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 Transform the Pain of the Past into the Life of your Dreams! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

According to Annabel’s guest today, the bumps and bruises of life are stuck in your cellular memory, preventing you from creating the life you dream of. Join Annabel and Sue Yelvington to learn the mistakes that people make that keep them drained, discouraged and dreading the next day.  More importantly, you'll learn skills to correct those mistakes and get yourself back on track.  You'll also learn the top 3 Dream Destroyers that suck the life out of your confidence and your ability to step forward into the life of your dreams. Sue Yelvington is a Reiki Master, EFT Practitioner, Silva Graduate, Journey Practitioner (practicing the release of cellular memory and limiting beliefs), Certified Coach, and  Ordained Minister.  She also practices a blend of energetic techniques designed to quickly clear the 'static' in your energetic field. She’s a recovering adult child of  alcoholic parents.  She’s been the second wife, the stepmom, and the ex-wife.  She’s also been a single mom raising 4 kids. Sue is passionate about helping her clients achieve the life of their dreams as quickly and painlessly as possible. www.sueyelvington.com Annabel Fisher specialises in working with highly sensitive people who want to move out of simply functioning in life, and transition into feeling safe enough to be authentic in life - living to their fullest, healthiest potential. Besides working privately with clients, she is also an accredited EFT and Matrix Reimprinting trainer. To learn more about EFT sessions with Annabel or about taking your EFT knowledge and experience to the next level via her EFT and Matrix Reimprinting workshops, visit www.TheEFTHealingCentre.com.

 Molecules of Humor with Candace Pert PhD and Craig Weiner DC | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

Join Transformational Dialogue radio host Craig Weiner, DC as he interviews Dr. Candace Pert in this fascinating exploration of her groundbreaking work in straddling the fields of science and emotions. She is internationally recognized pharmacologist who has published over 250 scientific articles, is the author of the book Molecules of Emotion: The Scientific Basis Behind Mind-Body Medicine (Scribner, 1997), appeared in the feature film What the Bleep Do We Know!?? and Bill Moyer’s TV program Healing and the Mind. She is a forerunner in the field of Mind-Body Medicine and PsychoNeuroImmunology and has served as Chief of the Section on Brain Biochemistry of the Clinical Neuroscience Branch of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and other key positions. Currently she is working in a private company developing an AIDS vaccine in addition to treatments for other diseases. More information on Dr Pert can be found at www.candacepert.com and more about these dialogues at www.efttappingtraining.com

 A Garden of Women Grows In Pakistan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

TapFest welcomes back EFT Master Rehana Webster, to update us on her ongoing work with the women of Pakistan. Labelled 'kari' for allegedly having extra-marital relationships, the acid-scarred women are dependent upon the kindness of this shelter in Sukkur, Sindh, and alloted less than 1/3rd the cost of a cup of tea per day to survive.  Rehana has worked with them on several levels, and now includes their gardening for sustenance project in the mix.  Those of you who know Rehana understand this  'gardening' is on many levels; join us to hear more about the way grace grows, amongst the forgotten, disfigured and dismissed in our world. EFT Master Rehana Webster teaches TBT, Trauma Busting Technique (TBT) , in global settings as well as DownUnder, for reducing or eliminating Trauma and PTSD.  A potent combination of NLP and EFT (which incorporates some specific NLP techniques), Rehana now shares the essence of this with TapFest, as well as her latest adventures in applying EFT to world problems on a global stage. TapFest host Jondi Whitis is a certified EFT Trainer for mastery in the US, and  specializes in community trauma relief focus. You can join her for a session, class, or on her mission to tell the world the transforming power of EFT.  Contact her here: Jondi@TapFest.com or Jondi@eft4Results.com

