Sunstone Magazine show

Sunstone Magazine

Summary: The mission of the Sunstone Education Foundation is to sponsor public forums for expression of views on religion, religious culture and Mormonism. Under the motto, "Faith Seeking Understanding," we examine and express the rich spiritual, intellectual, social, and artistic qualities of Utah’s religious culture as well as contemporary life. We encourage honest inquiry and responsible exchange of ideas in a manner respectful of all people and that which they hold sacred. In the SunstoneClassic podcast, we will feature each week a presentation given at a previous Sunstone symposium.

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 The Poverty Of Neurotheology Why Recent Discoveries About The Brain Tell Us Nothing Conclusive About The Interface Between Religious Experience And Psychology | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Studies show that brain stimulation, or manipulation of a participant’s sensory environment, can duplicate certain religious or mystical experiences. Some tout this as evidence that such states are indeed ontologically “real,” just not in any supernatural wayÑmerely the consequence of a “brain hiccup” of sorts. Loosely known as “neurotheology,” this research paradigm is thought to promise a version of physicalism that is sympathetic to claims of religious epiphany, while fitting them into a comfortably materialist niche. But this solution isn’t as neat or successful as it seems. Paul H. Smith

 The Cogs Of Dissonance And Consonance The Levers Of Control In Lds Doctrine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

The policies and doctrines of all groups include tendencies towards psychological manipulation. These persuasion and control techniques function through cognitive dissonance and consonance theory. This talk explores how dogma reinforces itself by boosting cognitive consonance and reducing dissonance. What forms do these “mental gymnastics” take? How do LDS teachings display these forms? This talk is likely to cause cognitive dissonance. Luna Lindsey

 Scared Sacred How The Horrifying Story Of Joseph Smith S Polygamy Can Help Save Us | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Most stories, especially the kind we tell in church and on television, have morals. They’re like horses that carry us to known destinations. But a few stories have the power to launch us toward the divine by invoking sheer horror: psychological, emotional, and cognitive. Joseph Smith’s polygamy is one of those storiesÑespecially for Mormons. But in order to ride this story, which will threaten at any second to buck us into a sand pit of denial or off the cliff of apostasy, we need to dismantle everything we think we know about how we can know anything. Stephen Carter, D. Michael Quinn

 The Mormon Mind Through Art | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

This session will address what it means to be a Mormon artist within a religious art tradition that favors realism. Several Mormon artists working in a range of media will give a brief overview of their work and discuss how their work intersects with their Mormon identity. Jerilyn Hassell Pool, J. Kirk Richards, Nancy Ross

 Woe To The Land Shadowing With Wings William Bickerton The Book Of Mormon And The American Civil War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Since 1845, William Bickerton had watched for the fulfillment of Joseph Smith’s Civil War prophecy. He believed that devastation, unlike anything Americans had ever experienced, would overtake the nation. It was a principal reason for dissociating himself from Sidney Rigdon and Brigham Young and starting his own church. The paper will explain why Bickerton decided to forsake Rigdon and Young, and will show how the Civil War grounded his belief in the Book of Mormon. Daniel Stone

 Lunchtime Presentation 4 Letters 4 Views Of Faith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

The human mind sees everything through four lenses: the WHY (purpose), the WHAT (facts), the HOW (actions), and the WHO (relationships). We sometimes find ourselves struggling with conflicts between these lenses, especially when it comes to religion. This session will provide an overview of how these lenses function in religion and suggestions on how to make them work together more coherently. Russ Osmond

 Lunchtime Presentation 4 Letters 4 Views Of Faith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

The human mind sees everything through four lenses: the WHY (purpose), the WHAT (facts), the HOW (actions), and the WHO (relationships). We sometimes find ourselves struggling with conflicts between these lenses, especially when it comes to religion. This session will provide an overview of how these lenses function in religion and suggestions on how to make them work together more coherently. Russ Osmond

