Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Burns and Allen – The Elsie Trellafas Case. 400826. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:00

Announcer Bud Easton tries to tell George about a Hollywood party, but Gracie turns it into a routine when the word play and puns flow. The theme soon changes to a law suit where the girl from last week, Elsie Tralafaz was promised by George to put her on the radio. Now she's suing George for not following through. With Gracie on his side, his settlement with the jilted gal could go through the roof. The cast pitch in their legal advice, but with friends like these, George will really need a good lawyer. The Smoothies sing, Ceri Beri Bin. As George worries over a big bruiser who Elsie sent to rough him up, Gracie flirts. She also helps Artie Shaw out with a song that the cast join on to add to the situation. Too bad George doesn't get their warning. Guitarist, Mr Lee sings while George faces down Elsie's boyfriend outside. Artie Shaw plays a tune. By now, George needs medication. Not just for the meeting out in the alley, but for his ever escalating lawyer bill. When an attorney makes his appearance, George tries to level with him, but with the comments from the cast, his chances at representing his character may be out the window. Plus, there's a detail in the interview that goes bad for George that he didn't see coming.

 Superman – Professor Thorpes Bathysphere Part 1, 400826 . | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:03

Superman. August 26, 1940. Program #85. Mutual net. Commercials added locally. The first episode of the adventure about Professor Thorpe's bathysphere. Professor Thorpe's ship has been stolen from Key West. After nearly drowning, Clark Kent discovers that a false telegram has caused all the trouble. Bud Collyer. 12:16. Audio condition: Very good to excellent. Otherwise complete. J. David Golden

 Lone Ranger – The Lone Ranger Finds Silver. 350826 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:15

Hot on the trail of bad guy, Butch Cavendish, the masked man's horse is shot out from under him. He has heard legendary stories about a silvery white horse, and sets out to capture him for his own. The Lone Ranger risks danger to himself to rescue the white stallion. Nursing the wounded horse back to health, a bond is formed between man and animal, but will the horse choose to run for his freedom, or stay by his new friend? There's still the matter of catching up with Butch Cavendish. PS: This episode is the same as the following, which may show up in some collections. 360410 ep0499 Finding Silver. (but audio quality isn't near as good.)

 Lum and Abner – Stockholders In The Silver Mine Are Upset With Squire. 350826. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:00

Horlicks: One of the best and most economical malted milk beverages. It makes a light lunch, or a delicious refreshing drink. The rolling store has made yet another successful return with plenty of sales as Lum pulls into Dick Huttleston's store to tell about it. Lum tells how the town of Cedar Hill doesn't want a travelling peddler, and Dick doesn't think they can stop the store from doing business. Actually the town is in their right, and can require a business license if they want. Besides, Lum doesn't think his wide load of a store will fit across the bridge between the towns. Lum and Dick comment on the absence of people in town. Where could they all be? Abner and grandpap have formed a committee of stockholders and tell the news that Squire Skimp is back from his Arizona trip. The two report on the proceedings of the meeting. The stockholders have been upset ever since Squire had the chance to sell the mine, but didn't. The expected dividends haven't paid off, and there is scandal at Squire's shady dealings. The town thinks he ruined their chances at selling the mine for a sweet deal, and his latest dealings have left all the stock worthless. Lum had been made president in the company, but is the least informed of anyone. Squire comes to Dick's store to talk to the guys. He gets the chance to tell what he thinks of the stockholder meeting that he was left out of as well. He makes a show of wanting to do the right thing. Squire steps aside and leaves Lum with all his remaining shares in the mine, which also leaves Lum in full responsibility of the company and its holding. Horlicks: A mom reads her testimonial letter to tell how Horlicks helped her baby recover from illness, and grow into a healthy child. PS: Yeah! Horlicks commercials are back. I know, I'm wierd, but you just gotta love a product that does everything. It makes you sleep, it makes you alert, it makes you gain weight, it makes you lose weight. How does it do all that? And how does it know which to do?

 X Minus One – The Cold Equation. ep15, 550825. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:52

On a flight through space, a stowaway is detected. What ought to be done with the person who would do such a thing? Life support is limited, and the only logical thing to do is to jetison them into space to preserve the safety of the crew. There's just one problem. She's a cute blonde. The astronaut who pilots the ship just can't bring himself to do the deed. If he does nothing, they all may crash and die, and their shipment of medical supplies will cause men at their destination to die from lack of medicine. The computer analysis allows for a little time before a decision has to be made. Is there any possible scenarios that allow for the sweet female stowaway to remain and survive the mission? Will she be brave enough to face up to her fate? All she wanted to do is travel to the far flung planet to meet up with her husband again. The clock is ticking, the laws of physics won't allow for the excess passenger. As a concession, radio contact is made, and the woman is allowed to talk to her husband before she is forced to take her space walk of doom. The suspense rises, the drama builds, but there's still no changing those cold, hard facts of survival.

