Summary: If the show was about onions, it would be pretty stupid. Lucky for you, it isn't. NLO is classified as a comedy podcast, but it's so much more. There is a huge following of the show, by individuals of all ages. It's a talk show, a comedy show, a show about life, and an online culture. Patrick and Adam talk about topics in their personal lives and other things they encounter. All opinions on all topics are shared. The show is not for the politically correct or the weak at heart. Be prepared to put your baggage aside and laugh at anything and everything when you listen.

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 NLO 1388: Pawtistic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:49:06

Patrick has serious concerns about the dog he has allowed in to his home and heart. How do you know when it’s time to give up and just put it outside in the dirt? Seriously? This show starts out normal enough, but evolves in to what is sure to be a landmark moment for the Nobody Likes Onions program. After six years of nothing but harassment and hope from those who follow our history with Crazy Joe, the man himself calls in to the show to talk with Patrick and bury the hatchet! Joe want to possibly broadcast his show on the Onions network, but he’s hesitant to trust the fans if they’re all like that idiot, Curran. There’s big news regarding our personal freedoms and it’s way too confusing to be an accident. Patrick ponders the trouble with Bill and Melina Grates and thinks there might be a BIG scandal coming soon! It’s time for a frank discussion on going gray before your time and what it means for your future. Patrick is not hopeful about the future when it comes to how we are treating each other, and how the world is beginning to turn on itself.

 NLO 1387: Crypto Crybabies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:14:21

Comedian Scott Bowser is in studio for the first time in almost seven years. While he’s taken a break from standup for awhile, he has found a new love for podcasting. Patrick laments at how easy it is for people to startup a podcast with no conviction. Private messaging app Signal has pissed off Facebook by exposing how much personal information they know about people. The guys discuss the old days, including the early days of cryptocurrency, leaving Los Angeles, and more. Patrick questions Scott about his new profession in the cannibis industry. Patrick doesn’t buy in to experts, labs and testing; it’s all made up nonsense. Scott peruses some baseball cards that Patrick recently acquired to tell him if they might be worth something. Patrick comes up with a new idea for a Vegas-style baby go bye-bye clinic that might take tik-tokking teen girls by storm. Scott teaches Patrick about horse racing and the intricacies of horse breeding. The guys finish the show by listening to some songs that have been in the vault for quite awhile from a racist musical called White Noise.

 NLO 1386: Discount Doodle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:17:34

Patrick is fully vaccinated and can now eat dog, and he got a new Goldendoodle puppy just to test the theory. Listen to the harrowing tale of how Patrick hunted and finally got a great deal on a potentially illegal or mentally defective dog. Caitlyn Jenner is trying to be the mayor of California, and Patrick doesn’t understand why she’s even worthy of consideration. As bonus evidence of our obsession with worshipping people regardless of merit, we find a video of Caitlyn singing on The Masked Singer, and it’s AWFUL. Elon Muskrat is going to host Saturday Night Live and people are super upset about it. Bowen Yang doesn’t like it, but most people don’t like Bowen Yang. Patrick gives away a sofa to a psycho who can’t stop talking about Brooklyn. Apple is going to get everyone killed with their new stalker-friendly Airtags gimmicks. Patrick’s summer is on hold due to complications with the swamp spa manufacturer, but that’s OK because our store has new RED HOT merch! Patrick has second thoughts about Elon after learning about the new Tesla “butthole” command.

 NLO 1385: Comedy Kings & Curry Queens | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:44:01

Alex “KOOL-AID” Ansel joins Patrick in the studio for the first time since the pandemic rained down it’s prolonged hiatus on fun and social interaction. Both of them are scheduled to get their second vaccine this week, and they figured they would forego safety and hunker down together for a few hours. Patrick makes some predictions for the future when Bitcoin rules us all. Alex recently splurged for a PlayStation 5, or a PS5 as the kids are calling it. He feels guilty about the expenditure, so he’s making large fiscal cuts in his life, including severing ties with the pay-for-risqué enthusiast site, OnlyFans. Patrick probes Kool-Aid about how OnlyFans works and why it’s so attractive. Spoiler alert: it’s mostly buttholes. Patrick is concerned his TV and smart devices are spying on everything. The guys tease upcoming aftershow with several new salacious Thai Rivera rumors, so be sure to subscribe to the Overdose if you want to get the gossip.

