Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast

Summary: Most independent minded Americans realize that Washington DC is corrupt, and is run for the administrative convenience of Wall St. banks and multinational corporations. Republicans and Democrats have let us down time and time again. If the United States are to remain free and democratic, we must save our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't let the corporate media and the special interests tell you how to think! They demonize any restraint on federal authority (like Constitutionalism, states-rights, fully informed juries, and the OathKeepers) as racist, extremist, or seditious! Why? Because they are authoritarians at heart who want to run your life and take your money on behalf of the wealthiest people on earth. Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit

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  • Artist: Ron Paul 2012
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2013 JT Williams. All rights reserved.


 Ron Paul on the Stateless Man Podcast with Fergus Hodgson (3/18/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:24

Ron Paul, the man who has perhaps opened more people’s eyes to liberty than anyone, was live for an exclusive interview with The Stateless Man- Ferg Hodgson and co-host Rachael Mills. They discussed competitive currencies and the merits of engaging in political life. Dr. Paul also accepted questions submitted by listeners and those who participated in a AMA.

 Ron Paul on the Stateless Man Podcast with Fergus Hodgson (3/18/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:24

Ron Paul, the man who has perhaps opened more people’s eyes to liberty than anyone, was live for an exclusive interview with The Stateless Man- Ferg Hodgson and co-host Rachael Mills. They discussed competitive currencies and the merits of engaging in political life. Dr. Paul also accepted questions submitted by listeners and those who participated in a AMA.

 Texas Straight Talk: The Congressional Budget Debate Is Just A Sideshow (3/18/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:58

In his latest Texas Straight Talk update, former Rep. Ron Paul talks about the latest attempts to put together a budget in Washington DC. While Rep. Paul Ryan put forward his most credible budget thus far (balances over 10 years), the Democrats clearly do not believe that it's even necessary! Video compliments of YouTube User:  VoteRonPaul12.

 Texas Straight Talk: The Congressional Budget Debate Is Just A Sideshow (3/18/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:58

In his latest Texas Straight Talk update, former Rep. Ron Paul talks about the latest attempts to put together a budget in Washington DC. While Rep. Paul Ryan put forward his most credible budget thus far (balances over 10 years), the Democrats clearly do not believe that it's even necessary! Video compliments of YouTube User:  VoteRonPaul12.

 Rand Paul 2016 Watch - March 11th thru March 17th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:52:52

Rand Paul's star continued to rise last week, as he brought together the liberty movement and the broader conservative base, and walked away with the once-coveted CPAC straw-poll victory! Now, of course, he'll have to prove that his apparent success is more substantial than that of his father. This week's Rand Paul Watch Update picks up where last week's ended, including some closing thoughts on the 13-hour filibuster. While Dr. Ron Paul did not attend CPAC this year, it's clear that the libertarian kids still have numbers and enthusiasm at the annual conservative conference. Sen. Paul showed the world Paul 2.0- no stammering, stuttering or disconnected statements on the stage. This man knows his audience, and he can deliver the message of reason. Most everyone on the right seems to be embracing Rand Paul, except the most hardcore national security chicken-hawks and the most socially intolerant in the GOP. This is a long, content-packed update with many opinions- so, enjoy. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Bill Kristol Podcast for The Weekly Standard: GOP Can Learn From Rand Paul (But Republicans shouldn't follow him on foreign policy). (3/8) (6:58) Eleanor Clift, liberal panelist for The McLaughlin Group: Rand Paul "Trying To Stir A Revolt Against The U.S. Government" - Video archived at RealClearPolitics. (3/10) (9:11) Rand Paul talks with Newsradio 1040 WHO's (Des Moines, IA) Simon Conway about drone debate, Awlaki killing, and wacko birds. (3/11) (23:11) McCain and Graham Got It Wrong! Columnist Mark Steyn analyzes Rand Paul's filibuster on The Hugh Hewitt Show. Audio archived at AM 1590 KLFE. (3/11) (33:28) Krauthammer Shows True Colors, Mocks Rand Paul For 'Absurd And Ridiculous' Drone Concerns: 'Not A Serious Issue' - Video archived at (3/11) (34:53) Glenn Beck: What Do Rand Paul’s Filibuster and Charles Sumner’s Historic Anti-Slavery Speech Have in Common? (3/11) (43:50) News and Views with Steve Deace includes Donald Trump on Rand Paul’s filibuster. (3/11) (55:24)

 Rand Paul 2016 Watch - March 11th thru March 17th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:52:52

