is a t-shit or polo with cargo shorts. The growth needs to occur on what the franchisees goals are. About one-third of the franchisees do this full time. Most start off as a secondary income stream. Podcasting Matt started an internal podcast for his School Spirit Vending team. He wanted a way to develop community within his team and found that blogging and conference calls didn’t work for him. The podcast allows Matt to interview members of the team and share best practices, highlight success stories, and include teaching and training. The acceptance of the podcasts has been huge due to the evergreen nature of the podcasts and because people can listen whilst doing something else.   Resources: School Spirit Vending  Top 10 Reasons Why You Need To Start A Vending Business Click to Tweet: What is an unbusiness philosophy? Find out w/ Matt Miller of School Spirit Vending @n...

 All About Periscope – Natalie Cutler-Welsh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:26

Stick Like Glue Radio #171 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview author, blogger and podcaster, Natalie Cutler-Welsh. Natalie knows a great deal about Periscope – one of the hottest social media platforms today, and I get answers to all of your burning questions! Don’t miss this important show! Download MP3 Stick Like Glue Radio On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview author, blogger, and podcaster, Natalie Cutler-Welsh. Natalie knows a great deal about Periscope – one of the hottest social media platforms today, and I get answers to all of your burning questions! Don’t miss this important show! Main Questions Asked: Is Periscope made to be a live, daily show, or is it more of an impromptu platform? Should videos be short, long, or is it whatever feels comfortable to you? What do you do when you’re done with the video? Is there a website where you can place the Periscope video so they can live on in infamy? Have you done any testing on the titles, or are you going with catchy phrases and using keywords? How can you help people on how to get started on social media?   Key Lessons Learned: What is Periscope? Periscope is live-streaming video via a free app owned by Twitter. It is a platform where you are expected to be ‘raw and real’ rather than a professional video you’d put on your website. Even though you are live, you can’t get a response from people, but they can comment. Periscope is live, and anyone around the world can see you unless you have a private Periscope. If you are nervous, you can handpick a few friends and do a private Periscope first. If you don't have a webinar or podcast, this is an easy way for your audience to get a window into who you are.   Best Use of Periscope People love behind the scenes and how-to videos. If you are planning on doing a periscope, then give your followers a heads up so they have time to watch. Ex.; I’m going live in 20 minutes time. Anytime anyone you follow on Twitter goes live on periscope you will get alerts. Ensure the title you use for each video is relevant and enticing to your ideal audience so they want to ‘come in to the scope.’   Repurposing Periscope Content Periscope videos are live for 24 hours and will be tweeted out to your Twitter followers. You can save the replay and use the Periscope content again. Don't worry about the number of likes or people watching your Periscope; just focus on the people who have shown up. Get links from Periscope videos and repost on other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. It is possible to upload the video to Vimeo and YouTube or embed it on your website or newsletter. When you are finished recording the video, click the ‘save to camera’ button.   Titles and Keywords If you have an idea for a periscope, type the idea into the notes of your phone with the title and hashtag and emoji. When it’s time to go live, just copy and paste the text, and this also helps if the call was dropped.   Social Media Tips There are so many platforms to choose from, so it’s important to know your ideal client and where they hang out. Define who your ‘people’ are and know and love your niche. Choose two or three social media platforms where your people are hanging out and communicate on there. Use the give, give, get rule. Give value, information, and links, but get in return through call to action. Use your call to action at an appropriate time in an appropria...

