The New Message from God » Audio show

The New Message from God » Audio

Summary: for the protection and advancement of the Human Family

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 The Goal and Purpose of the Revelation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on November 3, 2012 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Humanity is entering a dangerous phase in its development, a phase where it will exhaust the world’s resources in many ways, leadin...

 The Rays of Initiation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to God's Messenger Marshall Vian Summers on July 23, 2012 in Boulder, Colorado The Power and the Presence watches over you And all people in the world Waiting for those Who are ready Waiting for those Who are ready to awaken From their deep sleep Of desire and disappointment Watching over the world Waiting for those minds That seek freedom. Not just an outer freedom But an inner freedom Waiting for the moment Of readiness In the individual. People think That the Angelic Presence is always there To abide with them But this is not accurate. Indeed The Presence is waiting For those who are ready To respond To a greater calling And a greater purpose In life. It is those individuals That will garner the attention Of the Angelic Assembly. People pray For many things But the Angelic Assembly is waiting For the real calling From the individual— A calling usually born of despair And frustration Or disappointment in the world Seeking for something More real More authentic More permanent and More essential To their true nature And purpose For being in this world At this time.   Great Rays are shined upon those Who can respond and Who are ready to receive Something marvelous And significant. Great Rays of light and power Are directed at those Who are beginning to receive The preparation For their greater purpose And calling in life.   You cannot call upon this yourself Consciously. It must be born of something Within you That is very deep And very primary To your life and purpose here. You cannot in your mind Pray for the Great Rays To shine upon you To initiate you For your mind cannot call upon this. It must come From a deeper place Within you, But your mind can prepare you By recognizing The greater need of your life And the fact that You are not living the life you are meant to live And that you are circumscribed By many things Of little value And future possibilities.   You prepare by recognizing the truth About your life In a moment of great clarity and sobriety. You take stock of where you are. You recognize That you are lost in the world Following the prescriptions of your culture And of those people Who influence you so strongly.   Here you pray not merely for relief from suffering. You pray for the truth To be revealed to you— Not just the truth of your circumstances But the truth of your life. You pray for your life Your real life To be given to you.   This is the calling That comes from deep within you Not merely something that the mind wants For the moment Not for relief from suffering only Not just to have a nicer life Or a prettier set of circumstances Or to fulfill your ambitions and desires.   This comes from the deeper place within you From Knowledge within you. This is what speaks to the Angelic Assembly. This is the result of a deeper experience of yourself A deeper reckoning within yourself A deeper honesty.   If you are truly ready to respond Ready to evaluate and change The circumstances of your life If necessary Then the Great Rays will shine upon you As if a beacon or a spotlight Has been directed at you very specifically Not to the people around you Not even to the person sitting next to you Not to your husband or your wife or your children But to you. This begins then A process of deeper reckoning and evaluation A process in many stages of initiation A process that begins a great turning point for your life.   For in truth You do not know who you are Or why you are here Or what you are sent to accomplish Or whom you are here to meet What you are here to avoid What you are here to accomplish What are the great hazards of your life Beyond your understanding What are the great possibilities for your life Beyond your understanding.   You have a relationship with the Angelic Assembly

 God’s Ancient Covenant with Humanity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on September 20, 2011 in Boulder, Colorado Throughout history humanity has made covenants with God, often thinking that it is God’s Covenant that they are creating. These have va...

 Living at a Time of Revelation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download For the first time in the history of this world, you are able to witness the process of Revelation. Aided with modern technology, the whole process is being recorded so there can be no mistake in future interpretations, as...

