Halloween News Network show

Halloween News Network

Summary: The Halloween News Network is a series of brief Halloween How-To and Do-It-Yourself projects as well as Halloween tips, advice, safety precautions, and fun facts. We strive to help people do amazing tricks and treats for Halloween while keeping the decorating in the low-cost to no-cost zone. It's kid friendly and designed to be quick and easy. No cumbersome, difficult, or aggressive projects--just a lot of fun!

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  • Artist: LightForm Productions, Inc
  • Copyright: LightForm Productions, Inc.


 Episode 9 - UrbanMyth | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 1:26

In breaking the widespread myth news tonight: We're going to call this story comfort food. Did you know that most of the scares, and stories about Halloween poisoning are mostly myth--urban legend, modern folklore, urban myth? Only a few have ever happened, and we're terrified to report that they were inside cases done by relatives! Thanks to the main stream media--everyone is running scared on Halloween--many don't trick or treat anymore. It's your choice, but I encourage you to check this out at Snopes.com That site is Boorific! Whenever you have a question about a hoax, urban myth, or want to find out if something is hogwash--particularly those creepy emails my friends like to send around that scare me to death...then check it out at SNOPES.COM More people die of food poisoning from reputable restaurants every year than Halloween candy...well..that's not accurate...because typically NO ONE falls victim to poisoned Halloween candy. It's an urban myth. Read all about it here: http://www.snopes.com/horrors/poison/halloween.asp

 Episode 8 - Tulle | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 1:06

Ghoul evening everyone! Use TUL for Halloween...no not t o o l...t u l l e ...it's that white netting used mostly for bridal veils and gowns. It's that whispy white stuff. It typically is reactive to black light....so it's great to use for glowing tricks. Get a bolt of it. Shred it, tear it, rip it. Hang it across windows for curtains, put it in doorways. If it's in the windows or archways....tuck a fan away near-by to make it BLOW in the wind. TULLE--it's not just for weddings anymore!

 Episode 7 - Masking Tape Web | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 1:01

If you're using blacklight, this is an awesome trick. If you aren't, it's still a cool Halloween decoration. Get some cheap masking tape and "spin" a giant web. Most white masking tape is reactive to black light so it will glow. If you're not using blacklight...it's still a super cheap and BIG decoration. Just make the web across windows or archways...wherever people will not be crossing! It's a Halloween mask of a whole different dimension!

 Episode 6 - GroundFault | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 1:28

We can't stress safety enough on Halloween. Most everyone is aware of safety with your trick-or-treaters, but very few take safety precautions with their outside decorating to make sure their visitors are safe. Invest in a few GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTERS! Wherever the main power outlets are that you plug your outdoor decorations into, make sure you place one of these GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTERS at the outlet. It pretty much looks like a plug with a socket in it. This will make sure that if there's any short in any line the power will be cut dead...better that than your guests. The electrical short may be because of water.... may be because a little kid is sticking his finger into a light socket... no matter. The device acts like a circuit breaker and ...uh umm...breaks the circuit. It can easily be reset. More easily than resetting one of your trick or treaters. Practice Safety in your electrical decorations and effects this Halloween!

 Episode 5 - Fake Dirt | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 1:17

We seldom get all oooey gooey here and we leave the food stuff up to the home-maker types...but...we want to mention how to make edible dirt! We've done fake blood...so let's dig into some fake dirt! If you want a base for some cool centerpiece graveyards on the table, or on a cake...or you want to make DIRT CUPS for the kiddies, just get either OREOS or hard chocolate cookies or chocolate graham crackers...and CRUSH THEM...I mean really lay into them..get a roller. smash them! ...Now that's edible dirt. If you do the cup thing...get clear plastic cups and be sure to bury some gummy worms or other assorted treats in there. Better yet...for a great party game....provide 0the kids with the sutff and let them dig their own grave...i mean fill their own party treat cups! It's a dirty trick, but someone's got to do it!

 Episode 4 - Fake Blood | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 1:09

We're pretty sure the Party and holiday shops already hate us because we've blown their cover and have shown people how to do cool Halloween tricks for very low cost. Well...here's another cheap trick. Don't pay an arm and a claw for fake blood at the Halloween shops ....my gord...you'll need to donate blood to pay for that fake stuff! Instead---Just get some black cherry gelatin. Add corn syrup and only a little water for thick blood, and more water for thinner, runnier blood. It's bloody fantastic! And it's edible & non toxic...well..that's if you consider gelatin to be either edible or non-toxic! I'm getting all wiggly inside. If you want to make washable NON-EDIBLE fake blood, then just mix in some dish soap or laundry detergent into the concoction. That's an age-old theater trick!

 Episode 3 - Costumes On Pumpkins | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 0:55

Costumes aren't just for people anymore....they're for pumpkins too! Why not use them as props in your pumpkin decorating? Add an eye patch, an earing, or a witch hat! Also "pimp out" the pumpkin with "bling." We've pretty much seen it all in carvings, so this will give new life to this age-old tradition. And another thing! TRY THIS!---Turn your pumpkin on its side and use the stem for a nose!!!

 Episode 2 - Back-O-Lantern | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 0:51

This Obvious Halloween Trick is missed by almost everyone! Make your pumpkin "two faced" ---- what I mean by that is...if it's going to be against a wall, carve eyes or a design in the back of it as well! This way....it will cast a eery projection BEHIND the pumpkin! It's scarific! So just CUT IT OUT already!

 Episode 1 - Blacklights | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 1:19

One of the coolest Halloween decorations you can do is to use ultraviolet light (also known as BLACK LIGHT) to make fluorescent objects glow. You can buy blacklights at party or Halloween stores....but they'll charge you an arm and a leg...and you're going to need those arms and legs for your own decorations. The least expensive route is to go to a home center buy a shop light for 8 to 9 bucks. Buy one or two 40" black light tubes for 10-12 bucks. One light is enough for a good 8 square feet. You only need to use one of the shop-light sockets. Once you hang your blacklights with bungee cords, get a bunch of fluorescent or neon decorations to hang for your Glowing hallway of Halloween Amazement. You can buy regular props and spray paint them with fluorescent spray paint. I'm just a glow with the possibilities! Visit BooItYourself.com for more tips! Visit BigScreamTV.com for Spooktacular Halloween multimedia products!


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