 What?? There's A Soul Purpose To My Discomfort? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Do you struggle with feeling confident? Do you walk into groups, feel exposed, fear ridicule and doubt your ability to cope?  If so, there is a reason! Today we'll explore this truth! In the 6th month of Cathryn's Free 8-month, on-class class, called EFT For Your Soul, Experience trading self-consciousness for self-confidence Discover the Soul Purpose of your Discomfort Find out how to feel safe enough to believe in your ability to cope. Learn to manage your life non-addictively and participate in groups with integrity and ease!   Follow this class on Cathryn's next blog talk show, Edge EFT Happy Half Hour scheduled for the 3rd Monday of the month, and in two weeks, join her right back here for her Tapping Solution Clinic when you can "bundle" your discomfort and tap your way  back to confidence and trust.. Call 612-710-7720 for FREE 15 minute Assessment - for more information on Cathryn or her FREE Class go to eftforyourinnerchild.com        

 Healing Your Gut, the Key to Optimal Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:00

85% of your immune system is in your gut, and healing your gut is foundational to any health program whether it is psychological in nature or physiological in nature.Hippocrates, the father of medicine knew this all the way back in 460BC.  He stated that “All disease begins in the gut” and “Let food be thy medicine”.In today's show, Annabel and her guest, Sharon Brown, will be discussing the topic of one’s gut, and how it relates to your immune system, emotions and true health.Sharon Brown is a Nutritional Therapist, a Clinical Nutritionist and a Certified GAPS Practitioner.  Sharon also holds her Bachelors of Science degree from the University Of Riverside California. Sharon works with individuals all across the United States and in Canada in the area of Nutritional Therapy and health restoration. Learn more about Sharon at her website:  http://restorationhealthandwellness.com/Annabel Fisher specialises in working with highly sensitive people who want to move out of simply functioning in life, and transition into feeling safe enough to be authentic in life - living to their fullest, healthiest potential.Besides working privately with clients, she is also an accredited EFT and Matrix Reimprinting trainer. To learn more about EFT sessions with Annabel or about taking your EFT knowledge and experience to the next level via her EFT and Matrix Reimprinting workshops, visit www.TheEFTHealingCentre.com.

 Meridians Are For More Than Just Needles with Norm Shealy MD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:00

Transformational Dialogue host, Dr. Craig Weiner explores with Dr. Norman Shealy, methods and techniques for affecting the energetic and other systems of the body through the stimulation of meridians in ways that you may not be aware are possible. This show and past interviews can be found at www.EFTtappingtraining.com    C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. is President of Holos Institutes of Health, Inc, a 501-C-3 organization, focusing on holistic research, education and education. He was founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association in 1978.  He was founding President of Holos University Graduate Seminary and is now Professor Emeritus of Energy Medicine. He has 12 patents in the field of Energy Medicine, has published 28 books and over 300 articles. Dr. Shealy began using acupuncture in 1966 and added electrical stimulation of the needles. More information on Dr Shealy, his work and products are available at www.normshealy.com, as is his free weekly enewsletter. For 23 years he had had  a free call-in radio show on KWTO 560 AM, www.Newstalk560.com  Thursday at 2 PM Central time.  His next book FROM  BIRTH TO BLISS will be out in the fall.

 Resolve Soul Purpose of Rejection, Judgment, Procrastination | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Tired of never getting things done, avoiding crowds for fear of judgment and rejection, and fighting terror every time you have to speak in front of a crowd? Join Cathryn Taylor, author of the Inner Child Workbook, and licensed counselor, for the third of three broadcasts - each dedicated to your healing the wounds of your soul... It is time to resolve the purpose of your pain, to pull that thread so your soul can guide you home. This 8-month on-line class is being offered free through Cathryn's Blog Talk Radio Broadcasts! Missed the previous broadcasts and want to catch up? Go to: http://eftforyourinnerchild.com/blog-talk-radio-shows/ Call today for Cathryn's FREE 15-minute Assessment! 612.710.7720!

 Ozone: The Revolution In Dentistry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:34:00

