Learn German for free with German-Podcast.de show

Learn German for free with German-Podcast.de

Summary: Welcome to German-Podcast.de. This Podcast will teach you German. It is free and you can listen to the Podcast at anytime you want. PDF transcripts containing the new words are provided.


 057 - Learn to Speak German - Stephan macht einen Salat (Video) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Hallo liebe Freunde, im Rahmen unserer Lebensmittel-Serie zeige ich euch heute mal in einem kleinen Video, wie ich einen Salat mache. Dabei tauchen viele der Vokabeln der letzten Episode wieder auf. Vorsicht, die Datei ist 38MB gross. Viel Spass und ... ... Film ab, StephanUse this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com

 056 - Learn to Speak German - Lebensmittel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's lesson we will learn the names of some “Lebensmittel” taken from my kitchen. We start of course with Käse (cheese). Emmentaler is probably the most famous Swiss cheese. There is actually an area called “Emmental” which is very lovely. Looks kind of like the green hills I always imagined the hobbits from Lord of the Rings live in .-) Remember that there is a PDF containing the transcript and pictures of this lessen. Euch ein schönes neues Jahr, viel Erfolg und natürlich viel Spass beim Deutsch lernen :-) Lucerne, 02.01.2008 Stephan WiesnerUse this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com

 055 - Learn to Speak German - Sich Vorstellen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's lesson we will talk about different ways to introduce oneself. Different names, jobs and hometowns provide a good opportunity to learn some new words.Furthermore a big Dankeschön an D'Arcy for the large donation via PayPal. If you want to support me, just follow this link, enter the amount of money you want to donate and send it off .-) Luzern, 29.12.2007 Stephan WiesnerUse this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com

 056 - Learn to Speak German - Lebensmittel (PDF) | File Type: application/pdf | Duration: Unknown

Currently www.archive.org where I host my audio files does not allow to upload (and not all downloads work) any files. Hope they will fix it despite the new year weekend. Please come back and try again later .-( Anyway, here is the PDF for the current German lesson, containing vocabulary and additional information about food. And here is an interesting page: You can download sample tests for German language certification. Why not try one of those and see how fit you already are? http://www.telc.net Lucerne, 30.12.2007 Stephan Wiesner stephan@german-podcast.deUse this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com

 055 - Learn to Speak German - Sich Vorstellen (PDF) | File Type: application/pdf | Duration: Unknown

Here is the PDF file for the current learn German lesson, containing the transcript, vocabulary and extras.Use this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com

 054 - Learn to Speak German - Vocabulary Drill | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This is a German vocabulary drill unit. We will repeat the vocabulary of the last few sessions. For this, I will say the English word, give you time to speak the German translation and then I will give the correct answer, giving you time to repeat it once more. Feel free to listen repeatedly to this lesson to "drill" the words. Todays pictures shows my brother Michael in the garden of my parents. He is playing with a remote controled airplane, one of his Christmas presents. Give us men a toy that moves and makes noise and we turn back into children at once .-) gesund = healthy der Zauberer = wizard der Furz = fart der Arzt/die Ärztin = doctor die Krankenschwester = nurse die Sprechstundenhilfe = receptionist das Wartezimmer = waiting room die Zeitschrift = magazine die Krankheit = illness die Grippe = flu die Erkältung = common cold der Schnupfen = common cold der Husten = cough das Halsweh = sore throat die Halsschmerzen = sore throat untersuchen = to examine ausziehen = to undress der Kürbis = pumpkin das Grossraumbüro = open-plan office, cube farm das Papier = paper der Schreibtisch = desk der Computer = computer die Tastatur = keyboard der Monitor = screen die Maus = mouse der Bleistift = pencil die Sitzung = meeting das Telefon = telephone der Schrank = locker der Stuhl = chair fluchen = to swear die Rolltreppe = moving stairs der Fahrstuhl = elevator Luzern, 26.12.2007 Stephan WiesnerUse this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com

 Learn to Speak German - 052 - Der Zauberlehrling by Goethe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