 Smart Tax Planning and Effective Systems & Procedures – Diane Gardner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:44

Stick Like Glue Radio #170 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview rock star entrepreneur Diane Gardner. On this extended show we cover two important topics: smart tax planning and effective systems and procedures for small business owners! Don’t miss this important show! Download MP3 Stick Like Glue Radio On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview rock star entrepreneur Diane Gardner. On this extended show, we cover two important topics: smart tax planning and effective systems and procedures for small business owners! Don’t miss this important show! Main Questions Asked: What is a tax coach, and why should every business owner have one? What are some of the biggest mistake small business owners and entrepreneurs make when it comes to taxes? What are the different types of entities? How does someone figure out what type of entity is best for them? Is healthcare something we should look at through the business? How do pensions and retirement plans affect small business? What are the most often missed tax deductions? What is the difference between a system and a procedure? Talk about ways to increase productivity. How can systems and procedures be used for staff training? What are your suggestions on how someone can improve quality control?   Key Lessons Learned: What is a Tax Coach? A tax coach helps takes an overall view of the business and looks at what is and isn’t being taken advantage of. A tax coach can crosscheck the business entity and make a plan for the future such as restructuring salary and payroll system. Tax coaches help businesses take full advantage of all the deductions and credits that exist that are IRS-approved and court-tested.   Common Mistakes The biggest mistake is business owners being listed as the wrong entity type. A lot of business owners start out as a sole proprietor but outgrow it, then don’t change the entity type. Not keeping track of mileage, whether using the standard mileage method or actual cost. Not tracking mileage can mean leaving several thousands of dollars of deductions on the table.   Types of Entities LLC Limited Liability Company. It is possible to have an LLC but be taxed as an S-CORP. S-CORP The profits from the business flow back to the shareholders tax returns. A certain amount of the income from the business can be structured into the owner’s salary. The remainder flows through the person’s tax return, but there is no self-employment tax on it like there would be if they were a sole proprietor or general partnership.   C-CORP Pays own income tax on a corporate level.   Systems and Procedures Having great systems and procedures increases productivity as staff aren’t spending so much time trying to find the answer. 80-90% of staff questions can be answered by going to the systems and procedures manuals. A systems and procedures manual also gives you accountability. When a staff member deviates from the system, they can be referred back to the manual. For a business to become a salable asset, it needs to have the systems and procedures in place so, when the owner buys it, you can walk away.   Quality Control Checklists are great for quality control, as it makes employees accountable for the various steps they are working on. Setting clear expectations helps improve the quality.  

 The Book Coach – with Morgan MacDonald | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:21

[wptouch target="mobile"] // [/wptouch] Stick Like Glue Radio #169 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview writing coach and editor of non-fiction books, Morgan MacDonald. Morgan shares some great tips on how to finally get your book done!! Don’t miss this important show! Download MP3 Stick Like Glue Radio Main Questions Asked: Why does a small business owner want to write a book? How does someone find time to write a book? What are some of the ways you see would-be authors sabotage writing their book? Do you suggest people ‘talk ‘ their book into either an automated voice transcription or have it transcribed? What are practical strategies for authors about writing and getting it done? What are your thoughts on the e-book revolution and the pricing structure? How has writing a book affected your coaching and editing business? If you could give just one single piece of advice to a would-be author, what would it be? Key Lessons Learned: Benefits of Writing A Book A book sets you apart in the marketplace like nothing else will. Writing a book will bring you more clarity in your business and help you define your expertise in your niche. The words will resonate with people you want to serve in your business. When consumers or clients are looking for speakers or experts, they will search for people who have written a book.   Finding Time to Write a Book Every day you put off writing your book, your enthusiasm wanes. There needs to be an internal mindset shift. You have to convince yourself that your book is worth writing. Write out the ‘why’ statements and why the book is important, and distil it down into 3-5 sentences of how the book will change your life and the people who read it. Writing a book doesn’t take a lot of time. Aim for 3,000-5,000 words a week, which is 3 hours (30 minutes a day)   Self-Sabotage Don’t self-edit as you go. Only look back to remember what you have written but don’t make changes. Write out an outline of what you want to write and have a rough plan.   Talk to Transcribe As a reader, you can tell as we talk differently to how we write. Even if the voice and style is similar, the grammar structure is not the same. If you love to talk, get a recorder and talk your way through the book. Instead of having someone else transcribe it. Write your book based on what you were saying.   Practical Strategies Use a timer and work your way up to 25 minutes. This will help focus and work with adrenaline as you are working against the clock. Pomodoro is a style where tasks are done in 25-minute chunks. Keep a log of the date, time, duration, and how many words you wrote.   The E-Book Revolution & Pricing When it comes to e-books, the word ‘book’ is sometimes a stretch. It used to be that the minimum order for a book was 2,500 copies (with hopes of selling 20,000), now it is possible to print on demand. For your first book, set the price lower, even if it is a valuable book; you need an entry-level price for people who don’t know you. $0.99-$2.99 is a reasonable price. How Writing a Book Can Affect Your Business Opens conversations and gives you something to point clients to. If someone likes your blog, they can get the best advice through a book. If you are featured in an article or a podcast, it is something the audience can easily consume in one spot.