 Preparing for the Greater Community | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on April 15, 2011 in Boulder, Colorado Humanity is preparing for the Greater Community. It does not know this yet, of course, but that is its stage of evolution, and everyone is involved. The fact that humanity is unprepared for the realities of contact with life in the universe is very apparent, but at a more unconscious level, people are anticipating this, and that is why it emerges in your movies, in your books, in human imagination. There is a seed of truth, an element of truth here. There is a reason that people cannot speak of these things in public because it has been discouraged in the social discourse. That foreign craft are flying in your skies is an undeniable reality, and yet people do not want to think of it. And if they do think of it, they want to think of it in a positive way—that something wonderful is happening, that you have visitors, and they are here to help you, to guide you and to prepare you to meet the difficult challenges emerging in the world today. You are preparing for the Greater Community. Unconsciously, perhaps foolishly and recklessly, you are preparing for the Greater Community. It is prepared for you. Races who are here in the world today are very well prepared for their mission here, a mission that few people in the world today comprehend and understand. That is why the Revelation from God must reveal these things to you now in the clearest possible way so there can be no mistake, no tragic error of judgment, no misapprehension and no self-deception regarding the Intervention in the world today. The wealth of the world is being spoiled and ruined, and the threat of this increasing has brought this Intervention here. It has also come because humanity has created an infrastructure that these races can utilize for themselves. You now have a worldwide community, worldwide communications, worldwide commerce and the beginnings of a worldwide government. It is a great opportunity for the Intervention. They must act quickly before humanity destroys the wealth of the world, the wealth that the Intervention wants to have for itself. They also must act before humanity becomes more powerful, which would make intervention more difficult to achieve. It is a complex situation, and to understand it you must have an education and preparation about the Greater Community of life itself—a reality that is unknown in the world. That is why the Revelation must speak of these things as well. The religious traditions of the world were not given to prepare humanity for the Greater Community. Nor were they given to prepare humanity for a declining world, a world of diminishing resources and a world of escalating instability, a global community. The ancient teachings cannot prepare humanity for what is coming now and who is here in your midst and why they are here and the means they are using to achieve their goals of persuasion and dominance. These things must be revealed to an unwary and unprepared humanity. You cannot stop the evolution of life. Even the evolution of civilization must proceed forward. You are going to have to face the Greater Community—ready or not, willing or not, prepared or not. If you are unwilling and unprepared and are not ready, then your position is extremely hazardous, and the human family is in jeopardy. These are greater matters that are not merely for people in privileged positions in government, or something for philosophers or theologians to consider. It is the concern and the focus of the citizens of the world. If they are unwilling to know and cannot respond, well, what can any government do? That is why the Revelation is being brought to the citizens of the world, to you—to alert you, to prepare you, to strengthen you, to free you from illusions and misperceptions so that you may face the Greater Community clearly, honestly and objectively. For it is not a mystery really.

 Love and Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on April 21, 2011 in Boulder, Colorado It is certainly possible to feel great love for someone with whom you cannot participate in life and, in fact, this is not uncommon. It is possible to feel great love for someone with whom you are incompatible, even on a personal level. People make the mistake of trying to build a relationship around this thinking that love is all they really need when, in fact, they are very incompatible with the other person, and their relationship can never be harmonious or really successful. People think that love is a kind of ultimate state of being, but in terms of romantic love, this cannot be the case. People treat the experience of being in love as if it is an ultimate experience, but there is no guarantee that this will lead to a successful relationship, for a successful relationship must be built on purpose, readiness and compatibility. If you are not going in the same direction in life, you will only hold each other up by trying to be together regardless of the attraction initially. If you cannot take the same journey, then you are interfering with each other’s progress by trying to establish a relationship. This is not uncommon. In fact, misengaged relationships is one of the primary reasons that people cannot or will not discover their greater purpose for being in the world. They will live a life of compromise, confusion and frustration as a result of this. Physical attraction, attraction to another’s personality or even attraction to some deeper aspect of the other person, does not mean that you are destined to be together in any way. Destiny here means everything. If you do not have a real destiny together, then trying to be together will only impede your progress. You actually will be hurting one another by trying to be together. You will be preventing each other from really moving forward in life and finding the people and the purpose that are really essential in being here. God has sent you into the world for a greater purpose. This purpose requires the interaction with certain individuals along the way and eventually with certain others who will play a major part in your realization and expression of this greater purpose. Trying to unite with other people for other reasons will only interfere with this essential process in life, and the results lead to prolonged unhappiness, confusion and compromise. This is such a great problem. Many people are circumscribed by the relationships that they have established before they have reached a point in life where they could discover their greater purpose. As a result, they are trapped. They have committed their life already. They have given their life away. And now they are afraid to question their former commitments and previous investment in other people. They will try to seek comfort by pursuing wealth or through distractions or hobbies or religious pursuits or political pursuits. But essentially their problem has to do with where they are in life and who they are with. If you are with someone who cannot recognize your greater purpose and deeper nature, they are going to hold you back, and you will feel held back and frustrated regardless of whatever pleasures or affluence you have created together. Look at the faces of the people, and you will see this compromise. You will see this lack of freedom. You will see this inability to engage with their deeper nature and all the great powers and significance that this represents. People give their life away before they even know they have a life—a greater life, a life with a greater purpose, meaning and destiny. For anyone who is called by God, this problem of previous commitments is a very serious one indeed and can prevent the one blessed to receive from responding. They are already dishonest with themselves regarding their current relationships,