 Dragnet – Police Academy – Mario Koski. ep12, 490825. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:20

Joe Friday and Ben Romero work the Robbery detail. After checking their stats, the cops hit the street and follow up on clues. But there is another story going on besides the robberies. In voiceover, Joe tells a little background of an Army buddy, then drops in for a friendly visit. Hank wants to join the police force, and his wife just needs a little convincing from Joe. Afterward, Joe and Ben continue tracking down their known suspects. Things seem to have stalled with the investigation, no sign of their man, no word from informants, and no new witnesses to interview. Meanwhile, Joe's friend graduates from the Police Academy, and a speech is delivered that expresses the tough, dangerous, and thankless job that lays ahead for the rookies. Is this guy trying to encourage them, or make them have second thoughts? It's the tough jobs that are the most rewarding though. The overly eager cop assists on Joe's robbery case, and in a dramatic moment with the seemingly harmless and boring case that has taken weeks to develop, the rookie is gunned down. A tribute to the fallen cops, and a depiction of how quickly a routine case can become tragic. And of course, they catch their burglars.

 Dragnet – The Big Shock. 540824 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:00

Assigned to Burglary detail, it's up to Joe Friday to find a lead to stop the rash of robberies. Joe, and partner, Frank Smith follow up on a report, and question a man at a cheap hotel. The man didn't do it, but he's certainly an interesting character. Just like all their other leads, he's another dead end. The parade of shady characters marches on until Friday can find a guy with some information. The crooks see the cops as the bad guys and go out of their way to clam up. Friday can play head games too, and uses the paranoia of his suspects to start the fingers pointing. Happy Birthday! Well, it may not be Joe's birthday, but it may as well be when he gets a big break. Putting on the pressure, the burglars do themselves in.

 Lum and Abner – Iron Ikes Challenge. 411226 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:45

Lum's trouble with the Hogan family has been cleared up by Mousey Gray, when the mild mannered man eloped with his dream girl, Gussie. Still, Lum wants him to train for that upcoming boxing match, but Mousey needs the right motivation to ignite his inner rage. Can Lum get him ready in time? Grandpap enters with more word on the carnival that's coming to town. Abner gets confused over some of the attractions. Grandpap apparently hasn't heard about Mousey's ability to knock out both Lum and Snake. With a new fighting name, Killer Dynamite Gray is phoned to see if he'll go through with the deal.

 Lone Ranger – Siege Of Fort Mason. 380824 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:20

With his great horse Silver, and his trusted Indian friend Tonto, the Lone Ranger fights crime and brings justice to the Old West. Rumors of an Indian uprising threaten Fort Mason. The Lone Ranger has also heard stories about chief Little Bear, and offers help to the army. It seems the Army captain he has encountered has heard of stories of the Lone Ranger, and welcomes his help. Back at the fort, rumors have proven true, and battling indians have the fort under siege. The post commander feels that a spy inside the fort is leaking information to the indians. He tries to covertly send out a messenger to recall troops that are out on patrol. Hmm... a nice dramatic scene, but not the way indians ever conducted battle. Meanwhile, the Lone Ranger convinces the captain in the field to return to the fort, since no sign of Little Bear can be found. The Lone Ranger races on ahead, and gets through to the fort. Between him and the post commander, they share ideas, and make a plan to smoke out the suspected traitor. A story full of adventure, suspense, the glories of battle, and sneaky traitors. Far removed from any type of reality, but throw sanity to the wind, and enjoy the story for the storie's sake.

 Jubilee – Ernie Morris, Jimmy Jordan. ep41, 430823 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:06

Hosted by Ernie Whitman. Playlist: The Lewis Jordan orchestra sings, Five Guys Named Moe. Duke of Irons, calipso singer sings, A Woman Uglier Than You. Ernie reads from the mail bag. Mean Lux Louie plays a boogie on his piano. Lewis Jordan plays, Move on the Outskirts of Town. Mean Lux Louis is back to play, Infantry Blues. Ernie introduces harmonica player, Ernie Morris who plays, In the Mood. Impressive. Butterfly McQueen talks to Ernie about her bathing suit. Rosetta Tharpe sings, This Train's a Clean Train. Ernie reads from the mail bag, then Lewis Jordan wraps it up and plays, Knock Me a Kiss.