 The ‘Bink’ Moment with Rick Martinez | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:22

Stick Like Glue Radio #168 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview entrepreneur, nurse author and veteran, Rick Martinez – creator of the Bink Moment! Among other things you’ll learn about ‘purpose hacking’ and how it can help you. Don’t miss this important show! Download MP3 Stick Like Glue Radio On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview entrepreneur, nurse, author, and veteran, Rick Martinez – creator of the Bink Moment! Among other things, you’ll learn about ‘purpose hacking’ and how it can help you. Don’t miss this important show! Main Questions Asked: How did the term ‘purpose hack’ come about? Give us a background of when you were in the service and your entrepreneurial journey. How did the whole ‘Bink’ movement come to be? What does the next 3-5 years look like for you? Key Lessons Learned: Entrepreneurs As an entrepreneur and business owner, it’s important to come up with your own language and have your own phrases. A lot of entrepreneurs recognize a need for starting a business after having had a bad experience and think ‘I could do this better.’ Get up and decide to run the day and not let the day run you. Starting & Selling His Business Rick intuitively noticed some chinks in the armor of placing staff and started his own company to provide a better service. The company he started grew to 600 employees. The operations of the company had to be handed over during Rick’s tour of duty. It was during his time away from the company that he realized the company could operate without him, and he sold the business. After selling, Rick found it very lonely. He had access to resources he never dreamt of but was lost and didn’t know what to do next. Rick’s Bink Moment A ‘bink’ moment opens the door to what is next in your life. In 2012, Rick was in a weightlifting competition, and 225lbs crushed his right leg. He realized something was wrong and made the choice to think ‘what does this mean?’ rather than ‘why me?’ For certain moments in life the word ‘epiphany’ or ah-ha moment doesn’t work. This was his ‘bink’ moment. Sometimes it takes a serious shaking up to take stock of what is going on. Purpose Hacking Rick’s ‘bink’ moment led him to try and find meaning quicker. He also coined the term ‘purpose hacking.’ We all go through things so we can help and teach others. It’s what you do with the lessons you learn that lead to ‘bink’ moments. Resources Project Bink Decide: The Ultimate Success Trigger   Click to Tweet What is a 'bink' moment? Have you had yours yet? Find out w/ Rick Martinez @ProjectBINK @newsletterguru What is a purpose hack? Find out w/ Rick Martinez @ProjectBINK @newsletterguru Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe and leave a 5 star rating and review in iTunes!

 How Much is Needed to Retire – Todd Tresidder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:26