Rand Paul's star continued to rise last week, as he brought together the liberty movement and the broader conservative base, and walked away with the once-coveted CPAC straw-poll victory! Now, of course, he'll have to prove that his apparent success is more substantial than that of his father. This week's Rand Paul Watch Update picks up where last week's ended, including some closing thoughts on the 13-hour filibuster. While Dr. Ron Paul did not attend CPAC this year, it's clear that the libertarian kids still have numbers and enthusiasm at the annual conservative conference. Sen. Paul showed the world Paul 2.0- no stammering, stuttering or disconnected statements on the stage. This man knows his audience, and he can deliver the message of reason. Most everyone on the right seems to be embracing Rand Paul, except the most hardcore national security chicken-hawks and the most socially intolerant in the GOP. This is a long, content-packed update with many opinions- so, enjoy. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Bill Kristol Podcast for The Weekly Standard: GOP Can Learn From Rand Paul (But Republicans shouldn't follow him on foreign policy). (3/8) (6:58) Eleanor Clift, liberal panelist for The McLaughlin Group: Rand Paul "Trying To Stir A Revolt Against The U.S. Government" - Video archived at RealClearPolitics. (3/10) (9:11) Rand Paul talks with Newsradio 1040 WHO's (Des Moines, IA) Simon Conway about drone debate, Awlaki killing, and wacko birds. (3/11) (23:11) McCain and Graham Got It Wrong! Columnist Mark Steyn analyzes Rand Paul's filibuster on The Hugh Hewitt Show. Audio archived at AM 1590 KLFE. (3/11) (33:28) Krauthammer Shows True Colors, Mocks Rand Paul For 'Absurd And Ridiculous' Drone Concerns: 'Not A Serious Issue' - Video archived at (3/11) (34:53) Glenn Beck: What Do Rand Paul’s Filibuster and Charles Sumner’s Historic Anti-Slavery Speech Have in Common? (3/11) (43:50) News and Views with Steve Deace includes Donald Trump on Rand Paul’s filibuster. (3/11) (55:24) Rand Paul on The Steve Deace Show, talks about his post-filibuster future, takes on critics. (3/13) (1:18:35) Senator Rand Paul talks about issues with Jan Mickelson on Newsradio 1040 WHO. (3/13) (1:30:05) Rumble with RTAmerica's Thom Hartmann - Yoohoo Democrats...Rand Paul Wants to Break up Big Banks! (3/13) (1:34:03) Fox News' Alan Colmes interviews Rand Paul, congratulates him for filibuster and doing the right thing. (3/13) (1:43:51) Mr. Paul Goes To Washington - CBN's The Brody File looks at the impacts of Rand's filibuster. (3/14) (1:48:20) Canada's Sun News: CPAC starts in Washington. (3/14) (1:51:37) Rand Paul brings CPAC audience to its feet.

 Former Rep. Ron Paul on The Mike Church Show (3/15/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:07

Sirius/XM Satellite radio show host, Mike Church, interviews former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul on his radio show. Topics discussed include his plans for the future, his son Senator Rand Paul, foreign policy, the economy, and homeschooling. Video compliments of YouTube User: TNCampaignForLiberty.

 Former Rep. Ron Paul on The Mike Church Show (3/15/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:07

Sirius/XM Satellite radio show host, Mike Church, interviews former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul on his radio show. Topics discussed include his plans for the future, his son Senator Rand Paul, foreign policy, the economy, and homeschooling. Video compliments of YouTube User: TNCampaignForLiberty.

 Politics of Freedom Update - March 9th thru March 15th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:43:36

Congressman Ron Paul finished up his participation in Preston Manning's conservative conference up in Canada, just in time for the CPAC 2013 festivities. While the former Congressman did not attend, Sen. Rand Paul rocked the house for all the youth in the liberty wing of the Republican Party. I'll begin this podcast with some additional analysis of the historic drone filibuster, from other voices around the broader liberty movement. I also came across some great audio from people looking back at the Ron Paul revolution, and where it's stands today. We'll also hear from Congressman Justin Amash, who is being floated for a run for the US Senate, and Congressman Thomas Massie. Enjoy! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) How conservative are Canadians? Matt Bufton of the Institute for Liberal Studies answers for SunNews in light of MNC 2013. (3/8) (7:33) Jack Blood is joined by radio host and blogger Kurt Wallace: What IS the state of the Revolution? Rand Paul - friend or Foe? (2/27) (40:37) Rand Paul's Out-Principles Perpetual War - Robert Scott Bell on the Senators filibuster and neocon attacks. (3/8) (48:16) TheBlaze TV: Was Rand Paul’s Filibuster a Turning Point for the Libertarian Movement? (3/8) (53:45) The Impact of Rand's #Filiblizzard with Charles Goyette and Gary Franchi on Next News Network. (3/8) (1:05:40) Mike Church: Drones, Like Nuclear Technology, Can Be Used For Good Or Evil. (3/8) (1:10:25) A wide ranging discussion with Prof. Walter Block on the importance of Ron Paul. Video by YouTube User: Redmond Weissenberger. (3/10) (1:39:52) Rand Paul: “One of the Most Dangerous” Politicians of His Generation - WSB Radio's (Atlanta, GA) Monica Perez. (3/10) (2:24:36) Rand Paul on CNN's The Situation Room: Time To Bring Troops Home, Cut Foreign Aid, And Fix Entitlements! Video by YouTube User: Eduardo89rp. (3/11) (2:30:35) Rumble on RT's The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann - Is Rand Paul Picking up the Ron Paul Mantle? (3/11) (2:39:57) Rand Paul tells Peter Schiff: The 'Old Guard' Attacking Me Means I'm Winning! Video compliments of YouTube User: SchiffReport. (3/12) (2:52:11) Rep. Justin Amash takes a look at the Ryan budget on News/Talk 760 WJR (Detroit, MI).  Will he run for Levin's open Senate seat? (3/13) (3:03:05) Sen. Paul and Colleagues Propose the Defunding of Obamacare at Press Conference. Video by YouTube User: SenatorRandPaul. (3/13) (3:04:14) 84WHAS' (Louisville, KY) Mandy Connell speaks with Rep. Thomas Massie about his stands in Washington, thoughts on the filibuster and other issues. (3/14) (3:

