Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast

Summary: Most independent minded Americans realize that Washington DC is corrupt, and is run for the administrative convenience of Wall St. banks and multinational corporations. Republicans and Democrats have let us down time and time again. If the United States are to remain free and democratic, we must save our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't let the corporate media and the special interests tell you how to think! They demonize any restraint on federal authority (like Constitutionalism, states-rights, fully informed juries, and the OathKeepers) as racist, extremist, or seditious! Why? Because they are authoritarians at heart who want to run your life and take your money on behalf of the wealthiest people on earth. Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit

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  • Artist: Ron Paul 2012
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2013 JT Williams. All rights reserved.


 Politics of Freedom Update - May 11th thru May 17th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:11:13

There's certainly no shortage of news to cover, given the recent emergence of the Obamagate scandals. However, it's certainly notable that one of the government's fiercest critics- one Dr. Ron Paul- has received no airtime (that I could find) to voice his opinions on the matter. On the other hand, Senator Paul is one of the primary respondents to media inquiries requiring a Republican reaction- and this isn't likely to change going into 2016. Ron Paul traveled to New York City this past week, to keynote at the 2013 Metals & Minerals Conference. Unfortunately, there's no video of the speech yet- I guess when speakers get paid $50k+ to address a gathering, their reps aren't amenable to allowing amateur video to show up on YouTube. Given that Dr. Paul is in the post-electoral stage of his life, it shouldn't surprise us that broadcast media coverage of his endeavors become harder to find. Therefore, some of the clips are of an overly critical nature, that I wouldn't otherwise post. But this podcast has always been about laying out the coverage, and letting you make up your own minds. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) The Greater Talent Network releases another clip of  their chat with Ron Paul, on his optimistic view on America’s future. (3/19) (1:02) Ron Paul homeschool curriculum. John Wilkerson hosts The Wired Homeschool, member of the Tech Podcast Network. (4/15) (4:35) We Are Change Milwaukee's Mike P. and John K. cover Ron Paul's speech in Chile @ Sovereign Man on The Rundown. (5/3) (9:50) Urgent Message from Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty: No National ID Card! Video compliments of YouTube User: ByrdAwake. (5/5) (14:34) Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) on Aaron Klein Investigative Radio - THIS is why DHS stockpiling bullets! (5/6) (23:42) Charles Goyette takes Alan Butler behind the scenes of the creation of Ron Paul's America. (5/8) (30:37) Anthony Antonello: Hidden National ID Card in Immigration Reform, Ron Paul Tweets. (5/9) (31:56) Surveillance After The Boston Attack: Do More Cameras Fight Terrorism or Violate Our Privacy Rights? Reason TV's Paul Detrick reports. (5/13) (36:01) Ian, Mark and Darryl talk about Rand Paul's pro-drug war, anti-libertarian remarks and The Ron Paul Institute on Free Talk Live. (5/13) (1:21:29)  Scotty Reid hosts

 Texas Straight Talk: What No One Wants to Hear About Benghazi (5/13/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:39

In the latest Texas Straight Talk update, Ron Paul takes the time to ask the difficult questions regarding the incident in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11/2011. Even if all of the most serious allegations against the Obama administration are true, who has the moral authority to call them out? Republican leadership so readily approves of interventions, that noone will ever seriously question the fundamentals of the mission. Moreover, the Democrats surely have scandals of equal or greater malfeasance under Republican administrations in their back pocket. An open and transparent investigation into Benghazi may even incriminate the 'national security' establishment, itself!? I fear the whole rotten lot is also considered too big to fail....

 Texas Straight Talk: What No One Wants to Hear About Benghazi (5/13/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:39

In the latest Texas Straight Talk update, Ron Paul takes the time to ask the difficult questions regarding the incident in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11/2011. Even if all of the most serious allegations against the Obama administration are true, who has the moral authority to call them out? Republican leadership so readily approves of interventions, that noone will ever seriously question the fundamentals of the mission. Moreover, the Democrats surely have scandals of equal or greater malfeasance under Republican administrations in their back pocket. An open and transparent investigation into Benghazi may even incriminate the 'national security' establishment, itself!? I fear the whole rotten lot is also considered too big to fail....