Did you know that compared to the non-invasive treatment that is now possible, most of today’s dentistry is barbarically invasive and has changed little since the 1800’s? Dr. Julian Holmes will share how the use of ozone in dentistry has completely revolutionized the need for “drill, fill and bill” dentistry. He will explain the benefits of what he calls minimally invasive or micro dentistry and how we can actually heal teeth with the purifying effects of ozone, and re-mineralize them. Join Paula today, the author of Heal Yourself With Oxygen, as she joins world renowned expert, Dr. Julian Holmes, author of Ozone: Revolution In Dentistry, and president of IAOHD, as they explore a number of issues including the dangers of amalgam fillings and root canals, how fluoride mottles the teeth, and how current dental practices actually contribute to a number of serious medical problems such as breast cancer, kidney problems and other degenerative disease.  To help change your entire view of dentistry, Paula and Julian will include an EFT protocol, to clear some of your old dental programs and actually help you reframe your attitude toward dental health from one of crisis intervention, to that of prevention. HOST:  Paula Horan Ph.D. (Laxmi Dechen Wangmo), is an American psychologist who lives in Asia. A Reiki Master for more than twenty five years and an author of eight books on meditation, alternative health, and non-dual awareness. Her new book Fierce Innocence, which conveys the wisdom of her Jnana Yoga retreats in fostering a radiant self-confidence, is now available at amazon.com/author/paulahoran.  Also look for the new edition of her book Heal Yourself With Oxygen, due out in November 2013.  

 Bruce Lipton and the "Honeymoon Effect" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:27:00

Dr. Bruce Lipton is awesome, brilliant and happens to be host, Lindsay Kenny's favorite non-fiction author. His work is not only facsinating, but cutting-edge and essential to those committed to improving the quality of their lives.  His newest book "The Honeymoon Effect" is exceptional in highlighting Dr. Lipton's passion for life, love and the future of our planet. Listen and take notes as the always-enthusiastic "Bruce" tells us how to create that blissful "falling-in-love-feeling' permanently. Discover the science behind Limiting Beliefs and why "Noble Gases" (really?) are important for chemistry. And perhaps most importantly, learn how loving ourselves can be first step in literally saving our species. Also, we invite you to listen to our discussion about Bruce Lipton and this interview, with Dr. Pat Carrington and Lindsay Kenny. It's with their "I Can Attract.com" members. Find that recording as well as the one from this show at http://www.ProEFT.com/media.html Find The Honeymoon Effect on Amazon.com at http://tinyurl.com/TheHoneymoonEffect  Then find additional material about this fabulous book on Bruces's site at http://www.BruceLipton.com Five stars!

 Applaud Yourself! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:00

How often do you celebrate your small wins and successes? Do you acknowledge the progress you’re making toward your goals on a daily basis? Do you even notice you’re making progress toward your goals?   I’ll bet you don’t!   I’m willing to bet that you just focus on what hasn’t happened yet or what you still have to get done that isn’t done or that you haven’t reached your goal yet.   In this episode, we'll talk about how not celebrating your small wins can slow down your progress toward accomplishing your goals and the one easy thing you can do to change that.   Join me for this show to learn how to applaud yourself on a daily basis.    Stacey Vornbrock, M.S. is pioneering the use of EFT with professional and amateur athletes to release mental, emotional, physical, and mechanical blocks on the cellular level. She is recognized as a leading expert in the use of EFT with sports performance and is the author of 9 EFT Breakthrough Performance Sports Manuals as well as ebooks for non-athletes.   To schedule your free performance evaluation session with Stacey, email her at stacey@breakthroughperformance.net or call her at 480-945-9750. Visit her website.

 Dean Radin, Supernormal; Evidence of Extraordinary Abilities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

Dean Radin PhD's newest book, Supernormal; Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities is being released today. Listen in as Change your Mind Transformational DialogueRadio host, Dr Craig Weiner explores the research that supports extraordinary capabilities that human beings may very well be capable of.   Was Buddha just a nice guy? Are comic book superpowers merely fantasies? Was Patanjali, the Indian sage, spinning fairy tales about extraordinary abilities called the "siddhis," associated with advanced meditation practices, when he wrote the Yoga Sutras some 2,000 years ago? These questions now have answers based on the cumulative results of a century of laboratory-based scientific evidence.   Dean Radin, PhD, is chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and adjunct faculty in the Department of Psychology at Sonoma State University. Before joining the research staff at IONS in 2001, he held appointments at  Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, and SRI International, where he worked on a classified program investigating psychic phenomena for the US government. He is author or coauthor of over 200 technical and popular articles and three books including the award-winning The Conscious Universe (HarperOne, 1997), Entangled Minds (Simon & Schuster, 2006), and most recently, Supernormal (Random House, 2013). For more information, go to www.deanradin.com   This interview is part of the Change Your Mind, Transformational Dialogue Radio Series, hosted by Craig Weiner, DC or connect with the show at Transformational Dialogues on Facebook.    

