Learn Portuguese | PortuguesePod101.com show

Learn Portuguese | PortuguesePod101.com

Summary: Learn Portuguese with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at PortuguesePod101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!

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 News #166 - Do You Have These Top 4 Portuguese Learning Fears? We’ll Tell You How To Beat Them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:45

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 Portuguese Vocab Builder #66 - Major Cities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:33

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 Intermediate #8 - Game On in Brazil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:55

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- João: Pronto pra ver um jogão? Ricardo: Jogão? O seu time vai perder de goleada. João: Eita! Não fique tão confiante assim. O jogo nem começou ainda. Ricardo: Mas vai perder sim. Não esqueça que seu time nunca ganhou do meu. João: E como eu vou esquecer? Você não deixa. Ricardo: Você trouxe a cerveja? João: Trouxe. Ricardo: Vou pôr na geladeira. Eu fiz uma carninha na brasa que tá uma delícia. João: Opa, futebol, cerveja e churrasco, tá tudo perfeito! Ricardo: Então fica pra ver o segundo tempo aqui também. João: Não posso, a minha mulher pediu para chegar cedo. Ricardo: Pra que? Hoje é sabado! O que você tem pra fazer hoje que é mais importante que o jogo? João: Íamos ao cinema. Tem um filme romântico que ela quer assistir. ----Formal English---- João: Ready to watch a big game? Ricardo: Big game? Your team is going to get routed. João: What! Don't be so confident. The game hasn't even started. Ricardo: But you're going to lose. Don't forget that your team has never beaten mine. João: How could I forget? You won't let me. Ricardo: Did you bring the beer? João: Yep. Ricardo: I'll put it in the fridge. I barbecued some steak that's just delicious. João: Hey, hey! Soccer, beer, and barbecue. Everything is perfect. Ricardo: Then stay for the second half as well. João: I can't. My wife asked me to come home early. Ricardo: What for? Today is Saturday! What do you have to do today that's more important than the game? João: We were going to go to the movies. There's a romantic film that she wants to watch. --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 Top 400 Activities: Daily Routines in Portuguese #5 - At the Office | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:40

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Eu bati ponto com o meu crachá. Eu sento na minha mesa. Eu defino as prioridades. Me pedem para trabalhar em uma tarefa. Eu crio documentações. Eu participo de uma reunião. Eu arrumo a minha mesa. Eu coloco uma caneta em uma gaveta. Eu respondo um e-mail. Eu tomo notas. Eu encomendo equipamento de escritório. Eu mando um fax. Eu saio para o almoço com os meus colegas. Eu recebo uma ligação. Eu preparo uma apresentação. Eu tiro férias remuneradas. Eu tenho uma ideia nova. Eu tomo notas no papel de rascunho. Eu saio do escritório na hora certa. Eu trabalho uma hora extra. ----Formal English---- I clock in with my ID card. I sit at my desk. I set priorities. I am asked to work on a task. I create documentation. I attend a meeting. I tidy up my desk. I put a pen in a drawer. I answer an e-mail. I take notes. I order office equipment. I send a fax. I go for lunch with my colleagues. I receive a phone call. I prepare a presentation. I take a paid vacation. I get a new idea. I take notes on scratch paper. I leave the office on time. I work one hour overtime. --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 3-Minute Portuguese #8 - Talking About Your Age | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:56

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Quantos anos você tem? Quantos anos o senhor tem? Eu tenho dezessete. Eu prefiro não falar. ----Formal English---- How old are you? (informal) How old are you? (formal) I am 17. I prefer not to say. --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 Portuguese Vocab Builder #65 - Hobbies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:39

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 Brazilian Portuguese Words of the Week with Jade for Beginners #1 - The Weather | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:04

In this Beginner lesson, you'll learn Portuguese words about the weather. Visit us at PortuguesePod101.com, where you will find Portuguese lesson notes and many more fantastic lessons and learning resources. Leave us a message while you are here!Learn Brazilian Portuguese with PortuguesePod101.com! How would you react if someone put you on the spot with a Portuguese question? That's exactly what happens to Jade in this series...but it's for a good cause:  to help you learn Portuguese! In each lesson of this fun and lighthearted video series, you'll learn five Brazilian Portuguese words and phrases, plus sample sentences. Join us for Brazilian Portuguese Words of the Week with Jade for Beginners at PortuguesePod101.com!