 The Gift of a New Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download Revealed to the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers on May 14, 2011 in Boulder, Colorado God’s New Revelation is not here to simply add value to your current existence or to validate your current ideas and pursuits. It is not here to validate the world’s religions or to conform to their beliefs or expectations, for God is not bound by these things. It is not here to validate your expectations, for the Creator of all the universes is certainly not bound by this. Really, the New Message from God is here to provide a new life to those who can truly respond to it, to give them a greater foundation upon which to build a meaningful life—an inspired life, a life that is guided by Knowledge, a life of true relationships and meaningful engagement with the world. Here roles are not assigned, but people are given the foundation so that Knowledge within them, the Greater Power that God has given to guide them, may become evident to them, that they may learn through time to trust this and to follow this, navigating the difficulties of life and the greater difficulties they will have to face in a new world of diminishing resources and greater instability. People come to the New Message to see if it conforms to their beliefs, their ideas and their expectations. Of course, it does not do this. People come to the New Message from God wanting to use it as a resource to get what they want for themselves, but the New Revelation has a greater plan and promise for them. People come to the New Message hoping that they will find the wisdom necessary to correct their mistakes and to make their current investments profitable and meaningful, but the New Message is here to give them a new life—not simply a new idea put upon an old life, not simply a sweetener to make the bitter taste of their current experience more palatable and acceptable. People expect too little and want too little, and their expectations are not in keeping with the meaning and the power of the Revelation. People come to God’s New Revelation wanting to see how they can use it right away, as if it is nothing more than a series of tools that people could use to try to improve their lives. But they cannot improve their lives because they do not know what they are doing. They do not know where they are going, and their assumptions and beliefs, more often than not, are not in keeping with their greater purpose and true direction in life. People may think God is great and inexplicable, but they try to use God as a kind of servant, an errand boy for their desires, their wishes and their difficulties. They say, “Well, what can God do for me? What will God’s New Revelation do for me?” You can see by this questioning that their attitude and approach is not appropriate. There is no reverence. There is no respect. There is no comprehension that they are dealing with something far greater than their understanding, that far exceeds their expectations, their values and their preferences. So what can God do for them but encourage them through life’s changes and life’s disappointments to come to this great engagement with a clearer intention and a more honest approach? The New Message is here to save humanity from calamity and from subjugation in the universe as you begin to emerge into a Greater Community of life, a Greater Community in which you have always lived and with which you must now learn to contend. But it is also here to give individuals a new experience, a new foundation and the opportunity to restore their lives, to redeem themselves and to utilize their abilities and the power of Knowledge within themselves to be of service to a world whose needs and difficulties are escalating with each passing day. Many people have given up on the search for greater meaning, or they never cultivated it to begin with. For them, the New Revelation will be a curiosity or an object of condemnation,