 NLO 1384: Trippin’ With Thai | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:24:34

Patrick is joined by comedians George White and Adam Dominguez as they recount the tale of going on the road with Thai about a year ago. Was he a nice man? Was he fair and super sweet? Find out on this scandalous behind-the-scenes expose, with never-before-seen footage, photos, screenshots and more. You’ll feel like you were there as Patrick asks the questions you’d ask if your mom hadn’t taught you manners. Was Thai funny on stage? Is he always super low energy? Is his face always this puffy? The answers to these gems are in this episode, and other horror stories from the road with Vegas comedians sprinkled in for good measure. We finish the show with startling evidence that Thai may be psychologically grooming comedians for abuse later on. We read over some of Thai’s most manic and insane social media posts and try to make sense of everything we have learned tonight.

 NLO 1383: Umm, Bothered | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39:58

Thai Rivera is back at it again, trying to explain away the same altercations for the third show in a row. This one is a LOLlercoaster of emotion, as Thai can't decide whether or not he wants to make up with people from one minute to the next. He waffles from indifferent to incensed with the manic energy of a teen girl. He also cannot stop texting Patrick throughout the show, which becomes annoying by the end. Patrick reveals how he trapped Thai into all-but proving his vanity by getting him to buy YouTube views. Thai starts new fights with comics Spiro and Jozalyn Sharp, while doubling down on old beefs with Matt Markman, Gooch, Bobby and Krystle, Big Irish Jay, Trixx, and so many more. It's uncomfortable, edited to shit, and lack focus and a cohesive point. This content is for OVERDOSE MEMBERS only. Visit the site and login or register to access this content.

 NLO 1382: Getting Gooky | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:28

Patrick is joined in the studio by comedian Matt Markman, who has the honor of being the first guest in our new studio. Matt is vaccinated, and Patrick recently had his first shot of the Pfizer shot. The guys discuss vaccination and conspiracies, along with what might be in it for Bill Gates if he is, in fact, microchipping all of us. Patrick wants to get a puppy, and is overwhelmed by the number of “doodle” breeds available. Rick’s Wings N’ Rings has some new dishes they’d like to promote during the show. Matt prefers comic book movies to things like Godzilla vs. Kong, but Patrick appreciates the latter for it’s authenticity. A Tampa Bay Buccaneer us under fire for using a racial slur in a tweet. Patrick is suspicious of YouTube relaxing it’s rules for monetizing videos. The guys really try to wrap their heads around an external catheter-pump thing for ladies. Patrick performs a cursory wellness check on our old friend Daddy Derek Savage and Cool Cat, and we find out why rage rooms might just be the latest scam by big box stores to sell more televisions.

 NLO 1381: THAI RIVERA vs. TRIXX Full Breakdown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:45:01

Joke thievery is no laughing matter! The Las Vegas comedy scene is spicy, and most of the bickering centers around everybody’s favorite drama donut, Thai Rivera, accusing Canadian comedian Trixx of joke theft – the most unforgivable of comedy crimes. Who’s lying? Who did what? Is there more to the story? Let’s listen to what Thai has to say, and hold his attempted joke theft exposure up to what we know about his past behavior. Let’s see what proof and substance Thai provides to try to ruin the reputation of a Canadian comedian he used to call “friend.” Is time running out for Thai in Las Vegas? Can Thai produce anything that remotely proves he had a joke stolen, much less prove he ever wrote one to begin with? The chat gets really UNBOTHERED with this one!

 NLO 1380: Recalibrate Your Crazy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It’s another weekend in Las Vegas, and the streets are sizzling with sweet, sweet comedy drama. In this show, Patrick share some great news from his HOA. He grapples with the prospect of getting the vaccine soon and asks for listener feedback. Artist Lane has some new demands from Patrick before we commence the NFT project. The show might switch to YouTube for live shows soon, because Twitch is too woke. Patrick has taken to selling graphics cards on eBay during the shortage, and has some unkind words for Craigslist shoppers. Patrick recaps all the history with Butch Bradley, as it’s become a topic of discussion again recently. Two individuals on Facebook have caught Patrick’s eye for their short fuses and inability to self-soothe. Catherine Maloney is mad at men, herself and the world, and want’s everyone to know about it. Rumor has it Josh Denny’s latest show was cancelled due to lack of sales. Brian Scolaro accepts Patrick’s invitation to do the show, and then cancels just hours later. What’s going on? Thai Rivera is accusing Trixx of stealing his R Kelly jokes. Thai Rivera gets in to a fight with Jill Kimmel, who happens to be Jimmy Kimmel’s sister. Everyone at LA Comedy Club hates Thai and takes shots when he leaves.