 Superman – Mayan Treasure. 6of6, 400823. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:36

When we last left Clark, he and the expedition has just found the treasure room, and the mummy of Ashtah. Is the legend true? Does the mummy look as young and beautiful as they say? Is Clark right in his suspicions that things aren't as they seem? The listener is transported to eavesdrop on the criminal intent behind the legend. Superman confronts the evil doersThe mystery is revealed, and Superman tells what tipped him off as it all comes out. Does the traitor, Birch have a secret up his sleeve that will put an end to Superman? There's only one last chance to save everyone's lives, but it'll take plenty of courage. Listen in for the swashbuckling ending and escape with Clark from the last of the jungle dangers.

 Lum and Abner – The Naming Of The Store Contest Ends. 350823. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:33

Horlicks: the original malted milk. Down in Pine Ridge the rolling store has been making the rounds and is quite successful, although the opening expenses have been higher than expected. Today Lum talks to Abner about it, but the audio gets terrible and cuts out. Lum reviews the profits of today's sales along with yesterday. Is it good? Is it bad? Who knows. The audio quality is just too bad to tell. After the bad audio spots pass, we find Lum talking with Dick about the store name. The naming contest is to end at midnight Sunday. Abner enters to tell about the latest mishap with Cedric, and driving the store. It also appears that Cedric is eating his wage in candy. The guys get a kick over some of the name ideas that have come in, but don't share any of them. Lum makes an announcement on the partyline as a contest reminder. Abner wants to put in his 2 cents worth, but has trouble remembering what to say.

 Let George Do It – Emporess Of Fishfalls. 490822. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

George and Claire Brooksie cool off and spend a relaxing day fishing. Even taking the day off, George catches a case of murder, when he reels in the body of a dead midget. George is joined by his always grumpy policeman friend as they try to roust up the local law force. Clues turn out a tale about a swindle at a circus. Who is working the swindle and swiping the cash from the circus? George smells a rat when the list of characters are brought together. Can he smoke out the killer and get a confession? Listen in and compare your logic wits aginst George Valentine.

 Lum and Abner – Dick Is Losing Customers To The Rolling Store. 350822. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:37

Horlicks: the original malted milk. Let's see what's happening in Pine Ridge. Lately the rolling store has been dealing with several snags, but today the engine has been fixed, the shelves are fixed, and Lum and Abner are able to make the rounds for business. In Dick Huttleston's store, he good naturedly talks with Grandpap about the success that Lum and Abner are having as he takes phone calls. The calls are about business that he's losing to the rolling store. A call is even about what to name the new store. Just then Abner enter to tell how good business has been. Sales were small by the person, but nearly everybody bought something. Dick and Abner turn the talk towards Squire and his silver mine. It seems that nobody in town has seen any returns from their dividends yet, and cash flow is tight in town as they all wait for their investment to pay off. Lum follows Abner in to give the report on the financial success of the day, and about a little accident he had. On a practical side, Dick asks about the expenses of operating the store. Though the daily expense seems fine to me, there were some added expenses that wiped out their good day of sales.

 Lone Ranger – Medicine Mans Treachery. 380822 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:24

White mand and indian alike turn to the Lone Ranger for justice and fairness. Two indian tribes had enjoyed a long run of peace. A group of white bandits ride in to raid, kidnap, and steal from one tribe, doing all they can to make them believe it is the rival tribe. Chief Lame Bear's daughter was kidnapped, and now starts war drums on Running Cloud. Not all the indians were fooled, and a rider tells the story to Tonto and Lone Ranger. Who would do such a thing? It doesn't take the Lone Ranger long to figure out who is behind the raid. Lame Bear's tribe is fairly small, and would be devastated in a war. The medicine man would stand to take over in his loss. The Lone Ranger uses all his tact to calm the upset feelings of Lame Bear. All he asks is the chance to prove that it was really mercenary bandits, hired by the medicine man. Can he do it? Will the Lone Ranger be able to trap the treacherous medicine man, and turn him over to the chief? He tries to get the help of Running Cloud, but will he just stir up more trouble? Will the medicine of the Lone Ranger prove stronger than that of Black Fox, the medicin man?


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