[wptouch target="mobile"] // [/wptouch] Stick Like Glue Radio #167 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview serial entrepreneur, former hedge fund manager and bestselling author Todd Tresidder and we discuss a variety of topics including how much you need to retire, whether to pau off your mortgage and how to play catch up! Don’t miss this important show! Download MP3 Stick Like Glue Radio On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview serial entrepreneur, former hedge fund manager, and bestselling author Todd Tressider, and we discuss a variety of topics including how much you need in order to retire, whether to pay off your mortgage, and how to play catch up! Don’t miss this important show! Main Questions Asked: How do you figure out how much someone needs to retire? If we can’t make correct assumptions, then what is the answer? Do you have to try all three models and see how they merge together, or choose one? Is there a way to play catch up, and what do you think about paying off the mortgage? What’s the difference between financial advice and financial coaching? What do you think about becoming an entrepreneur later in life? Do you coach entrepreneurs on marketing? Give us a couple of tips on content marketing. Key Lessons Learned: The goal isn’t retirement, it’s creating a life that’s so fulfilling you never want to retire from it. When estimating your ‘number,’ inflation for 40 years in advance has to be taken into consideration, which can’t be known. The Three Models Asset based This is the traditional model. While it is valid and worth doing, it is not the only piece of the picture. Confidence intervals that use a range of optimistic and pessimistic assumptions to get a range of what your retirement number is. The real danger is when people think there is a magic number as there is no such thing. Lifestyle This is a way of showing how to live happily on less. The general rule of thumb that is the rule of 300. This is for every $1000 a month you spend in retirement, it requirements roughly $300K in assets to support that spending. If you want to be conservative, it can be the rule of $400K. There are different ways to approach your lifestyle and asking ‘what do I really need to be happy?’ Cash flow This is the most difficult model to achieve, and a lot of people can’t get here; however, when achieved, it you are truly financial secure. Financial Advice vs. Financial Coaching Financial coaches focus on you first, and investor products are only tools used to express your plan. Financial advisors are about the tools because that is what they sell. Success is more about the person than the specific tactics. Each person’s plan is unique to their skills, resources, abilities, and goals. If you look at a portfolio of a person with a financial advisor, you’ll find that they are similar as they are all dependent on the wisdom of the financial advisor. Paths to Financial Freedom The three ways to build wealth are as follows: Entrepreneurship, this is the greatest path to financial freedom. The second most prevalent path is real estate. The third is paper assets, which is a ‘parking place’ for wealth built elsewhere. Tips on Content Marketing You have to understand how your ideal clients find you and what they do to convert. What specific problems will a client pay to be solved? Once you understand the client’s buying process,

 Getting The Most Money From and For Your Business – Shola Abidoye | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:15

Stick Like Glue Radio #166 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview entrepreneur, private equity investor and author, Shola Abidoye. Shola shares some great information about how to scale a sales funnel and prepare your business for sale – for the most amount of profit! Don’t miss this show Download MP3 Stick Like Glue Radio On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview entrepreneur, private equity investor, and author, Shola Abidoye. Shola shares some great information about how to scale a sales funnel and prepare your business for sale – for the most amount of profit! Don’t miss this show! Main Questions Asked: Talk about VC funded companies. When you talk about being a ‘professional entrepreneur,’ do you mean someone who is focused on the numbers and setting up sales funnels? When should you start planning to sell your business? How should business owners look at their time and financial investment? Do investors look at the sweat equity that owners put in? How does an entrepreneur set up CRSP without hiring someone to do if for them? Why is not having an exist plan robbing 50% of your company’s wealth? Key Lessons Learned: Venture Capitalists & Entrepreneurs When a venture capitalist plans to invest in a company, they have one key question, “If I put in x amount of money, when am I going to get back x multiplied, and by when?” Private business owners don’t really think about the personal investment of time and money in the same way as a VC. Entrepreneurs When entrepreneurs start tracking the investment time and money that has been put into the business and see the return, it will force them to focus on the things that really matter, which is customer acquisition and sales process. When you get an investor mindset, you will begin to make decisions that are driven by the numbers as opposed to what feels good. A lot of entrepreneurs look at short term goals rather than asking, ‘How will I make this a saleable asset?” The way to get off the feast of famine cycle is to systematize the sales process. This allows entrepreneurs to step away from the business. The single biggest question in the mind of someone looking to acquire a company is, “Will sales continue when this owner walks away and I take over the business?” The 7 D’s If you know one of the 7 Ds is going to happen and you want to build a business that generates income and supports your dreams, family, and is an asset, then you have to plan a sales process that is independent of you. If you don’t plan for the following, then it could wipe you out. Death Divorce Disability Departure (of key employees) Disagreement Disruption Disinterest Being a Professional Entrepreneur A professional is someone who does something for income. Someone who gets consistent results. The big question for entrepreneurs is, ‘Can you describe your sales process, and is it broken down and automated?’ Planning to Sell Your Business You should start planning to sell your business from day one. If you build a business with selling it in mind, then you will build an entirely different business than if you built it for yourself. Up to 50% of business owners’ wealth comes from proper exit planning. A lot of owners only look at how much time they put into the business when they start to exit plan. If you have a laborious sales process, then that makes your business less attractive as an asset or not sellable. CRSP Controllable