You really need to know about Goethe if you plan to come to Germany and not appear to be an uneducated person. So I will read on of his most famous poems "Der Zauberlehrling" for you. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, geadelt 1782 (* 28. August 1749 in Frankfurt am Main; † 22. März 1832 in Weimar; auch Göthe), ist als Dichter, Dramatiker, Theaterleiter, Naturwissenschaftler, Kunsttheoretiker und Staatsmann der bekannteste Vertreter der Weimarer Klassik. Sein Werk umfasst Gedichte, Dramen und Prosa-Literatur, aber auch naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Er gilt als bedeutendster deutscher Dichter und ist eine herausragende Persönlichkeit der Weltliteratur. [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe] As a kid we had to learn some of his poems (Der Zauberlehrling und der Erlkönig) by heart and read "Die Leiden des jungen Werthers". As a kid we hated him for that. As a grown up I came to really like some of his poems, especially "Der Schatzgräber". The Zauberlehrling is about the apprentice of a wizard. His master went away and now he wants to do some magic (seine Worte merkt ich und den Brauch...). It works (seht er läuft zum Wasser...) at the beginning. Then he realizes that he forgot how to end the spell (ach ich merk es, wehe wehe, hab ich doch das Wort vergessen...). Finally he begs his master to return and end the spell, which he does (in die Ecke Besen...) Luzern, 16.12.2007 Stephan WiesnerUse this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com

 Learn to Speak German - Lesson 053 - Martin Luther | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Allen from Wisconsin asked me about a catholic version of the bible. Though I do not know about that his mail got me thinking about Luther. Luthers translation of the bible into German lead to one German "Hochdeutsch" from the many dialects. Maybe I should tell that to some of my Swiss friends, who still talk in dialect .-) Here is one famous quote from that time: "Wenn das Geld im Kasten klingt, die Seele aus dem Fegefeuer springt. " It means that on could by letters of absolution. Those made the church rich and Luther mad, so he started his famous "95 Thesen". I am not going into religious details about Luthers work, but will concentrate on his translation work here. Luther translated the new testament during his time on the Wartburg 1521-22 and later the old testament. By 1525 a third of those Germans that could read owned a copy of his bible. He used the "Ostmitteldeutsch" of his hometown. This became what is now known as "Hochdeutsch". Luther is famous for his "volksnahe Sprache" and "vulgäre Ausdrücke" like: "Aus einem glücklichen Arsch kommt ein fröhlicher Furz." "Ein Rausch ist zu ertragen, die Trunkenheit aber nicht." "Anstrengungen machen gesund und stark." Use this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com

 Learn to Speak German - Lesson 051 - der Advent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Advent, Advent, ein Lichtlein brennt. Erst eins, dann zwei, dann drei, dann vier - dann steht das Christkind vor der Tür. [Kinder Reim] Es ist Adventszeit, Advent season, a good time to spend with your family, to look back to the things that happened during the year and ahead into the next one. This is especially true for me, as I am looking for a new job again. Things really did not work out with the team and the job was not what I expected and, ja, a lot of reasons. Anyway, Test Managers are asked at the moment, so it should be possible to find something. Ursprünglich entsprach der Begriff Advent dem griechischen Begriff epiphaneia (Erscheinung, siehe Epiphanias) und bedeutet die Ankunft, Anwesenheit, Besuch eines Amtsträgers, insbesondere die Ankunft von Königen oder Kaisern. Es konnte aber auch die Ankunft der Gottheit im Tempel ausdrücken. Dieses Wort übernahmen nun die Christen, um ihre Beziehung zu Jesus Christus, dem Sohn Gottes auszusagen. Die Adventszeit war ursprünglich eine Fastenzeit, die die Alte Kirche auf die Tage zwischen dem 11. November und dem ursprünglichen Weihnachtstermin, dem Erscheinungsfest am 6. Januar festlegte. Diese acht Wochen ergeben abzüglich der fastenfreien Sonn- und Samstage insgesamt vierzig Tage. Die Adventszeit geht zurück auf das 7. Jahrhundert. In der römischen Kirche des Westens gab es zunächst zwischen 4 und 6 Adventssonntage, bis Papst Gregor der Große vier Adventssonntage festlegte; die rechtsverbindliche Regelung erfolgte erst 1570 durch Papst Pius V. Im ambrosianischen Ritus hat sich die sechswöchige Adventszeit bis heute gehalten. [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advent] der Adventskranz = Advent wreathUse this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com

 Learn to Speak German - Lesson 049 - In the Office | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Geschichten und Vokabeln rund aus dem Leben im Grossraumbüro sind heute an der Reihe... der Kürbis = pumpkin das Grossraumbüro = open-plan office, cube farm das Papier = paper der Schreibtisch = desk der Computer = computer die Tastatur = keyboard der Monitor = screen die Maus = mouse der Bleistift = pencil die Sitzung = meeting das Telefon = telephone der Schrank = locker der Stuhl = chair fluchen = to swear die Rolltreppe = moving stairs der Fahrstuhl = elevator Lucerne, 11.11.2007 Stephan Wiesner stephan@german-podcast.deUse this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com

