Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast

Summary: Most independent minded Americans realize that Washington DC is corrupt, and is run for the administrative convenience of Wall St. banks and multinational corporations. Republicans and Democrats have let us down time and time again. If the United States are to remain free and democratic, we must save our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't let the corporate media and the special interests tell you how to think! They demonize any restraint on federal authority (like Constitutionalism, states-rights, fully informed juries, and the OathKeepers) as racist, extremist, or seditious! Why? Because they are authoritarians at heart who want to run your life and take your money on behalf of the wealthiest people on earth. Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit

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  • Artist: Ron Paul 2012
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2013 JT Williams. All rights reserved.


 Politics of Freedom Update - March 23rd thru March 29th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:33:52

Sorry for the delay, but here's a huge chunk of audio for your listening pleasure. Unfortunately, its getting harder and harder to find Ron Paul specific news, even when he's out and about speaking to crowds. Very little multimedia of Dr. Paul's speaking engagements have been available since the man signed on with the Greater Talent Network, and there must be a no video policy in place. On Saturday, the former Congressman spoke at the Sovereign Man conference in Santiago, Chile- and no video of this speech seems to exist as of yet. Sen. Rand Paul continues to make waves in the aftermath of his CPAC straw poll victory, and yet snipers continue to come out of the woodwork to bash the Senator. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Short behind-the scenes interview with Ron Paul at GWU - Video compliments of YouTube User: Carlos McKnight. (3/4) (0:57) Ron Paul's Philosophy in Four Words: "Nothing comes for free" - Video compliments of YouTube User: Scott Vrooman. (3/8) (1:12) Pat Caddell's electrifying CPAC Speech rips GOP RINO Washington consultancy class. Video by YouTube User: videosciencelab. (3/17) (10:08) Michigan pundits discussing the 2014 open US Senate seat, and Justin Amash's chances in that race on Off The Record. Video by YouTube User: duncanhunter2008. (3/17) (15:50) Clifford May says Iraq attacked USA first? Jan Helfeld debates with a neoconservative, national security technocrat. (3/17) (23:32) Iowa GOP Chair AJ Spiker talks about his state party and Rand Paul's upcoming visit with Newsradio 1040 WHO's (Des Moines, IA) Jan Mickelson. (3/19)

 Dr. Ron Paul on AM 560 WIND with Joe Walsh (3/26/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:56

On Tuesday evening, former Congressman Ron Paul appeared on another former Representative's new radio show - with AM 560 The Answer's (Chicago, IL) Joe Walsh. The one-time House colleagues talked about the sequestration debacle and the wimpiness of  House Republicans, the feasibility of a third party movement, the appeal of the message of freedom with America's youth, same-sex marriage, Randy's leadership in the US Senate and more!

 Dr. Ron Paul on AM 560 WIND with Joe Walsh (3/26/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:56

On Tuesday evening, former Congressman Ron Paul appeared on another former Representative's new radio show - with AM 560 The Answer's (Chicago, IL) Joe Walsh. The one-time House colleagues talked about the sequestration debacle and the wimpiness of  House Republicans, the feasibility of a third party movement, the appeal of the message of freedom with America's youth, same-sex marriage, Randy's leadership in the US Senate and more!

 Dr. Ron Paul joins Lew Rockwell on the LRC Podcast (3/26/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:16

Former Congressman Ron Paul spoke with his former congressional chief-of-staff and founder of the Mises Institute- Lew Rockwell. The two took spoke about the myriad of fundamental challenges America currently faces and the neocon retaliation against Rand Paul and other proponents of non-interventionism.

 Dr. Ron Paul joins Lew Rockwell on the LRC Podcast (3/26/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:16

Former Congressman Ron Paul spoke with his former congressional chief-of-staff and founder of the Mises Institute- Lew Rockwell. The two took spoke about the myriad of fundamental challenges America currently faces and the neocon retaliation against Rand Paul and other proponents of non-interventionism.