 Witnessing the Revelation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on June 24, 2011 in Boulder, Colorado The Messenger is in the world. He has brought with him a great Message for humanity, a Message that he has been receiving for over 25 years, a Message comprehensive enough to guide humanity into the next great stage of its evolution and development. Yet he is an ordinary man, but in appearance only. For he carries with him the seed of a greater understanding and a Greater Reality—the reality of life in the universe; the reality of a greater spiritual dimension of the world and beyond; the reality of purpose, meaning and direction; the reality of contact with the Angelic Presence, who is responsible for the well-being and the progress of the human family. Many people will try to reject him. Many people will condemn him or ridicule him. Who will stand up for him? Who amongst you will bear witness to the Revelation? Who amongst you is strong enough, brave enough and honest enough to do this? The Messenger’s presence is precious in the world. He is vulnerable. There will be other groups and individuals who will seek to destroy him as his Proclamation becomes more recognized and more discernible in the world. Who will bear witness to the Revelation? People want many things from the Creator of all life. And people will want many things from the Messenger who has been sent, the only Messenger in the world today and in the many days to come. People want miracles. People want to be rescued from their circumstances. People want to be given favors and dispensations. People want to be served. People want to be strengthened. People want victory in war and prosperity in peace. They will bring these expectations to the Messenger, particularly to him. But he can only point the way to the Revelation, which is deeper and more comprehensive than most people realize and will require a greater involvement and discernment, a greater practice and honest application. Who can speak to this? Who can correct the many errors that will arise around such a proclamation? Even amongst those who respond positively, there will be false expectations. There will be unexpressed demands. There will be criticisms and judgments that the Message and the Messenger do not fit people’s expectations. Who will speak to this? The Message and the Messenger require many witnesses. They require a great expression of recognition and purpose. For those for whom this is their destiny, it is the most important thing in their whole life. When they leave this world and return to their Spiritual Family, they will be asked, “Did you speak for the Messenger? Did you recognize the Messenger? Did you support the Messenger?” It will be the greatest and most significant event and opportunity in their life. Who can respond to this? Who can recognize this? Who can rise to this occasion, the greatest occasion that they will have? People want many things, but what is required of them is something else. At a time of Revelation, the priorities change. This is an event that only happens every millennium, and you are present in the world for this. You will see the Messenger being abused and ridiculed and maligned. What will that say to you, who are the beneficiaries of God’s New Revelation? What will that evoke in you, who have been blessed and honored to receive the New Message for humanity and to be amongst its first and earliest recipients? If you cannot feel and see these things We speak of, then where is your mind going? What could be more important than this to you? Your happiness? Your security? Your approval from others? Your social standing? This is a question and a dilemma for each person who can respond. If those who oppose the Messenger come to you and say, “What do you believe? What is your position?” what will you say to this? If the Messenger is denied or ignored or vilified, what will you say to this?

 The Message and the Messenger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on January 26, 2008 in Boulder, Colorado It is important in understanding the nature of the New Revelation that it was given to someone who was sent into the world for the purpose o...

 What Will Save Humanity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on March 30, 2008 in Boulder, Colorado Humanity is about to face its greatest trial and its most difficult challenges. Many people are feeling this, of course—a vague sense of anxiety, pervasive concern over the future—while others still dream that life will continue as they have known it, only better now, for it must be better, they think. But humanity is entering its time of great trial and difficulty. This must be accepted if you are to understand where your life is going, if you are to understand the sequence of events, if you are to understand how you must prepare for the future—a future that will be unlike the past in so many ways. This is not a negative perspective. It is a revelation of what is coming. Those who argue against this are perpetuating their own sense of denial, revealing their weakness and their inability to face a changing set of circumstances. People’s hopes and dreams cannot now be the foundation of their lives, for they must prepare for what is coming so that they may survive the Great Waves of change and be of service to others, which is ultimately what they are here to do. You may project any ideas upon the future—your hopes, your fears, your dreams, your anxieties. You may paint a happy picture or a frightening picture for yourself. But life is moving. It is not dominated or even affected by your projections. People’s attitudes, of course, are important. It is important to have a supportive attitude, but this attitude must be founded upon a real understanding of what is happening around you, where your life is going and what life will require of you for the future. You build your positive, constructive attitude around a recognition of reality. Certain things have been set in motion now that you cannot change by wishful thinking or by your own personal admonitions. The Creator of all life has sent a New Message into the world to prepare humanity for this new era, for all the Revelations that have been given to humanity before cannot prepare it for what is coming now. The wisdom of the great traditions remains as an inspiration, as a correction, as an emphasis and as a higher standard. But a New Message from God must come now to prepare humanity for the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world and for humanity’s encounter with intelligent life from beyond the world, which represents a new reality and a new challenge for the human family. You can face these things and learn of them through the revelations of God’s New Message, through your own experience and through the signs that the world is giving you now—signs which are coming every day to inform you and to prepare you, to warn you and to shake you out of your self-preoccupation and your attachment to your hopes and your dreams. These revelations will be shocking. They may be emotionally difficult for you, for they will require you to reconsider many things. They may arouse tremendous fear and anxiety because you will see that you are not prepared and you are not yet strong enough to face these things, even emotionally. But no matter what your initial reactions, it is far better to see, to know and to be prepared than to remain in ignorance or denial while the world changes around you. God’s New Revelation provides a warning, a blessing and a preparation for the Great Waves of change and for humanity’s encounter with a Greater Community of intelligent life. These two great phenomena more than anything else will affect the future and the destiny of humanity, the lives of every person in the world today and the future of their children. People are consumed with other things, of course, with other problems that seem significant and grave in the moment. But these things are small and often insignificant compared to the power of the Great Waves of change and humanity’s encounter with a Greater Community of intelligent life.