 Top 400 Activities: Daily Routines in Portuguese #4 - Housework | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:33

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Eu limpo a janela. Eu aspiro o tapete. Eu limpo o forno. Eu tiro a poeira das prateleiras. Eu pago as contas. Eu rego as plantas. Eu lavo a roupa suja. Eu uso amaciante de roupas. Eu lavo a louça. Eu troco uma lâmpada. Eu peço para as crianças terminarem a lição de casa. Eu faço o almoço. Eu compro comida. Eu monto uma estante de livros nova. Eu reorganizo os móveis. Eu pinto as paredes. Eu arrumo uma cadeira quebrada. Eu lavo o carro da família. Eu visito os meus pais. Eu fiquei o dia todo com preguiça. ----Formal English---- I wipe the window. I vacuum the carpet. I clean the oven. I dust the shelves. I pay the bills. I water the plants. I do laundry. I use fabric softener. I wash the dishes. I change a lightbulb. I ask the kids to finish their homework. I make lunch. I buy groceries. I assemble a new bookshelf. I rearrange the furniture. I paint the walls. I fix a broken chair. I wash the family car. I visit my parents. I spend day being lazy. --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 News #165 - New! How to Immerse Yourself in Portuguese All Day with Autoplay | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:52

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 Portuguese Vocab Builder #64 - The Baseball Words You’ll Need For The World Series | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 Brazilian Portuguese Words of the Week with Jade for Beginners #2 - At the Office | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 1:57

In this Beginner lesson, you'll learn Portuguese words about the office. Visit us at PortuguesePod101.com, where you will find Portuguese lesson notes and many more fantastic lessons and learning resources. Leave us a message while you are here!Learn Brazilian Portuguese with PortuguesePod101.com! How would you react if someone put you on the spot with a Portuguese question? That's exactly what happens to Jade in this series...but it's for a good cause:  to help you learn Portuguese! In each lesson of this fun and lighthearted video series, you'll learn five Brazilian Portuguese words and phrases, plus sample sentences. Join us for Brazilian Portuguese Words of the Week with Jade for Beginners at PortuguesePod101.com!

 Top 400 Activities: Daily Routines in Portuguese #3 - Computers and Computing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:58

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Eu ligo o meu computador. Eu leio anotações no meu tablet. Eu vejo o meu e-mail. Eu instalo um software novo. Eu compacto arquivos em um único arquivo zip. Eu baixo um arquivo. Eu imprimo um documento. Eu faço upload de um vídeo no YouTube. Eu respondo um comentário. Eu saio do programa. Eu reinicio o computador. Eu navego na Internet. Eu marco um site nos favoritos. Eu adiciono uma imagem como anexo em um e-mail. Eu ativo o firewall. Eu uso uma conta de e-mail grátis. Eu vejo a pasta de spam. Eu uso dois navegadores diferentes. Eu fecho todas as janelas. Eu desligo o computador. ----Formal English---- I turn on my computer. I read notes on my tablet. I check my e-mail. I install new software. I compress files into a single zip file. I download a file. I print out a document. I upload a video to YouTube. I reply to a comment. I quit the program. I restart the computer. I browse the Internet. I bookmark a website. I add an image as an attachment to an email. I turn on the firewall. I use a free email account. I check the spam folder. I use two different web browsers. I close all windows. I shut down the computer. --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 3-Minute Portuguese #7 - Do You Speak English? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:01

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Você fala inglês? O senhor fala inglês? Eu falo sim. Eu não falo, não. ----Formal English---- Do you speak English? (informal) Do you speak English? Yes, I speak. No, I don't speak. --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 Portuguese Vocab Builder #63 - Body Functions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:45

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!

 Upper Beginner #6 - An Eventful Christmas in Brazil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:18

Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Formal ---- Rosana: Como foi o seu Natal? Marcelo: Foi bom, eu passei em Curitiba. Rosana: Nossa, Que legal! Marcelo: Foi ótimo! Eu fui no teatro do HSBC e assisti o coral das crianças cantando músicas de Natal. Rosana: que bonitinho! Marcelo: aí, Eu estive no museu de arame e um homem começou a passar mal. Logo logo, a ambulância chegou e o levou ao hospital. Rosana: que medo. Mas isso não acabou com sua viagem? Marcelo: nada! Achei o máximo que chegaram tão rápido e cuidaram tão bem dele. Todo mundo foi muito educado e muito trabalhador. Rosana: Poxa, Eu sempre sonhei em conhecer Curitiba. Falam que é uma das cidades mais organizadas do Brasil. ----Formal English---- Rosana: How was your Christmas? Marcelo: It was good, I spent it in Curitiba. Rosana: Wow, that's cool! Marcelo: It was great! I went to the HSBC theater and watched the Children's Chorus sing Christmas music. Rosana: That's so cute. Marcelo: Then, I was at the Wire Museum and a man became very ill. The ambulance arrived very quickly and took him to the hospital. Rosana: That's scary. But didn't that ruin your trip? Marcelo: No way! I thought it was awesome how they arrived so fast and took such good care of him. Everyone was so polite and hard working. Rosana: Shoot, I always dreamt of going to Curitiba. They say it's one of the most organized cities in Brazil. --------------------------- Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101! Don't forget to stop by PortuguesePod101.com for more great Portuguese Language Learning Resources!


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