 The Prosperity Tree with Lindsay Kenny | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

This potenially life-changing show is about setting up circumstances that support you attracting how you want to live your life. So with that, we'll be learning how to construct your own "Prosperity Tree™.  It's OK if you don't know what that is, because I'm going to teach you what it is, show you how to create it and let your experience how to use it to attract the life you want to have. The Prosperity Tree™ is really Part 2 of the Trauma Tree Process™, which as about eliminating the baggage in your life, that gets in the way of having what you want. It affects change quickly and easily. So we'll recap that first, then go into the construction of your Prosperity Tree™. This could be one of the most important processes you'll ever do to attract and abundant life. It's simple, fun and highly effective. And, you'll need to have a pen and 8.5 x 11 note table handy, because I'm going to put you to work! You can also call in during the live show to listen or to ask questions @ 347- 215-6833.  As always, if you miss the live show you'll be able to listen to the replay by using the same link

 Terrified of Rejection&Judgment-Struggle to get Things Done? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Do you start projects, procrastinate, but never get them done? Do you avoid crowds for fear of judgment and rejection? Do you shy away from public speaking or feel great discomfort when the spot light falls on you? Do you struggle with procrastination and often begin things that never get done? You don't have to suffer! These responses to your life originated during your grade school years and each holds valuable clues with respect to the lessons of your soul. Pull the threads to these struggles! Your soul can bring you home! Follow this Free class on Cathryn's next blog talk show, Edge EFT Happy Half Hour scheduled for the 3rd Monday of the month, and in two weeks, join her right back here for her Tapping Resolution Clinic when you can bundle your fears and once and for all End Procrastination, Fit In all learn how to expect to be accepted! Call for FREE 15-minute Assessment - 612.710.7720! For more information on Cathryn's class go to; http://eftforyourinnerchild.com/blog-talk-radio-shows/

 The Big O with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

For over 70 years the controversy that Freud started about "immature" O's versus "mature" O's continues. What's a girl to do? Is there really a G Spot, F Spot and an OMG Spot? Were they there before they were named? Where exactly are they and how are they different?  What are characteristics of each type of O? Are you feeling inadequate about not being able to reach climax in certain ways? Does this entire conversation make you blush? Or feel shame? Is there an emotional connect between one's ability to reach these higher states of bliss and personal history? Sit back, relax and discover the magical spots in and on your body with EFT sex expert Alina Frank.   Alina Frank, creator of www.Path2Passion.net, has assisted thousands of women and couples reverse challenges in the bedroom with EFT and Matrix Reimprinting.   

 Clear Your Fear Of The Dentist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Many people have had bad experiences at the dentist. Whether it is fear of the shots or the drill, or fear of repetitive problems after treatment, we often put off dental appointments until it is too late to save a tooth. Today there are a number of techniques, which make it unnecessary to do deep drilling, as well as a better way to sterilize a tooth so that decay doesn’t crop up later under the new filling. There are also special minerals to aid in healing the tooth and technologies to help you relax to the degree that for the truly phobic, you no longer need to be put to sleep with drugs during treatment. In this first of a four part series on the latest innovative techniques in dentistry, we will cover a number of treatments to help keep your teeth in perfect health. Join Paula today as she explores with Dr. David Winn, a Dentist with an engineering background who uses a combination of innovative techniques, the ideal treatments to correct your dental problems . We will include an EFT protocol, to clear your fear of the dentist and actually help you reframe your attitude toward dentistry from one of crisis intervention, to that of prevention. HOST:  Paula Horan Ph.D. (Laxmi Dechen Wangmo), is an American psychologist who lives in Asia. A Reiki Master for more than twenty five years and an author of eight books on meditation, alternative health, and non-dual awareness. Her new book Fierce Innocence, which conveys the wisdom of her Jnana Yoga retreats in fostering a radiant self-confidence, is now available at amazon.com/author/paulahoran. 


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