Learn Norwegian | NorwegianClass101.com show

Learn Norwegian | NorwegianClass101.com

Summary: Learn Norwegian with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at NorwegianClass101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!

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 Norwegian Vocab Builder #116 - Home Items | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:11

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Video News #6 - Free Norwegian Gifts of the Month - September 2017 | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 1:36

Video News #6 - Free Norwegian Gifts of the Month - September 2017

 Norwegian Vocab Builder #1 - What Is Your Language Learning Goal for the Month? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:31

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Absolute Beginner Norwegian for Every Day #1 - Top 25 Norwegian Phrases | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 5:32

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101.com! In your home country, there are some phrases that are so common you use them or hear them every day. The same is true in Norway too, so why not give your Norwegian an instant boost by learning them in this video lesson? With Anette's help, you'll be sounding like a native Norwegian speaker in no time!In this lesson, you'll learn Top 25 Norwegian Phrases that are used every day in Norway. Visit us at NorwegianClass101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Norwegian lessons and learning resources. Leave us a message while you are there!

 New! Learn Norwegian 2x Faster with FREE PDF Lessons | File Type: video/x-mp4 | Duration: 0:35

Watch the video to learn how to get them.

 Must-Know Norwegian Social Media Phrases #7 - Getting Bored | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:54

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Olav: Jeg kjeder meg sånn. Hva kan jeg finne på? Anne: Du kan gå en tur i finværet? Morten: Bli med å ta en øl! Hanne: Plukk opp en god bok. Anders: Vask huset så blir din samboer glad. ----Formal English---- Olav: I'm so bored. What can I do? Anne: Why don’t you go for a walk in the nice weather? Morten: Come and grab a beer! Hanne: Pick up a good book. Anders: Clean the house and your partner will be happy. --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Norwegian Vocab Builder #115 - Home Interior | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:38

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Advanced Audio Blog S2 #16 - Top 10 Norwegian Writers: Inger Hagerup | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:33

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Inger Hagerup Den norske forfatteren Inger Hagerup ble født i 1905 i Bergen. Mange litterære eksperter anser henne for å være en av de viktigske norske diktere i det 20. århundret. Hun skrev skuespill, romaner og dikt, selv om hun er trolig best kjent for sine lyriske dikt. Hennes far døde mens hun fortsatt var et lite barn, og familien flyttet ofte etter dette. Hagerup og ektemannen var sterkt imot naziregimet under Tysklands okkupasjon av Norge under andre verdenskrig. Hun skrev mange vers om tyskerenes brutalitet under krigen. Både hun og hennes mann deltok i ulovlige aktiviteter mot tyskerne under krigen og de måtte flykte fra landet i 1943 å komme vekk fra tyskerne. Det var under den andre verdenskrig at Hagerup virkelig ble kjent på grunn av hennes uforglemmelige lyriske dikt om hva som skjedde. Etter krigen fortsatte hun å skrive og legger til barnepoesi til sitt repertoar. Barnediktene hennes er samstilt med Norges klassiske barneforfattere. Hagerup har også jobbet som oversetter og oversatte den prisvinnende romanen Lord of the Flies, som fikk Nobels fredspris, fra engelsk til norsk, samt mange andre litterære stykker. Hagerup har mottatt flere priser, blant annet Gylendal-legatet og Dobloug-prisen. Begge sønnene ble selv veldig fremstående forfattere i sin egen rett. Hennes sønn Klaus skrev en biografi om henne med tittelen "Alt er så nær meg" som deler mange detaljer om livet hennes. ----Formal English---- Inger Hagerup Norwegian writer Inger Hagerup was born in 1905 in Bergen. Many literary experts consider her to be one of the twentieth century’s most important Norwegian poets. She wrote plays, novels, and poetry, although she is probably best known for her lyric poems. Her father passed away while she was still a small child, and the family began to move around a lot after that. Hagerup and her husband strongly opposed the Nazi regime during Germany’s occupation of Norway in World War II. She wrote many lines about the brutality of the Germans during the war. Both her and her husband took part in illegal activities against the Germans, and they had to flee the country in 1943 to escape the Germans. It was during the Second World War that Hagerup really became known because of her haunting lyrical lines about what was happening. After the war, she continued to write, adding children’s poetry to her repertoire. Her children’s poems now sit among those of Norway’s classic children’s writers. Hagerup also worked as a translator, taking the Nobel Prize-winning novel Lord of the Flies, along with many other pieces of literature, from English into Norwegian. Hagerup received several awards, including the Gylendal’s Endowment and the Dobloug Prize. Both of her sons became very distinguished authors in their own right. Her son Klaus wrote a biography of her, entitled Everything is so Close to Me, sharing many details about her life. --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Nynorsk Survival Phrases #6 - First Encounters in Nynorsk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:31

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Kva heiter du? Eg heiter John. Kvar kjem du frå? Eg kjem frå Canada. ----Formal English---- What is your name? My name is John. Where are you from? I’m from Canada. --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 News #139 - New! 3 Reasons Why You’ll Love the Upgraded Norwegian Lesson Library | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:26

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Norwegian Vocab Builder #114 - Food - Utensils & Tableware | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:41

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Culture Class: Holidays in Norway #1 - New Year’s Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:25

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Must-Know Norwegian Social Media Phrases #6 - An Unfortunate Accident | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:16

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Anne: Enda en knust telefon... Olav: Du får bruke hustelefonen fremover. Julie: Jeg vet om et sted som fikser sånt for en billig penge! Per: Jeg bruker ikke smarttelefon og mobiltelefonen min har vart meg lenge. Hanne: Om du har forsikring så er det ikke så dyrt å få den reparert. ----Formal English---- Anne: Another shattered phone... Olav: You can use the landline telephone from now on. Julie: I know a place they can fix things like that for a cheap price! Per: I'm not using a smartphone and my mobile phone has lasted me a long time. Hanne: If you have insurance, it's not so expensive to get it fixed. --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Norwegian Vocab Builder #113 - Computer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:14

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!

 Norwegian Vocab Builder #88 - Clothes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:18

Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Norwegian with NorwegianClass101! Don't forget to stop by NorwegianClass101.com for more great Norwegian Language Learning Resources!


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