The Will of Heaven

The New Message from God » Audio show

Summary: right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on May 17, 2011 in Glenwood Springs, Colorado Many people in the world are awaiting the return of their Savior, their Maitreya or their Imam. But God has sent a New Message into the world, a Message to prepare humanity for the great change that is coming here and for its encounter with intelligent life in the universe, an encounter that will be far more precarious and dangerous than most people truly recognize. Human spirituality is eroding away in the world, the true nature of human spirituality. The deeper nature of each person is becoming ever more remote as your societies become increasingly technological and secular. The divisions between religions are so severe and so damaging, even the divisions within religions, they will add a great deal to human conflict and suffering in the future, as they are now. To honestly look at the world is to realize that its mounting difficulties are exceeding human capacity and understanding. The Great Waves of change coming to the world exceed what individuals and institutions can fully comprehend and address. Humanity has come to a great turning point. It cannot return to its former state. It cannot go backwards in history. It cannot simply reaffirm the divided and contentious beliefs of its religious traditions, which were all initiated by God. God’s Revelation must now come again and has come again, and the Messenger has been sent into the world—a humble man, a man without great social position, a man without great personal assertions and accomplishments, a man whose life has been preserved and directed for this purpose alone. People will argue, of course, unwilling or unable to reconsider their position and to open themselves to the New Revelation. They think they understand God’s will and purpose for the peoples of this world. They think they understand what Revelation means and when it can occur. They think they understand. But who can understand this fully? Who has the wisdom and the breadth and the capacity to understand this fully? Surely this must exceed human comprehension. And surely there must be enough humility and honesty for people to realize that they cannot predict when and how the Creator of all the universes will speak to this one tiny little planet. Human ignorance and arrogance unite into a dangerous combination, a combination that is vehement and oppressive. It is jaded and highly opinionated. It is polarized and will continue to divide the human family—a division that can only weaken you in the face of the great change that is coming to the world. The New Message comes here in a pure form, and for the first time you will be able to hear the Voice of Revelation. It was a Voice like this that spoke to Moses and Jesus, the Buddha and Mohammad and the other great Teachers who have remained hidden throughout the course of human history. There is no time for error now. The risks are too great. Everything is being done with the New Revelation to make it very clear. It provides its own Commentary, its own Teachings, for these cannot be left up to human interpretation only. The hour is late and humanity is unprepared to face a new and declining world and to face the realities and the difficulties of emerging into a Greater Community of life in the universe. You are at a great threshold, and for you individually this means that your life is being accelerated to meet this threshold, to prepare for this threshold, to engage with this threshold. But how can this be done without a New Revelation from God? There is not a person on Earth who has the wisdom, the capacity and the comprehension to deal with everything humanity will be facing as it passes through this threshold into a new and more challenging world. Who on Earth can prepare humanity for life in the universe, the great engagement—an engagement that is already taking place, in secrecy,