 Building a Bridge to a New Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on February 25, 2008 in Boulder, Colorado At a certain point you will come to realize that this New Revelation is here to give you a new life. It is not simply to make improvements ...

 The New Message on Religion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on July 20, 2009 in Boulder, Colorado At this time and place, it is important to speak about the purpose of religion. Religion is part of the human experience, and any attempts that have been made to eradicate it or to minimize it have proven to be unsuccessful. For you cannot deny the reality of the human Spirit. You cannot deny the fundamental reality that there is a greater spiritual need in people that must be expressed. But like all things in the world, that which is natural and essential can become distorted, misaligned and misused, allied with other purposes, particularly when these natural impulses become connected with governments and powerful forces in society. Simply said, the purpose of religion is to cultivate the desire and the capacity to experience the Divine Presence in one’s life. All teachings and rituals, whether within large institutions or within the privacy of one’s home, [are] for this purpose. And the desire and capacity to experience the Divine Presence [are] to bring one to the power of Knowledge that the Creator of all life has placed within each human heart. Yet when you look about, either at home or in foreign lands, you will find there is a great poverty, a great poverty in that people’s lives are not demonstrating this Presence and the power of this Knowledge. The look of disappointment and dissatisfaction, the sense of regret in the older people, the sense of hopelessness and discouragement in the young [are] evidence that this Power and this Presence are not being experienced. Religion has become now a yoke and a harness for people, requiring them to believe along certain prescribed lines of thought and to behave along certain prescribed lines of behavior. But this is far from the essence of what religion is really for. To require, either through inducement or threat, for people to adhere to a certain system of belief does not represent the essence and purpose of religion. Yet that is what is so manifest in the world today. Religion has become another form of government—a form of government that seeks power and domination, a form of government that seeks to overcome its competing rivals, the competing agendas of other religions and faiths. And so there is a contest and a kind of war exerted between the most radical elements of these systems of belief. But this is not what religion really is. The Creator of all life has initiated all of the world’s religions, but they have all been altered by people and governments, by cultures and traditions and by the competition for power in the world. That is why there are so many people today in the world who, though they have genuine spiritual needs and yearnings, are so put off by the manifestations of religion as it has become. Where can you find the cultivation of one’s inner life? Where is the emphasis on recognizing, following and embracing the power and the presence of Knowledge within the individual? Where is the emphasis on developing and encouraging the individual’s capacity and desire to experience the mystery of the Divine Presence—a mystery that defies all religious teachings and conventions? Where are such things being encouraged for the individual? You visit the church or the temple or the mosque and what is presented but an emphasis on upholding the ideology of religion, the institutions of religion [and] the demands of religion? This emphasis is out of context and out of relationship with the essential purpose of religion. In essence, all religion is to teach The Way of Knowledge, to bring the individual into the direct experience of Knowledge, the deeper mind beyond the intellect, the mind that God has provided each person to guide them, to protect them and to lead them to a greater life and expression in the world. But you do not hear this emphasis. Instead, there is the encouragement to believe, to adhere,

 Nature and Natural Disasters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on September 8, 2008 in Boulder, Colorado The world is driven by powerful geologic and biologic forces. They were set in motion at the beginning of the physical Universe. God has se...

