Preparedness Radio Network (PRN) show

Preparedness Radio Network (PRN)

Summary: Preparedness Radio Network™ (PRN) is the premier Internet source for information related to Prepping, Individual and Family Preparedness, Self-Reliance, Urban, Suburban, and Ex-Urban Homesteading, and Survivalism. Whether you're urbanite, suburnanite, or ex-urbanite, PRN has experienced hosts who inform, advise, enrich, and entertain you as you prepare for the uncertain future! Given the state of the Nation's financial wrangling, economic upheavals, political craziness and moral issues dominating the news, perhaps it just makes sense, as never before, the we be prepared or become better prepared for the uncertain future... We're all survivalists--we need to become more capable of taking better care of ourselves and our community to assure we can endure the certain calamities that are just over the horizon. We're neither doomsdayers nor gloomsdayers, but we can see the writing on the wall! Join us as we provide answers to the questions and you will gain useful and practical solutions for the problems created by the times in which we live!

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  • Artist: Preparedness Radio Network
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 Prepper Patch Radio Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:00

Tony talks with Jay Hedley of Valley Permaculture Alliance. TOPIC: OVERVIEW OF VPA COURSES, TOUR DE COOPS, MESQUITE BEAN MILLING

 Prepper Patch Radio Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:00

Steven Harris is an energy guru, he's an expert on all things energy and he's been the #1 guest speaker on the survival podcast with Jack Spirko and he has an entire family of preparedness websites dedicated to giving you free information on how to help you in a disaster, both with regular preparedness as well as ANYTHING you could think of regarding energy and preparedness.  Steven knows the Phoenix Valley very well because he was here every August for 10 years when he was a research and development engineering for Chrysler Corporation. Steven has been actively involved in preparedness since 1993.

 Snake Blocker Survival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:00

Snake Blocker interviews Carl Weil (Colorado).  Carl Weil is the Director of Wilderness Medicine Outfitters; Master Fellow of Academy of Wilderness Medicine; 2 Honorable discharges from the US Marines; and he teaches programs on Concealed Carry, Archery, Survival & Wilderness First Responder classes.  He has lived off the grid since 1984 and Carl has been teaching survival since 1967.

 Secrets of a Survivalist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:18:00

This week Secrets of a Survivalist radio talks with Mike McCausland of Survival Key. Mike runs several organizations that help with disaster relief all over the world- and is uniquely qualified to talk about survival and prepping for disasters. Learn how weather patterns are changing and superstorms are becoming common place. Find out how water shortages and water pollution are going to be a problem for preppers.  Learn how the wheat virus in Russia is going to create food shortages in the USA. NASA says there is a 1 in 8 chance that a super solar storm (that would take out the electrical grid) will happen this solar cycle, and that there will be a pole shift of the sun in the next 3-4 months. Find out how to take an “all hazards approach” to be prepared for 90% of what could happen. Visit Visit Preparedness Radio Network™

 Doctor Prepper's CPR | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:00

Dian Thomas, guest host, reported from Sanoviv Medical Clinic, located in Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico, was the first medical facility to be certified in Functional Medicine by the Institute of Functional Medicine.  Sanoviv, derived from the Spanish words "healthy living", provides the mind, body and spirit with a toxic-free environment to restore the individual’s health. Sanoviv has created a unique standard of quality, excellence and cleanliness never before seen in medical care. Dian was at the clinic to get a tune-up after tremendous weight loss, as reported in her new book, “Tipping the Scales in Your Favor.” Don’t miss this interview about the integrative medical treatment concept that treats the whole body!

 Secrets of a Survivalist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:32:00

This week our guests are Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy, authors of The Survival Medicine Handbook. Their book is different from other first aid books, in that their book assumes that in a real disaster, there will be no doctors, or hospitals available, and that you will be the caregiver of last resort! Learn how even refrigerated food that smells fine can kill you; how being only 2% dehydrated, can make you ill; how to make a rehydration solution out of your food stores; how pandemics today are more to likely to occur than the Spanish Flu that wiped out 50 million people in 1928; how 80% of antibiotics we are “taking”, come from the food we eat; how a simple cut can kill you in a disaster; how the best medicines are garlic and honey; what are the best medicines and medical supplies to have; and why fish antibiotics are exactly the same, and in the same doses, as human antibiotics! For more great shows, visit Find more great shows from Rick Austin on the PRN Website.

 The Media Prepper Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

Author Summer Lane visits Media Prepper to discuss her young adult/new adult, post-apocalyptic book series. The Collapse series begins with the book State of Emergency and continues with State of Chaos. Being19 years old isn’t easy when the world is crumbling around you. Host Carolyn Evans-Dean tells listeners to take a hike in the Media Prepper Media Moment segment. Summer Lane’s website Follow Summer Lane on Twitter @SummerEllenLane Check out Summer’s Blog  Visit Media Prepper online  

 Armageddon Medicine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:00

Depression and desperation – An inevitable consequence? No job, no food, no future. Sound depressing? What will you do when the grid goes down? Medication may be impossible to find, let alone a doctor to help you. How do doctors treat this problem now, and how can you maintain your sanity in a potentially terrifying future? PhD candidate Derek McKay joins Doc Cindy to share how to avoid the pit of depression. Armageddon Medicine with Doc Cindy teaches you how to be your own doctor when there's no other choice. Drawing from decades of experience as a family physician, Dr. Koelker empowers you to care for your loved ones and yourself under adverse conditions of any sort. Learn life-saving skills and information to help you thrive should the lights go out for 30 hours, 30 days, or 30 years. In addition to her book, Armageddon Medicine and teaching Survival Medicine Workshops across the Country, she also serves as Medical Editor for For more great shows, visit Preparedness Radio Network™.

