Politics of Freedom Update - May 5th thru May 10th

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: While Ron Paul has hit a temporary lull in his travel schedule, his former staffers and other colleagues continue to fan out and promote various aspects of the liberty message. When taking into consideration Ron Paul's America, the Campaign for Liberty/Young Americans for Liberty, the establishment of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, the Homeschool curriculum, and all of the Ron Paul inspired pundits, politicians and academics- the message that the former Congressman spent the last 30 years trying to disseminate is now exponentially more widely circulated.  This update is quite a compendium of the many voices who continue to labor for the cause, and will most likely do so many years after Dr. Ron Paul is gone. As a result, both liberals and neocons are back at it trying to smear the doctors name and discredit his distinguished service. Other clips follow the news of the day in voices from the broader liberty movement. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: <br> (0:00) Justin Amash speaks out against The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) on <a href="http://www.wjr.com/page.php?page_id=821">News-Talk 760 WJR</a> (Detroit, MI). Kathy Hoekstra fills-in for Frank Beckman. (4/17) <br> (6:30) Special Guest Senator Rand Paul is asked about a 2016 Presidential Run on <a href="http://www.arise.tv/latest/senator-rand-paul-1596">Arise America News</a> with Debbye Turner and Christina Brown. (4/23) <br> (19:21) WSVA 550 AM's (Harrisonburg, VA) Jimm Britt chides Blogger Joshua Huffman: "Why in the world you thought Ron Paul could be President?" Video by YouTube User: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnSnP8BXkS8">virginiaconservative</a>. (4/29) <br> <br> (27:36) Ron Paul 2012 Senior Adviser Doug Wead on Creating Wealth with <a href="http://www.jasonhartman.com/cw-315-doug-wead-liberty-is-the-only-path-to-prosperity-ron-paul-2012-senior-adviser/">Jason Hartman</a>- Liberty is the Only Path to Prosperity . (5/1) <br> <br> (47:12) Ron Paul Institute Advisor Lawrence Wilkerson on <a href="http://current.com/shows/the-young-turks/guests/lawrence-wilkerson">Current TV's</a> The Young Turks: Syria Evidence 'Pretty Flaky.' (5/2) <br> <br> (53:40) <a href="http://www.medvedmedhead.com/category/radio-show/podcast/?feedkey=MTY5MzExMjcyNDE1MzExMDY2">Michael Medved</a> back on the attack, this time vs. the Ron Paul Institute with James Kirchick of The Daily Beast. (5/2) <br> <br> (1:24:08) 50 State Laboratories ~ <a href="http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/2348872463001/the-great-state-migration-continues/?playlist_id=933116642001">FBN’s</a> economic experts discuss migration within the United States on Stossel. (5/3) <br> <br> (1:35:41) <a href="https://ronpaul2012.podbean.com/Author%20Will%20Ruger%20and%20the%20Mercatus%20Center%E2%80%99s%20Veronique%20de%20Rugy">Fox Business'</a> John Stossel talks about Mercatus Center’s Economic Freedom Index with Will Ruger and Veronique de Rugy. (5/3) <br> (1:41:45) The GOP Civil War Over Libertarianism: Matt Welch speaks at <a href="http://reason.com/reasontv/2013/05/08/the-gop-civil-war-over-libertarianism-ma">Reason</a> Weekend 2013. (5/5) <br> (2:04:24) Tom Woods in Minnesota, talks Nullification, Foreign Policy, Iran, Adam Kokesh Needs Kids! Video by YouTube User: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRPfwJ1En8c">tbmagis</a>. (5/5) <br> (2:18:23) Russians Using 'Bear' Bomber to Test U.S. Military Response - <a href="http://www.jbs.org/home/russians-using-bear-bomber-to-test-u-s-military-response">JBS</a> CEO Art Thompson's weekly news update. (5/7) <br> (2:30:10) Kentucky Hemp supporters headed to Washington to plead case for waiver. <a href="http://www.wdrb.com/story/22174209/hemp-supporters-headed-to-washington-to-plead-case-for-waiver">WDRB 41's</a> (Fox - Louisville, KY) Lawrence Smith reports. (5/6) <br> (2:32:17) <a href="http://video.foxnews.com/v"></a>