 Rand Paul 2016 Watch - May 6th thru May 12th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:38:31

Rand Paul has certainly traveled around to early primary and caucus states in years past, but his latest trip to Iowa marks perhaps the kickoff of the unofficial 2016 campaign process. Senator Paul may be the first prominent contender to headline a state GOP function in the crucial first in the nation caucus state. And he has other trips already scheduled for New Hampshire and South Carolina in the next four-to-six weeks. This weeks coverage update contains in-depth discussion about the issues, as Sen. Paul engages the Iowa media and meets with potential voters. This file also includes the Senator's remarks at the 2013 Iowa Republican Party Lincoln Dinner- a fertile ground to kickoff his early campaign activities, given the prominence of Ron Paul 2012 campaign activists within the state GOP. In other news, the Senator has again called out Hillary Clinton for her negligence in light of the latest testimony regarding the State Department's failures in Benghazi. The Senator also continues the trend of moving much more towards the supposed center on issues this writer would never had expected. And this rhetoric has not gone unnoticed! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) KET's Bill Goodman and his guests- Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY)- discuss the 113th Congress and issues of the day on Kentucky Tonight. (5/6) (55:18) U. S. Senator Rand Paul speaks with Iowa Public Radio Host Ben Kieffer about his views on immigration reform, drones, and bridging the warring factions within the GOP. Analysis and listener calls follow. (5/8) (1:34:55) Newradio 1040 WHO's (Des Moines, IA) Simon Conway has a conversation with Senator Rand Paul about Benghazi, more. (5/8) (1:54:19) Rand Paul is Lars Larson's odds on favorite for the 2016 Presidential Race, and he shows why in this interview.... Audio archived at SoundCloud. (5/10) (2:06:19) Rand Paul visits Private Home in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Video compliments of YouTube User: Ajai Dittmar. (5/10) (2:15:08) Rand Paul’s news conference in Cedar Rapids; audio archived at Radio Iowa. (5/10) (2:51:10) GOP DINNER: Sen. Rand Paul In Iowa - Sam Hoyle reports for (NBC - Des Moines). (5/10) (2:52:45) Steve Deace is getting fed up with Rand's Act: 'Rand Paul gives an interview in our home state…and Karl Rove’s words come out!' (5/10) (3:10:44) Senator Paul's speech at Iowa GOP Lincoln Day Dinner - Video archive at C-Span. (5/10) (3:35:20) Rand Paul 2016? Republican Raises Profile With Eye On Election. Video coverage at HuffPost Live. (5/10)

 Rand Paul speaks to the Iowa Republican Party in Cedar Rapids, IA (5/10/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:20

I thought I'd re-post this speech in its entirety, since the previous version from last week's Rand Watch had some audio processing problems. Senator Rand Paul was the keynote speaker at the Iowa Republican Party’s Lincoln Dinner at The Hotel at Kirkwood Center in Cedar Rapids.*In his remarks on the investigation into the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on September*11, 2012, he criticized how then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton performed her duties. He also focused on the need for comprehensive immigration reform. Dr. Paul was introduced by the Iowa GOP's chairman David Fischer, a key official in the Iowa Ron Paul 2012 campaign. Video compliments of YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0tC0M.

 Rand Paul speaks to the Iowa Republican Party in Cedar Rapids, IA (5/10/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:20

I thought I'd re-post this speech in its entirety, since the previous version from last week's Rand Watch had some audio processing problems. Senator Rand Paul was the keynote speaker at the Iowa Republican Party’s Lincoln Dinner at The Hotel at Kirkwood Center in Cedar Rapids.*In his remarks on the investigation into the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on September*11, 2012, he criticized how then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton performed her duties. He also focused on the need for comprehensive immigration reform. Dr. Paul was introduced by the Iowa GOP's chairman David Fischer, a key official in the Iowa Ron Paul 2012 campaign. Video compliments of YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0tC0M.