 Former Rep. Ron Paul with Fox News Radio’s Alan Colmes (3/25/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:15

On Monday, former Congressman and Dr. Ron Paul talked with Fox News contributor Alan Colmes about the US being in Iraq for 10 Years as well as some discussion about gay marriage rights, Rand's filibuster and gun control.

 Former Rep. Ron Paul with Fox News Radio’s Alan Colmes (3/25/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:15

On Monday, former Congressman and Dr. Ron Paul talked with Fox News contributor Alan Colmes about the US being in Iraq for 10 Years as well as some discussion about gay marriage rights, Rand's filibuster and gun control.

 Texas Straight Talk: Neo-Con War Addiction Threatens Our Future (3/25/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:33

Don't think that just because he's out of the Congress that Ron Paul isn't following the news. In this week's Texas Straight Talk audio column, Dr. Paul reacts to Bill Krystol- who has been making the rounds in opposition to Rand Paul's victory at CPAC. The pope of neoconservatism has been using all the buzzwords and phrases to describe Ron's son- "neo-isolationist" and "running to the left of Barack Obama."  The truth is, the neocons have lost the hearts and minds of the American voter, and its only a matter of time until they become completely irrelevant. Video compliments of YouTube User: minnesotachris.

 Texas Straight Talk: Neo-Con War Addiction Threatens Our Future (3/25/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:33

Don't think that just because he's out of the Congress that Ron Paul isn't following the news. In this week's Texas Straight Talk audio column, Dr. Paul reacts to Bill Krystol- who has been making the rounds in opposition to Rand Paul's victory at CPAC. The pope of neoconservatism has been using all the buzzwords and phrases to describe Ron's son- "neo-isolationist" and "running to the left of Barack Obama."  The truth is, the neocons have lost the hearts and minds of the American voter, and its only a matter of time until they become completely irrelevant. Video compliments of YouTube User: minnesotachris.

 Rand Paul 2016 Watch - March 18th thru March 24th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:42:54

It should not be a surprise that after an incredibly positive week of media coverage for Senator Rand Paul, the doctor is dealing with a bit of liberal/neocon/establishment blowback in reaction to his rapid prominence on the national stage. Of course, someone will always be offended when a US Senator comes out to lead on virtually every debate of national significance! The Senator not only reintroduced his office's five year proposal for balancing the federal budget, he also weighed in publicly on controversial issues like immigration, marriage, and abortion. It seems as if the Senator is not interested in cultivating a narrow, partisan constituency- but rather putting forward solutions for all varieties of national problems. Therefore, it shouldn't surprise us that many of the individuals who held their tongue on the drone filibuster are coming out swinging on other issues of disagreement. Unfortunately, so many voters enjoy being pandered to and being told what they want to hear, rather than being offered actual solutions that could be the cornerstone for bipartisan compromise. We'll all have to wait and see! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Sen. Rand Paul Tops GOP Straw Poll - Ian Preston reports for ABC36 News WTVQ (Lexington, KY). (3/17) (0:40) Scarborough Takes On Panelist Over CPAC Criticism: They’re Not ‘Wacko Birds — They’re My Friends.’ Video archived at (3/18) (8:50) Yale Professor David Bromwich talks about the Rand Paul “Convergence” on Radio Open Source with Christopher Lydon. (3/18) (38:40) Rush Limbaugh reacts to Rand Paul’s gay marriage idea: “No f-ing way.” Audio archived at Mofo Politics. (3/18) (42:18) Dr. Ben Carson on Fox News' Hannity: Rand Paul Impresses Me. (3/18) (45:30) Arch-neocon Bill Krystol blames Barack Obama for the Rise of Rand Paul - Video by YouTube User: WMAL Washington. (3/19) (51:36) Rand Paul raises immigration reform at the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Video by Vimeo User: Zayas Hendrick Mediaworks. (3/19) (1:09:08) Rand Paul backs path to citizenship for illegal immigrants - Kelly Wright reports for Fox News. (3/19) (1:11:55) Federation for American Immigration Reform's Bob Dane Reacts to Sen. Paul's Immigration Speech - Video by YouTube User: fairfederation. (3/19)