 Politics of Freedom Update - March 9th thru March 15th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:43:36

Congressman Ron Paul finished up his participation in Preston Manning's conservative conference up in Canada, just in time for the CPAC 2013 festivities. While the former Congressman did not attend, Sen. Rand Paul rocked the house for all the youth in the liberty wing of the Republican Party. I'll begin this podcast with some additional analysis of the historic drone filibuster, from other voices around the broader liberty movement. I also came across some great audio from people looking back at the Ron Paul revolution, and where it's stands today. We'll also hear from Congressman Justin Amash, who is being floated for a run for the US Senate, and Congressman Thomas Massie. Enjoy! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) How conservative are Canadians? Matt Bufton of the Institute for Liberal Studies answers for SunNews in light of MNC 2013. (3/8) (7:33) Jack Blood is joined by radio host and blogger Kurt Wallace: What IS the state of the Revolution? Rand Paul - friend or Foe? (2/27) (40:37) Rand Paul's Out-Principles Perpetual War - Robert Scott Bell on the Senators filibuster and neocon attacks. (3/8) (48:16) TheBlaze TV: Was Rand Paul’s Filibuster a Turning Point for the Libertarian Movement? (3/8) (53:45) The Impact of Rand's #Filiblizzard with Charles Goyette and Gary Franchi on Next News Network. (3/8) (1:05:40) Mike Church: Drones, Like Nuclear Technology, Can Be Used For Good Or Evil. (3/8) (1:10:25) A wide ranging discussion with Prof. Walter Block on the importance of Ron Paul. Video by YouTube User: Redmond Weissenberger. (3/10) (1:39:52) Rand Paul: “One of the Most Dangerous” Politicians of His Generation - WSB Radio's (Atlanta, GA) Monica Perez. (3/10) (2:24:36) Rand Paul on CNN's The Situation Room: Time To Bring Troops Home, Cut Foreign Aid, And Fix Entitlements! Video by YouTube User: Eduardo89rp. (3/11)

 Michael Berry plays clips of Ron Paul interview on NewsRadio 740 KTRH (3/11/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:55

On Monday,  Newsradio 740 KTRH's (Houston, TX) producer Kenny reportedly went out to Clute to help Dr. Ron Paul learn about the radio/audio technology he will be using for his Ron Paul's America spots. While he was there, Kenny asked the former Congressman a few questions, some of which were played back on The Michael Berry Show on Tuesday morning.

 Michael Berry plays clips of Ron Paul interview on NewsRadio 740 KTRH (3/11/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:55

On Monday,  Newsradio 740 KTRH's (Houston, TX) producer Kenny reportedly went out to Clute to help Dr. Ron Paul learn about the radio/audio technology he will be using for his Ron Paul's America spots. While he was there, Kenny asked the former Congressman a few questions, some of which were played back on The Michael Berry Show on Tuesday morning.

 Ron Paul’s Podcast Nation - Episode 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:21

This will be the final podcast I publish from PodcastOne- I merely wanted subscribers here to know of the new Ron Paul podcast, and find it themselves through the web or Itunes. The latest episode of Ron Paul's Podcast Nation with Charles Goyette is entitled 'Life After DC' - but Dr. Paul still has some questions for Fed chairman Ben Bernanke.

 Dr. Ron Paul on Fox Business’ Cavuto (3/14/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:40

Former Congressman Ron Paul appeared on FBN with Neil Cavuto to talk about foreign aid, and the flaws of sending cash to other countries. Dr. Paul was speaking in protest to what Bill Gates had been saying earlier in the program, although the two did not appear together at the same time.

 Dr. Ron Paul on Fox Business’ Cavuto (3/14/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:40

Former Congressman Ron Paul appeared on FBN with Neil Cavuto to talk about foreign aid, and the flaws of sending cash to other countries. Dr. Paul was speaking in protest to what Bill Gates had been saying earlier in the program, although the two did not appear together at the same time.


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