 Politics of Freedom Update - May 5th thru May 10th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:17:41

While Ron Paul has hit a temporary lull in his travel schedule, his former staffers and other colleagues continue to fan out and promote various aspects of the liberty message. When taking into consideration Ron Paul's America, the Campaign for Liberty/Young Americans for Liberty, the establishment of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, the Homeschool curriculum, and all of the Ron Paul inspired pundits, politicians and academics- the message that the former Congressman spent the last 30 years trying to disseminate is now exponentially more widely circulated.  This update is quite a compendium of the many voices who continue to labor for the cause, and will most likely do so many years after Dr. Ron Paul is gone. As a result, both liberals and neocons are back at it trying to smear the doctors name and discredit his distinguished service. Other clips follow the news of the day in voices from the broader liberty movement. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Justin Amash speaks out against The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) on News-Talk 760 WJR (Detroit, MI). Kathy Hoekstra fills-in for Frank Beckman. (4/17) (6:30) Special Guest Senator Rand Paul is asked about a 2016 Presidential Run on Arise America News with Debbye Turner and Christina Brown. (4/23) (19:21) WSVA 550 AM's (Harrisonburg, VA) Jimm Britt chides Blogger Joshua Huffman: "Why in the world you thought Ron Paul could be President?" Video by YouTube User: virginiaconservative. (4/29) (27:36) Ron Paul 2012 Senior Adviser Doug Wead on Creating Wealth with Jason Hartman - Liberty is the Only Path to Prosperity . (5/1) (47:12) Ron Paul Institute Advisor Lawrence Wilkerson on Current TV's The Young Turks: Syria Evidence 'Pretty Flaky.' (5/2) (53:40) Michael Medved back on the attack, this time vs. the Ron Paul Institute with James Kirchick of The Daily Beast. (5/2) (1:24:08) 50 State Laboratories ~ FBN’s economic experts discuss migration within the United States on Stossel. (5/3) (1:35:41) Fox Business' John Stossel talks about Mercatus Center’s Economic Freedom Index with Will Ruger and Veronique de Rugy. (5/3) (1:41:45) The GOP Civil War Over Libertarianism: Matt Welch speaks at Reason

 Politics of Freedom Update - May 5th thru May 10th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:17:41

While Ron Paul has hit a temporary lull in his travel schedule, his former staffers and other colleagues continue to fan out and promote various aspects of the liberty message. When taking into consideration Ron Paul's America, the Campaign for Liberty/Young Americans for Liberty, the establishment of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, the Homeschool curriculum, and all of the Ron Paul inspired pundits, politicians and academics- the message that the former Congressman spent the last 30 years trying to disseminate is now exponentially more widely circulated.  This update is quite a compendium of the many voices who continue to labor for the cause, and will most likely do so many years after Dr. Ron Paul is gone. As a result, both liberals and neocons are back at it trying to smear the doctors name and discredit his distinguished service. Other clips follow the news of the day in voices from the broader liberty movement. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Justin Amash speaks out against The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) on News-Talk 760 WJR (Detroit, MI). Kathy Hoekstra fills-in for Frank Beckman. (4/17) (6:30) Special Guest Senator Rand Paul is asked about a 2016 Presidential Run on Arise America News with Debbye Turner and Christina Brown. (4/23) (19:21) WSVA 550 AM's (Harrisonburg, VA) Jimm Britt chides Blogger Joshua Huffman: "Why in the world you thought Ron Paul could be President?" Video by YouTube User: virginiaconservative. (4/29) (27:36) Ron Paul 2012 Senior Adviser Doug Wead on Creating Wealth with Jason Hartman- Liberty is the Only Path to Prosperity . (5/1) (47:12) Ron Paul Institute Advisor Lawrence Wilkerson on Current TV's The Young Turks: Syria Evidence 'Pretty Flaky.' (5/2) (53:40) Michael Medved back on the attack, this time vs. the Ron Paul Institute with James Kirchick of The Daily Beast. (5/2) (1:24:08) 50 State Laboratories ~ FBN’s economic experts discuss migration within the United States on Stossel. (5/3) (1:35:41) Fox Business' John Stossel talks about Mercatus Center’s Economic Freedom Index with Will Ruger and Veronique de Rugy. (5/3) (1:41:45) The GOP Civil War Over Libertarianism: Matt Welch speaks at Reason Weekend 2013. (5/5) (2:04:24) Tom Woods in Minnesota, talks Nullification, Foreign Policy, Iran, Adam Kokesh Needs Kids! Video by YouTube User: tbmagis. (5/5) (2:18:23) Russians Using 'Bear' Bomber to Test U.S. Military Response - JBS CEO Art Thompson's weekly news update. (5/7) (2:30:10) Kentucky Hemp supporters headed to Washington to plead case for waiver. WDRB 41's (Fox - Louisville, KY) Lawrence Smith reports. (5/6) (2:32:17)