 New Directions By Mormon Women Signature Panel Discussion With Authors Of Fresh Courage Take | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Six of the twelve contributors to the new book Fresh Courage Take address issues faced by modern Mormon and formerly Mormon women. Authors will speak on ideology, language, motherhood, religious orthodoxy, and more, showing that one heart and many minds can still form Zion. Jamie Zvirzdin, Ashley Mae Hoiland,Marcee Monroe Ludlow, Sylvia Lankford, Camille Strate Fairbanks, Rachel Brown

 Mormonism Beyond The Mainstream Practicing Celestial Marriage On Earth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

The prevailing belief among mainstream Mormons seems to be that those who practice polygamy have been brainwashed into doing so by insular communities. But what of those whose journeys led them through the mainstream LDS Church into the practice of polygamy? This panel will address these faithful members who are “doing” Mormonism outside of the confines of the mainstream church. Jennifer Huss Basquiat, Anne Wilde, Kevin Kraut, Christine Mackley, Stan Shepp

 Mere Latter Day Saintism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

It can be argued that there is no well-defined criteria by which a group may or may not rightly be labeled a Latter Day Saint church nor whether an individual should be considered “Mormon.” This paper explores the question, “How (and by whom) should ‘Latter Day Saintism’ be defined?” Jason R. Smith

 Honesty In The Borderlands | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Honesty is central to the Mormon experience. But in the borderlands, the questions get harder: How should we answer temple interview and worthiness questions? What do we tell family, neighbors, friends, and church officials when they ask about our beliefs and feelings? How do we deal with the internal psychological conflicts? This session will explore these important issues and share the experiences of those who have confronted tests of honesty. D. Jeff Burton, Dan Wotherspoon

 A Bible A Bible Interacting With The Book Of Mormon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

How one interacts with the Bible as an artifact says as much about one’s identity as how one interprets the Bible’s concepts. The printed Book of Mormon resembles the Bible, but the story of its production and provenance does not fit the biblical model. This panel will explore the coming forth of the Book of Mormon alongside divine or magical books in extra-biblical traditions including magic, freemasonry, and esoteric traditions in order to consider the re-ritualization of the text as a powerful device for instilling belief and constructing religious identity. Cheryl Bruno, Trevor Luke, Michael Reed, Joe Steve Swick III, Ann Taves

 Four Views Of Joseph Smith Historians Debate The Prophet Puzzle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

“The mystery of Mormonism cannot be solved until we solve the mystery of Joseph Smith,” Jan Shipps wrote. Four decades later, the prophet continues to puzzle. Was he true prophet, sincere visionary, pious fraud, or con man? In a friendly debate, four historians will each advocate a different hypothesis. Opening statements and rebuttals will be followed by Q&A. Don Bradley, Ann Taves, Dan Vogel, Christopher C. Smith

 Mormon Matters Overlooked Similarities Between Mormons And Other Christians | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Instead of focusing on the well-known places where LDS theology diverges from Christianity at large, this presentation offers a broad overview of our common Christian heritage. Every faith community develops its own vocabulary, and that vocabulary is heavily influenced by the culture it emerges from, meaning that it develops what may seem to be contradictions at first glance, but may actually be hinding commonalities. Father Tom Roberts

 Our Two Different Minds Neurobiological Psychological And Spiritual Implications | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

We all have two different minds neurobiologically: One driven by the fearful, judgmental brain amygdala, and the other centered in the wise, reasonable prefrontal cortex (which connects intimately with parts creating compassion). They are different minds because they compete with each other on functional scanning: when one is activated, the other is inhibited. Amygdala overdrive causes health problems (both physical and mental), which improve with spiritual practices that activate the wise prefrontal cortex, creating wellbeing and inhibiting fear and judgmentalism. All this correlates highly with Jesus’ teachings about resilience. Awareness of the differences allows choice of which mind to feed. Lee Smith


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