Everyday Cyclist Podcast show

Everyday Cyclist Podcast

Summary: A Cycling Training and Nutrition Podcast devoted to the needs of the Everyday Cyclist. Join cycling fitness expert and owner for Cyclo-CLUB, Graeme Street each week for new cycling tips, secrets, updated, workouts, and cycling podcasts.

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  • Artist: Graeme Street
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2009-2015 Cyclo-CORE Multi-Media, LLC All rights reserved.


 Staging Your Cycling Comeback! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

At one time or another, all cyclists "fall off the wagon" and lose fitness, focus, or the desire to ride for goals.  It's OK.  Even necessary and I for one have been WAAAAYYYY OFF the past few weeks...er, months.  Here's how I "Stage my Cycling Comeback" and how you can do the same... REMINDER:  You can get a free month to my new WORKOUT PASS when you order my CYCLO90 Day Off-Season Training System.  Become a Member and Stage Your Comeback today

 Exploring Rides and Workout Ideas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Today we'll discuss ideas for "Purposeful Rides" and "Purposeful Workouts" and how they can greatly enhance your cycling performance and fitness AND offer MORE FUN from your rides.  I'll share some of my personal favorites from CYCLO90 and WORKOUT PASS. NOTE: The New Cyclo-CLUB WORKOUT PASS is Open and there are LIMITED TIME BONUSES to join, including a FREE MONTH!  Come check it out.

 5 Secrets to SURGE Your Cycling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:36

"Breakthroughs and Surges in Your Cycling are NOT by Chance.  They Come because you've followed this 5 STEP FORMULA, whether you're conscious of it or not!" Let me explain how our CYCLO90 Training Systems and the soon to release Cyclo-CLUB WORKOUT PASS ON-DEMAND are going to allow you, the Everyday Cyclist to SURGE specific aspects of your cycling fitness...ON DEMAND

 Renew Your Cycling Zip! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:18

What if you could surge your climbing power, threshold performance, sprinting explosiveness, or fat-loss in a few days of SIMPLE training and focus?  Today I'll share with you a proven method we use in Cyclo-CLUB and with CYCLO90 to do just that, ON DEMAND! *PREMIUM Cyclo-CLUB Membership CLOSING FOREVER to new registrations.  50 SPOTS OPEN

 Cycling Power Restored | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:18

“How to Restore Your Cycling Power and Surge Your Fitness in Minimal Time.” *I’ll be answering a lot of questions about coming back after time off, Maximizing CYCLO90 Base, entry level cycling, Zone intensity, and new SUPPORT and Help Areas for your training.  Plus, ideas to monitor your training more effectively

 Lance Armstrong is a… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:20

“I have to thank Lance Armstrong for inspiring me to get back on the bike during a difficult time in my life.  Now, as the Lance Armstrong facade has crashed down, and his biggest supporters leave him for dead to wipe their hands clean, should I hate him?  Should we?” Listen to today’s podcast and you can place in your own adjective about “Lance Armstrong is a…” *This is my personal story of how I came to feel about Lance Armstrong.  This is my opinion and I have earned the right to share it.  As have you.  If you choose not to listen to my opinion or disagree, I RESPECT your decision.  If you have an opinion of your own on the matter, you have earned the right to share it as well.  Please do so below.  All I ask is that you are equally RESPECTFUL of each other and myself as you do.  Thanks for being an Everyday Cyclist

 Vermont 50 2012: Pedal Damn it! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:00

I swore I would never go back to the Vermont 50 after the hell I encountered in 2009.  Well, looks like I fooled myself as I decided to not only come back to VT50 in 2012, but to take on this climbing monster Singlespeed style!  I prepared well and came in with some of my best fitness of the year. It would turn out to be the right decision, but with a fatal set of flaws that forced me into "quit mode" three times over the day.  Did I dredge through and finish with a smile?  You'll have to listen to find out!

 Climbing Machine Secrets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:54

Please visit Cyclo-CORE.com for more info regarding climbing, technique, and complete training systems to turn you into a CLIMBING MACHINE.