 Ron Paul Joins Open Currency Update with Kurt Wallace (5/9/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:13

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul visited with Kurt Wallace of The American Open Currency Standard. Ron Paul shares his experience in discovering economic freedom and individual liberty. He explains why the Federal Reserves ‘Free Money’ will create more bubbles. Kurt and Dr. Paul discuss the spontaneous redefining of what money is for the individual with new forms of currency such as bitcoin, commodity banking, personal trade and barter with precious metals. Dr. Paul talks about legalizing parallel currencies in the US and why economics is the baseline of his message of Liberty. Dr. Paul also previews his upcoming speech in New York May 13th – 14th.

 Ron Paul Joins Open Currency Update with Kurt Wallace (5/9/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:13

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul visited with Kurt Wallace of The American Open Currency Standard. Ron Paul shares his experience in discovering economic freedom and individual liberty. He explains why the Federal Reserves ‘Free Money’ will create more bubbles. Kurt and Dr. Paul discuss the spontaneous redefining of what money is for the individual with new forms of currency such as bitcoin, commodity banking, personal trade and barter with precious metals. Dr. Paul talks about legalizing parallel currencies in the US and why economics is the baseline of his message of Liberty. Dr. Paul also previews his upcoming speech in New York May 13th – 14th.

 Texas Straight Talk: Federal Reserve Blows More Bubbles (5/6/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:12

In his Texas Straight Talk update for the week of May 6th, Ron Paul marveled at the Federal Reserve's insistence on repeating the same failed programs in hope of different results. Isn't there an old saying about such folly? Yes, the Fed will continue easing in order to prop up the stock market, make federal statistics appear more favorable and try to stave off economic contraction.

 Texas Straight Talk: Federal Reserve Blows More Bubbles (5/6/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:12

In his Texas Straight Talk update for the week of May 6th, Ron Paul marveled at the Federal Reserve's insistence on repeating the same failed programs in hope of different results. Isn't there an old saying about such folly? Yes, the Fed will continue easing in order to prop up the stock market, make federal statistics appear more favorable and try to stave off economic contraction.

 Rand Paul 2016 Watch - April 28th thru May 4th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:05

Sen. Rand Paul had one of his quietest news weeks in the last several months, with most of the coverage being hit pieces linking the Senator to his no compromise stances on civil liberties issues. It seems to me that the Democrats, and the powers that be in general, will eventually orchestrate a scenario wherein the Senator will be forced to side decisively with libertarians or conservatives. No issue can accomplish this like unrest in the middle east that could potentially involve Israel. Dr. Paul's libertarian bona-fides have taken a serious hit with is recent statements regarding drones. If you have been following the coverage, it seems that the liberals have made the Senator enemy #1, social conservatives are becoming increasingly skeptical, and libertarians have no choice but to be cautiously optimistic. I searched far and wide, but the following is all that I found in the way of interviews, speeches, and media coverage. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Rand Paul toasts Henry David Thoreau at the Time 100 Most Influential People in the World Gala. Video archived via Mofo Politics. (4/23) (1:55) HuffPost Live's Alyona Minkovski hosts panel on The Black Republican Dilemma after Rand's African American Outreach. (4/24) (31:52) Rand Paul is AntiDrone and Pro-Drone. Video compliments  of YouTube User: tjwalker.  (4/26) (33:40) Rand Paul coming to South Carolina! SCGOP Chairman Chad Connelly/Sen. Paul announce June 28th fundraiser. (4/29) (34:20) Marie Stroughter of The African American Conservatives Show interviews Rand Paul. (5/1) (52:24) Rand Paul Speech At Missouri GOP Fundraiser in St. Louis. Video compliments of YouTube User: Duane Lester. (5/1) (1:13:23) Senator Rand Paul joins United for Missouri in Fight against Nixon CCW Scandal. (5/3) (1:14:10) AM 680 WRKO's (Boston, MA) Jeff Kuhner talks with Senator Rand Paul about Boston, Benghazi and impeachment. (5/2) (1:26:07) Colbert: Rand Paul’s feelings are the real victims of Newtown. Video posted at The Raw Story. (5/2) (1:31:28) Rand Paul accuses Hillary Clinton of Dereliction of Duty - Coverage by WTRW 94.3 FM's (Carbondale, PA)  David Madeira. (5/3) (1:39:06) Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky Joined America's News Network to discuss Immigration, Benghazi, Senator Kerry, and more.