 Rand Paul 2016 Watch - March 18th thru March 24th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:42:54

It should not be a surprise that after an incredibly positive week of media coverage for Senator Rand Paul, the doctor is dealing with a bit of liberal/neocon/establishment blowback in reaction to his rapid prominence on the national stage. Of course, someone will always be offended when a US Senator comes out to lead on virtually every debate of national significance! The Senator not only reintroduced his office's five year proposal for balancing the federal budget, he also weighed in publicly on controversial issues like immigration, marriage, and abortion. It seems as if the Senator is not interested in cultivating a narrow, partisan constituency- but rather putting forward solutions for all varieties of national problems. Therefore, it shouldn't surprise us that many of the individuals who held their tongue on the drone filibuster are coming out swinging on other issues of disagreement. Unfortunately, so many voters enjoy being pandered to and being told what they want to hear, rather than being offered actual solutions that could be the cornerstone for bipartisan compromise. We'll all have to wait and see! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Sen. Rand Paul Tops GOP Straw Poll - Ian Preston reports for ABC36 News WTVQ (Lexington, KY). (3/17) (0:40) Scarborough Takes On Panelist Over CPAC Criticism: They’re Not ‘Wacko Birds — They’re My Friends.’ Video archived at (3/18) (8:50) Yale Professor David Bromwich talks about the Rand Paul “Convergence” on Radio Open Source with Christopher Lydon. (3/18) (38:40) Rush Limbaugh reacts to Rand Paul’s gay marriage idea: “No f-ing way.” Audio archived at Mofo Politics. (3/18) (42:18) Dr. Ben Carson on Fox News' Hannity: Rand Paul Impresses Me. (3/18) (45:30) Arch-neocon Bill Krystol blames Barack Obama for the Rise of Rand Paul - Video by YouTube User: WMAL Washington. (3/19) (51:36) Rand Paul raises immigration reform at the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Video by Vimeo User: Zayas Hendrick Mediaworks. (3/19) (1:09:08) Rand Paul backs path to citizenship for illegal immigrants - Kelly Wright reports for Fox News. (3/19) (1:11:55) Federation for American Immigration Reform's Bob Dane Reacts to Sen. Paul's Immigration Speech - Video by YouTube User: fairfederation. (3/19) (1:17:02) Sen. Marco Rubio praises Rand Paul's immigration stance on CNN's The Lead with Jake Tapper. (3/19) (1:17:45) SE Cupp on MSNBC's The Cycle: Rand Paul and Marco Rubio need each other. (3/19) (1:21:35) Steve Deace joins Jan Mickelson to talk about CPAC; reaction to Rand's immigration position on News Radio 1040 WHO (Des Moines, IA). (3/19) (1:41:00) Rand Paul Calls for Immigration Overhaul - Aaron Zitner reports for

 Politics of Freedom Update - March 16th thru March 22nd | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:08:42