 Cycling Secrets of Forced Recovery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:46

Recovery is an essential part of a solid training system. In fact, I would be willing to say that "recovery" IS the secret to more cycling results. The problem is that many of us everyday cyclists using a training system or not, tend to "over-ride" this need to recover, by allowing our EGO or FEAR of losing fitness to keep us on the bike, when common sense tells us not to. Usually, this leads to a state of "forced recovery", which may seem like a problem at first glance, but for many--it's the secret ingredient to grain the DRIVE and ENERGY to progress even further! Today, we'll discuss the need for planned recovery in the off-season as well as the in-season for superior results. Plus, I'll discuss several cyclist examples for beginner to expert level riders who are "forced" off the bike for good reason and the SECRETS of how it can effect them (and you) in a POSITIVE WAY. *Our only advertising is YOUR improved strength, power, and joy on the bike. Please suppport our free podcast with smart training with the CYCLO90 Base and/or CYCLO90 In-Season Training Systems. You'll CHANGE THE GAME on how you ride for the better. Enjoy the show and PLEASE SHARE...

 Hampshire 100: Riding VS. Racing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:44

I just recently finished the Hampshire 100 Mountain Bike Race for the first time, opting for the 100K instead of the 100 Mile option.  I came in very fit, leaner then I have been all year and with the mentality to PERFORM, not just ride.  My fueling strategy worked, my climbing was at it's peak, but alas I came in with the WRONG APPROACH for me. This MISTAKE not only lead me to a slower time then I had planned, but also took away much of the JOY and EXPERIENCE from the day. Today, I'll share with you examples of ONE RACER, ONE RIDER, and ONE IN-BETWEEN story and let you decide what you want to be.  Please share this with your friends, riding club, team, etc.  I hope it offers you some things to consider doing to get more fulfillment from your riding..

 Advanced Techniques for Non-Gifted Cyclists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

Are you a naturally gifted cyclist with the talent of a PRO rider?  Yah, me neither.  Most of us Everyday Cyclists have to go beyond our "talent pool" and incorporate techniques and skill sets and training that allows us to improve beyond our innate ability (or lack there of). Today's PODCAST will go over several simple training techniques, workout recommendations, CYCLO90 use and more for everything from setting a PR on your favorite century rides to group ride accelerations to cyclo-cross!  Please share with other... WEEKEND SPECIAL: 50%OFF select Cyclo-HIT 30 and Cyclo-TRAINER DVD'S.

 Strava Glory? The Good, Bad, and Ugly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:50

We've always been a proponent of "smart training" over "more training".  But, at times we need more of an impetus than just "smart training".  Sometimes we need something like "friendly competition" to get to the next level.  Strava, a social network for cyclists built a global platform on the idea.  But does Strava make us stronger?  Does competing with each other make us dangerous?  Are there ways we can use Strava as more than just miles, PR's, and KOM's?  Today we'll go over it in detail and YOU DECIDE..

 Cyclist’s Rule! Recovery, Peaking, and Dealing with Cramps. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:40

Today's show is all about you, the Everyday Cyclist and listener Q8A about recovery, peak training, cramping and more.  Plus, I have our CYCLO90 winners announced!   Please listen, share, and download free

 5 Training Progressions to Unlock “Your Cycling Core” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:58

Your "Cycling Core" is much more than six pack abs and a 15 minute core workout at the gym you add to your normal weekly routine.  There are 5 Cycling Core Progressions and types of training you need to have in your base training arsenal AND your in-season training for ongoing performance and endurance progressions.  Most cyclists are lagging in at least two or more of these powerful cycling assets, but not after today's podcast!  Listen and unlock the power of your "Cycling Core"

 70.3 Quassy Triathlon Report: Good Day, Bad Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:56

Can you really have a great performance in triathlon and still have something bad happen that makes you suffer?  I did.  Let me tell you about my recent finish at the tough 70.3 distance REV3 Quassy event in 2012


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