 Learn to Speak German - Lesson 048 -Jahreszeiten | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Autumn is about to end. The trees start to seriously drop their leaves and sad and gray November is approaching. Today we will therefore sit down with a cup of tea and some Spekulatius cakes (my favorite) and talk about seasons. Here you see Luzern as we see it at the moment... die Jahreszeit - season der Frühling - spring der Sommer - summer der Herbst - autumn der Winter - winter der Schnee - snow die Blätter - leaves die Sonne - sun der Regen - rain der Sturm - storm die Schneekanone - snowgun This picture is taken from half way up mount Pilatus, looking towards the mountain called die Rigi.Use this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com

 Learn to Speak German - Lesson 047 - Sardinien und neu in Zürich | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hallo Freunde, da bin ich jetzt also vom Strand in Sardinien direkt ins Büro der Credit Suisse. Kravatte statt Badelatschen. What a difference! Heute erzähle ich also ein wenig, wie es mir die letzten Wochen ergangen ist, von Klettern in Finale Ligure, Highlights des Kletterns auf Sardinien, was für eine komische Team Zusammensetzung ich habe und warum ich mal wieder im Hotel "wohne". Gespickt mit ein paar Vokabeln, versteht sich... der Strand - beach die Fähre - ferry das Klettern - climbing das Eis - ice cream die Nuss - nut die Ferienwohnung - holiday flat kochen - to cook der Stein - stone trocken - dry die Strassenbahn (die Tram) - tram die kündigungsfrist - notice period rennen - to run das Training - training Müsliriegel -? (e.g. power bar) I let my other canon camera drop from about 10m, by the way, so it really was a very expensive holiday. On the first day, no less... Unsere Unterkunft in Finale. Hey, es sieht schlimmer aus als es ist, äh, well, at least it was quiet out there... Ich liebe solche Kletterrouten: 6a+, überhängend, grosse Griffe, 25m lang. Was will ich mehr? .-)4 people and 8 back packs really make this room crowded... Der Strand von Cala Luna ist angeblich einer der schönsten in Europa... Lucerne, 14.10.2007 Stephan Wiesner stephan@german-podcast.deUse this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com

 Learn to Speak German - Lesson 046 - France: Gorge de la Jonte | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Gorge de la Jonte is a canyon in the south of France (Le Midi). The Jonte itself is a 38km long river. I have been on holiday there last week, climbing of course, and it really is a fantastic landscape. You can find out more here: http://www.pecheaveyron.com/aveyron_sud/jonte.php (en francais). There are several small and very beautiful villages close to the river, adding to the atmosphere. Everything looks surprisingly clean and freshly renovated. You can go hiking, biking, climbing, rafting there, enjoy the local wine and the baguettes. The picture shows me still laughing. That was before we climbed the pillar behind me. During that climb I did not laugh at all, as we say "mir ist das Lachen vergangen" .-) I booked the trip with Höhenfieber and the chose fantastic accommodations. We slept in a renovated house in the ruins of an castle from around the year 1000. Up on a hill the next house was more than a km away. Perfect to relax and enjoy the sunsets. Use this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com

 Learn to Speak German - Lesson 045 - Transalp | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Last week I rode my MTB across the Alps: Transalp. With 10 other "Biker" on a trip organized by http://www.dav-summit-club.de/. We started at the Bodensee in the north of Switzerland and rode across the San Bernardino pass to Locarno. 6 days of "biken" with a typical "Höhenprofil" looking like this: Each night we slept in a different hotel in a different town (Appenzell, Chur, San Bernardino, etc.). The picture shows us standing above the Rhein, looking down at Lichtenstein and Vaduz. For me this was the first time that I did such an activity with Germans, so I will tell you a little about cultural differences that became obvious... The bad news is that I dropped my new Canon 400D into a canyon, destroying it and my most expensive lens .-( Good that I still have my Sony R1, a great camera with which I took many of my best fotos. Still, the Canon will have to be replaced when I find my new job and get my first salary... Lucerne, 26.08.2007 Stephan WiesnerUse this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com

 Learn to Speak German - Lesson 044 - The Book and about finding a Job | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We have two topics today: 1) I finished the book. That is, the PDF version. It takes several weeks to get an ISBN and to publish the printed version. 2) You will learn something about finding a job in Switzerland. The book can be bought and read/printed at LuLu. Later it will be available at Amazon as well. A preview is available and there is a homepage for the series. You know that I am not a native English speaker, but I hope that there are not too many mistakes in it. The German parts should be correct; I have made a teacher proof read it :-) If you are looking for a job in Switzerland, you might want to take a look at Monster. I usually find my jobs with head hunters, though. I am lucky because I work in software development and there are so many jobs available in this area at the moment. We have full employment here in Switzerland, so there are many opportunities, especially in IT and health care.Use this free podcast to learn to speak German. http://german-podcast.blogspot.com


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