Another week of liberty-related news for all the subscribers out there. Senator Rand Paul is coming off of his first victory in the CPAC straw-poll- showing that he has, in fact, taken over the liberty wing of the Republican Party. This week also marked the 10 year anniversary of the Iraq War, which so many of us supported at one time in our ignorance. The question is, does the average Republican voter recognize the colossal failure of the Bush administration's preemptive regime change policy? Ron Paul's America was scheduled to begin airing on stations across the country this week, though I haven't yet seen or heard any confirmation that the radio minutes have been played anywhere. I will certainly post any info that I come across. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) YAL's Jeff Frazee talks with AM 1440 KMED's (Medford, OR) Bill Meyer about the trashing of those "crazy libertarian kids". (3/8) (7:39) Jeb Bush Seeks Third Bush Presidency - Aaron Dykes reports for (3/12) (9:30) Constant Contradictions: Gov't Says One Thing, Does Another - JBS CEO Art Thompson's weekly news video update. (3/11) (18:19) Attorney & Author Jonathan W. Emord tells Alex Jones about the state of the Republic and his battles vs. the FDA. (3/12) (45:20) Sarah Palin: Dems Call White Men & The Tea Party Extremist Terrorists. Video by YouTube User: TheALexJonesChannel. (3/14) (52:25) 2nd Amendment Debate - Kyle Coplen of The Armed Citizen Project on The Young Turks with Cenk Uygur. (3/14) (1:03:43) Sen. Ted Cruz Reacts to Clash With Dianne Feinstein on Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto. (3/15) (1:12:05) As RNC reboots, Reince Priebus reaches out to the Ron Paul liberty movement - Audio excerpts from his Remarks at CPAC and the National Press Club. (3/16,3/18) (1:16:16) NRA President and former ACU Chairman David Keene criticizes disenfranchisement of Ron Paul supporters from GOP, knocks John McCain. Video by YouTube User: bxtidre7. (3/16) (1:22:14) Adam Kokesh VS CPAC 2013 - Video compliments of YouTube User: AdamKokesh. (3/18) (1:24:48) Adam & Ron Paul VS Peter Schiff at CPAC - Video compliments of YouTube User: AdamKokesh. (3/18) (1:31:32) WNOX News Talk 100.3's (Knoxville, TN) Patrick Riggins: Libertarianism... The New "Hip" Thing - Video by YouTube User: ThePatrickRigginsShow. (3/17) (1:43:03) WNOX News Talk 100.3's (Knoxville, TN) Patrick Riggins: Rand Paul at CPAC- Video compliments of YouTube User: ThePatrickRigginsShow. (3/17) (1:53:28) WNOX News Talk 100.3's (Knoxville, TN) Patrick Riggins: Ron Paul and The Defense of Marriage Act - Video by YouTube User: ThePatrickRigginsShow. (3/17) (2

 Politics of Freedom Update - March 16th thru March 22nd | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:08:42

Another week of liberty-related news for all the subscribers out there. Senator Rand Paul is coming off of his first victory in the CPAC straw-poll- showing that he has, in fact, taken over the liberty wing of the Republican Party. This week also marked the 10 year anniversary of the Iraq War, which so many of us supported at one time in our ignorance. The question is, does the average Republican voter recognize the colossal failure of the Bush administration's preemptive regime change policy? Ron Paul's America was scheduled to begin airing on stations across the country this week, though I haven't yet seen or heard any confirmation that the radio minutes have been played anywhere. I will certainly post any info that I come across. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) YAL's Jeff Frazee talks with AM 1440 KMED's (Medford, OR) Bill Meyer about the trashing of those "crazy libertarian kids". (3/8) (7:39) Jeb Bush Seeks Third Bush Presidency - Aaron Dykes reports for (3/12) (9:30) Constant Contradictions: Gov't Says One Thing, Does Another - JBS CEO Art Thompson's weekly news video update. (3/11) (18:19) Attorney & Author Jonathan W. Emord tells Alex Jones about the state of the Republic and his battles vs. the FDA. (3/12) (45:20) Sarah Palin: Dems Call White Men & The Tea Party Extremist Terrorists. Video by YouTube User: TheALexJonesChannel. (3/14) (52:25) 2nd Amendment Debate - Kyle Coplen of The Armed Citizen Project on The Young Turks with Cenk Uygur. (3/14) (1:03:43) Sen. Ted Cruz Reacts to Clash With Dianne Feinstein on Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto. (3/15) (1:12:05) As RNC reboots, Reince Priebus reaches out to the Ron Paul liberty movement - Audio excerpts from his Remarks at CPAC and the National Press Club. (3/16,3/18)

 Dr. Ron Paul on Fox Business’ After the Bell (3/20/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:11

Former Rep. Ron Paul talks with FBN's David Asman about the Federal Reserve policy’s impact on the economy.

 Dr. Ron Paul on Fox Business’ After the Bell (3/20/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:11

Former Rep. Ron Paul talks with FBN's David Asman about the Federal Reserve policy’s impact on the economy.


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