 Your Preparation Station | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

Why would a Prepper want to connect with FEMA? How about just so those who don't see the need to prepare won't think we're totally out of our mind? Our government says to prepare for Pete's Sake! In this episode of Your Preparation Station Hostess, Donna Miller speaks with Lea Crager from FEMA about how we can use their tools to help those who don't yet see the need. Also get answers to answers to prepper conspiracy theories such as “Does FEMA act like ‘big brother'?” and “Won't I be stuck relying on the government if I take FEMA assistance?” Lea Crager is an external affairs officer with the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Region IV office in Atlanta, which covers eight southeastern states. She joined FEMA in 2012 and following Hurricane Sandy's landfall, she was assigned as a liaison to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's office. Visit Millers Grain House & PREPARE Magazine For more great shows, visit Preparedness Radio Network.

 Shepherd School | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

One of the things I hold most dear is my moral compass, my morals may not line up perfectly with “traditional” morals – and I know they don’t line up with modern “morals” – but as Heinlein said “I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.” This isn’t a political show – nor a talk show that deals in morality – it’s a prepper show – so how in the world does this apply to disaster preparedness? My moral code – creed – or precepts – are guides for action that make me who I am, and since the underlying foundation of who I am determines how I act – it is the reason I work so hard to be self-reliant, self-determining, to take responsibility for myself – why I choose to do things to protect my family instead of going the easy route. My 27 precepts guide me in deciding how best to do those things. My rules are why I spend so much time DIYing, why I choose to bug in rather than bug out, why I have guns, and why I don’t have a LOT of guns. I am interested to know if your principles are similar to mine, or how they differ – I am not looking to change my core beliefs, but I am interested in how and why people think as they do – as it helps me learn and grow as a prepper and a person.  Please feel free to email me and share your thoughts on today’s podcast. As always, you can find me online at

 The Shepherd School | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

In my plan, Bugging Out is not my first choice – It makes great survival fiction, but I would much rather stay with the majority of my preps and keep my survival systems in place rather than try to live an unknown amount of time with only the supplies I can carry or scrounge. However, what I WANT to do, may not be one of the choices on the “Can You Survive” multiple choice test.  Therefore, I feel it is important to be able to bug out if needed. A quick internet search will show you how popular this concept is, and it seems that every internet prepper has coined their own term for the gear associated with bing “on the road”. You have BOBs, GOODs, INCHs, IFAKs, EDC, and line gear – it is enough to make your head spin. In today’s episode, we cover the common acronyms, how they are and are not alike – and once the terms are explained, I share with you several EDC tips I picked up over the years. As always you can find us online at and if you like this podcast – the subject will also be covered in my newest books 52 Prepper Projects – which is available for preorder on Amazon and will be released very soon. Visit Preparedness Radio Network™

 Secrets of a Survivalist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

James Wesley, Rawles author of the famous prepper novel Patriots and editor of talks about the three most likely disasters to face America, relocating to lightly-populated regions, why he writes novels instead of survival manuals, the power grids and what would life be like without them, the highest priority for family preparedness, why it is important to have food storage and a garden for self-sufficiency, what we need to have on hand for family sanitation, what is well-balanced preparedness, whether the threats of EMP and solar flares are exaggerated by the media and what are some the things that are most often overlooked by preppers. And hear about his new book Expatriates- and how it is different from any book he has written before. Listen to Secrets of a Survivalist radio show and hear Jim Rawles tell it all! Visit Preparedness Radio Network™

 Armageddon Medicine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:00

Depression and desperation – An inevitable consequence? No job, no food, no future.  Sound depressing?  What will you do when the grid goes down?  Medication may be impossible to find, let alone a doctor to help you.  How do doctors treat this problem now, and how can you maintain your sanity in a potentially terrifying future?   PhD candidate Derek McKay joins Doc Cindy to share how to avoid the pit of depression. Armageddon Medicine with Doc Cindy teaches you how to be your own doctor when there's no other choice.  Drawing from decades of experience as a family physician, Dr. Koelker empowers you to care for your loved ones and yourself under adverse conditions of any sort.  Learn life-saving skills and information to help you thrive should the lights go out for 30 hours, 30 days, or 30 years.   In addition to her book, Armageddon Medicine and teaching Survival Medicine Workshops across the Country, she also serves as Medical Editor for  For more great shows, visit Preparedness Radio Network™.

 Pet Prep Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:00

“COYOTES AND TIPS FOR FRUGAL PET KEEPING AND TREATS, OH MY” Coyotes are a problem no matter where you live and my place is no exception. Lately I have been hearing the call of what seems like a huge pack of coyotes very near my home and I felt compelled to do another show about them. Coyotes can kill your livestock, cats and dogs and since this issue is literally so close to home for me, I felt like you may be concerned about it for you and your pets too. Join Sheri” The Organic Pet Lady” as she discusses Coyotes in the first half of the show. For FUN and FRUGAL Pet Keeping, the second half of the show is dedicated to recipes for making fly spray, liniment, shampoo and treats for our horses, dogs and cats, as well as some advice when getting our horses ready to ride. Sheri says, “Get Prepared and Stay Prepared”! To connect with Sheri and Pet Prep Radio Show be sure to LIKE us on FACEBOOK, FOLLOW us on TWITTER, and SUBSCRIBE to us on YouTube! Visit Preparedness Radio Network™

 Prepper Patch Radio Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:00

Tony talks with Jay Hedley of Valley Permaculture Alliance. TOPIC:  OVERVIEW OF VPA COURSES, TOUR DE COOPS, MESQUITE BEAN MILLING


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