 Rand Paul 2016 Watch - April 28th thru May 4th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:05

Sen. Rand Paul had one of his quietest news weeks in the last several months, with most of the coverage being hit pieces linking the Senator to his no compromise stances on civil liberties issues. It seems to me that the Democrats, and the powers that be in general, will eventually orchestrate a scenario wherein the Senator will be forced to side decisively with libertarians or conservatives. No issue can accomplish this like unrest in the middle east that could potentially involve Israel. Dr. Paul's libertarian bona-fides have taken a serious hit with is recent statements regarding drones. If you have been following the coverage, it seems that the liberals have made the Senator enemy #1, social conservatives are becoming increasingly skeptical, and libertarians have no choice but to be cautiously optimistic. I searched far and wide, but the following is all that I found in the way of interviews, speeches, and media coverage. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Rand Paul toasts Henry David Thoreau at the Time 100 Most Influential People in the World Gala. Video archived via Mofo Politics. (4/23) (1:55) HuffPost Live's Alyona Minkovski hosts panel on The Black Republican Dilemma after Rand's African American Outreach. (4/24) (31:52) Rand Paul is AntiDrone and Pro-Drone. Video compliments  of YouTube User: tjwalker.  (4/26) (33:40) Rand Paul coming to South Carolina! SCGOP Chairman Chad Connelly/Sen. Paul announce June 28th fundraiser. (4/29) (34:20) Marie Stroughter of The African American Conservatives Show interviews Rand Paul. (5/1) (52:24)

 Politics of Freedom Update - April 27th thru May 4th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:59:33

In his criticism of the police state lockdown in Boston following the bombing there, Dr. Ron Paul pissed off all of the uniform worshipers and advocates of state power last week. As you'll hear in the attached audio file, MSNBC advanced the line that there was no lockdown, there were not heavily armed paramilitary police pointing weapons at people and there were no armored personnel carriers ("tanks") on the scene. Actual investigative reporting from the streets of Boston would prove otherwise (as you'll hear as well). This tragedy has shown that the Democrat Party has no fundamental opposition to living in a police state; at least, not when their guy is in charge. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Ron Paul + Jim Rogers at The Sovereign Man Conference in Santiago, Chile: "They'll use force and they'll use intimidation..." (3/30) (3:09) Rising Libertarian Star Rep. Justin Amash Discusses Reforming Social Security and Immigration with TheBlaze TV's Andrew Wilkow!’ (4/15) (7:35) Republican Party of Iowa Chairman A.J. Spiker speaks at the RNC Spring Meeting - Video by YouTube User: TasteTheLiberty. (4/17) (11:47) Joel Skousen talks with Jeff Rense about Rand Paul's equivocation on drones, cozying up to the establishment? (4/24) *Linked audio requires paid subscription (23:31) Ron Paul endorses Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) - Broun talks about the endorsement, his platform on News Talk 1340 WGAU (Athens, GA). Audio archived at zpolitics. (4/25) (31:21) Rand Paul v. Marco Rubio on Foreign Policy - Chris Preble reports for The Cato Institute. (4/25) (39:30) David Knight and Jakari Jackson talk about Alex Jones' interview w/ Ron Paul. Video compliments of YouTube User: TheLibertydefined. (4/26) (42:59) MSNBC's The Daily Rundown: Former Gov. Mark Sanford (R-SC) gets endorsement from Ron Paul. (4/26) (45:54) Rand Paul on


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