 Sexy Boss – Heather Havenwood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:10

Stick Like Glue Radio #165 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview Heather Havenwood, CEO of Havenwood Worldwide, LLC and Chief Sexy Boss, Heather is a serial entrepreneur and is regarded as a top authority on internet marketing, business strategies and marketing. Don’t miss this show! Download MP3 Stick Like Glue Radio On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview Heather Havenwood, CEO of Havenwood Worldwide, LLC and Chief Sexy Boss. Heather is a serial entrepreneur and is regarded as a top authority on internet marketing, business strategies, and marketing. Don’t miss this show!   Main Questions Asked: How did Sexy Boss Inc. come about? What is the big lesson in taking total ownership over one’s thoughts? Talk about being true to yourself.   Key Lessons Learned: Being A Sexy Boss ‘Sexy’ is a negative term in the corporate world, as you can’t be ‘sexy’ and the boss. Heather is trying to change this. A big part of being an entrepreneur is owning what you stand for. As a business owner, you will attract the people you are meant to attract and will repel others.   Taking Total Ownership Over Thoughts? The key piece isn’t the knowledge but rather the shift in the mindset. The difference between yourself and others is not only how you think but the actions you take. The tactics and tools are important, but it’s more about how you think about yourself and customers.   Mindset A lot of people think that mindset is one of the ingredients, but it is actually the fuel for the machine. The machine of your business is made up of your skills, talent, ambition, drive, work ethic, and moral compass. Mindset is what fuels the machine. When you start changing your thoughts on what you can do and what you have to do, that’s when everything starts to flow.   Deciding Deciding that you want to be a success is a key piece. Highly successful people have an uncanny ability to decide. Successful people decide ‘yes’ or ‘no’ but not ‘maybe’ or ‘I’ll think about it.’   Being True to Yourself The more authentic you are in who you are and what your expertise is, the more business you will attract.   Resources: Heather Havenwood Sexy Boss (book) Sexy Boss Inc Dating Triggers   Click to Tweet How are female entrepreneurs changing the rules? Find out w/ @hhavenwood @newsletterguru Are you taking total ownership over your thoughts? Find out how w/ @hhavenwood @newsletterguru #entrepreneur Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe and leave a 5 star rating and review in iTunes!

 Kindle Publishing – Ty Cohen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:00

Stick Like Glue Radio #164 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview the internet marketer and personal development coach Ty Cohen is also an expert in Kindle Publishing. Ty shares some great nuggets about selling your information through Kindle. Don’t miss this show! Download MP3 Stick Like Glue Radio

 Social Media Marketing with Corinna Essa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:23

Stick Like Glue Radio #163 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview the founder of Social Media Worldwide, Corinna Essa about all that is working and new in the ever-changing world of social media marketing. Don’t miss this show! Download MP3 Stick Like Glue Radio On this special episode of... Read more »

 From Part Time Biz to 15 Employees – Angie Fisher | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:15

Stick Like Glue Radio #162 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview the founder of Coaching Success Systems, Angie Fisher, on how she took her part time business to the Ultimate Provider of Support Systems for Business, Life and Success Coaches. Lots of nuggets in this show! Download MP3 Stick Like... Read more »

 Millennials and Management – Lee Caraher | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:56

Stick Like Glue Radio #161 On this special episode of Stick Like Glue Radio, I interview acclaimed communication strategist and author of the hit book, Millennials & Management: The Essential Guide To Making It Work At Work, Lee Caraher. A fun interview and some good nuggets! Download MP3 Stick Like Glue Radio Main Questions... Read more »


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