 NLO 1379: Pure Hate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:24:07

Patrick continues bitching about the woes of home ownership, including a recent faucet repair and more HOA drama. He also recently found himself furniture shopping and purchasing some sofas from a company called Lovesac. I hope you enjoy fifteen minute rants about customer service and how not to dress your employees. NLO wants to jump on the NFT hypetrain and issue a limited set of NLO trading cards. Stay tuned for more. After a small political rant, Patrick expresses concerns for the mental health of some people on his Facebook news feed, including a comedic peer, Brian Scolaro. Please calibrate your crazy. Flappers Comedy Club is still scamming comics. Comedians are becoming more and more desperate to perform and get attention, and online shows and festivals are ripping them off. Thai Rivera is oppressing local comics in Las Vegas with lies and pressure. We get a peek at Thai’s apartment on his latest video, while we listen to him give advice to comics as if he is a comedy god.

 NLO 1378: Ban Basil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:04

Patrick begins the show with anger about a pizza he ordered that got delivered with a bushel of basil, and he's not really a basil man. But seriously, take a bite out of this hot gardening talk. There's drama brewing in the comedy community, and while Patrick is refusing to say much, he also says quite a bit. He just wishes people would understand he's a fair man. Josh Denny is doing the podcast rounds recently, and speaking of round, check out those cheeks! Josh says he is going back on tour, but we didn't knew he was ever on tour. Also, this new tour seems to consist of one show in rural Pennsylvania bar. Dustin Diamond, aka Screech, is dead now, but the dream of owning his home could live on, if you like dumps in the middle of nowhere. This content is for OVERDOSE MEMBERS only. Visit the site and login or register to access this content.

 NLO 1377: Build a Bubble | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:15:36

Patrick starts the show out with a mini rant about Twitch and their weird mechanisms for creators. A string of rapid subscription triggers something called a hypetrain, and that seems inappropriate. There seems to be some memory of Golden Corral that has triggered a very emotional rant from Patrick about chocolate fondue. Patrick doesn’t understand why conservative YouTube nuts like Steven Crowder are so interested in arguing about gender. A lesbian fan in Germany has some strong opinions. The show had the best of intentions, but an off-handed line intended to support an argument triggers a tangent of conversation, aggravation and consternation that eventually leads to a fan getting upset at a chat bot, spinning out, and quitting the show. We basically try to decide if Trump is racist, or a nazi or something else. Other strong opinions emerge and the chat room begins to eat itself. There’s no hope. Kiss your children goodnight.

 NLO 1376: Phantoms & Feet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:46:51

Patrick has been working hard on rearranging the studio, hanging lights and other show paraphernalia from the rafters. With only a trusty drill, sorry, impact driver, in one hand and the other one gorilla glued to itself, it’s all sure to turn out well. The US Postal Service is getting new vehicles, and somehow they’re worse. Patrick is on the hunt for both a ghost that might be tapping or slamming things in the night, as well as what may or may not be a pack of pigeons inside a computer. Have you ever wanted to have a drag queen deliver your dinner? Us either. Do you have ADHD? It’s time we found out through a simple test. Patrick is getting a swim spa and there’s not a damn thing the HOA can do about it. Nvidia doesn’t want cryptocurrency miners buying up all it’s graphics cards. Amazon needs to figure out how to send packages without making a mess. Enough with dark mode – we get it; your eyes hurt. We get an email tip that a certain comedian in Las Vegas is super in to feet, and there’s receipts!

 NLO 1375: Stonky Kong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:59:28

Patrick is settling in to the new studio, and while there’s still a lot of adjustments to make, there’s even more crap to talk about that’s happened in the past couple of months. Patrick has finally gotten a haircut, and he wants you to know about it. We talk about all the recent market moves, from the recent GameStop peaking to the latest developments in Bitcoin. Patrick wants to get a Tesla, and he thinks Bill Gates is jealous of Elon Musk. We skim the top of some political stuff, and Patrick gets outraged at the though of others having opinions, as usual. The Super Bowl was a massacre, but Patrick loved it. Patrick bought a new iPad but can’t remember why. Are we ever going to see Donda and is Kanye even okay? This question and more go unanswered in this show.

 NLO 1374: What’s Poppin’? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:34:04

Patrick goes over the drama that has unfolded over the past day regarding Thai Rivera and the Savage A.F. podcast. Black Pedro blocks the NLO instagram account for no reason and refuses to answer a tweet. Patrick opens the show telling people to enlist in his new ANT army. We discuss our new sponsor and then dive in to a dissection of the Savage A.F. show, where we find out that Shang really wants you to subscribe, nobody has time for chroma keying, and so much more. The questions about this show outweighs the answers, and the chat room can’t get enough. So grab some popcorn, don’t be Shangry, and let’s see what’s poppin’! You know what it is!


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