 How God Speaks to the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on April 16, 2008 in Tehran, Iran God watches over the world, for the world is a troubled place. It has always been so. That is why you have come to the world. It is a place where God has been forgotten, and your true nature has been forgotten. It is a place of competition and conflict, where life is difficult, where you must constantly solve the problems of your daily existence. It is a place where people seem foreign to one another and foreign to themselves, as God has created them. It is a place of appearances. It is a place of sensation. It is wonderful and dangerous, beautiful but confusing. It is where the separated have come to live, to learn how to give again and to bridge the gap so that the separation may be ended in time. No one has come here by accident. Everyone has been sent for a purpose. This purpose remains undiscovered within you, but you must find it, for that is the great pursuit in life. Beyond meeting your basic requirements to exist in this reality, you must find this purpose, for this is how God will speak to you, and this is how you will find your way. The Plan of God is so very simple that it escapes people’s comprehension, yet it is mysterious because it does not fit in with human expectations. It does not fit in with human beliefs and traditions. It is beyond comprehension, and yet it is very simple. For God speaks to the world through a deeper Knowledge within the individual and through the power of united relationships, where this deeper power can be expressed and experienced between two or more people. Periodically, God speaks to the world to deliver a message to the world. This is very infrequent, perhaps only happening every few centuries. God’s Message to the world is meant to last for a very long time and is meant to affect and influence the minds and hearts of people for a very long time. These Messages are given at pivotal points in evolution and at great times of change and times of great need. The meaning of this is beyond your current references, for you do not see yet the great need of humanity and why a New Message from God would be sent into the world for the world itself. For while God speaks to you through a deeper Knowledge within yourself and through the power of united relationships, God’s Message to the world is to prepare humanity for what it cannot see and cannot know. It is to warn humanity. It is to empower humanity. It is to prepare humanity. You can only be a witness to this. It will be beyond your current ideas. It will transcend your understanding. But God is not trying to reach your intellect as much as to resonate within you at a deeper level. For the intellect was created to navigate and to comprehend physical things, particular things. But the deeper resonance is of the soul, and that is how you will respond to God’s great but infrequent Messages for humanity. People have many questions, but they must learn to listen at a deeper level, to still their minds and to listen, to be present, to be observant, to be reverent. For the intellect cannot know for sure if a New Message from God is authentic. They cannot know for sure if what they are hearing is absolutely the truth, the greater truth from the Creator of all life. They cannot know with the intellect if the Messenger is the real Messenger. But in their heart they will know. The resonance will be deeper. The recognition will emerge from a deeper awareness within you and within others. This is what has kept religion alive. It is this deeper resonance. It is not the power of belief, for belief is weak and fallible, easily manipulated by others—by other powers and forces and so forth. But the resonance that keeps people responding to God’s great Messages is happening at a deeper level within the individual, beyond their intellect, beyond their ideas and comprehension, and this is what gives it power and magnificence,

 The Age of Women | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

right-click here to download As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on November 14, 2007 in Boulder, Colorado There is a New Message from God in the world, and one of the things that it calls for is the emergence of women leaders, particularly in the area of spirituality and religion. It is time now for certain women to be called into these greater roles and responsibilities, and it is important around the world in different quarters and in different religious traditions that this be allowed. It will be interesting, perhaps, for you to consider that in advanced nations in the Universe—advanced nations in the Greater Community of intelligent life in which you live—that where there is a distinction between men and women, or male and female, in those particular races, the races that are not androgynous in nature, that the female is usually given priority in matters of conscience and spirituality. This represents an advancement and a practical wisdom as well, for leaders within this context must essentially be providers, and they must essentially be a maintainer. The role of being a religious leader in whatever context it may exist—whether it is within a formal tradition, whether it is within a hierarchy of leadership or whether it is much more informal, dealing with smaller groups of people—it is in all cases a role primarily focused on providing and maintaining. To be creative in the area of religion is only appropriate if it is to meet practical needs of people and to adapt a religious teaching to changing circumstances. And even here it must be carried out with great care, for people like to change what has been given and alter it to meet their needs, their preferences, their desires and their own self-interest. So creativity in the area of religion is actually extremely hazardous. But religion itself, in whatever context it exists, must change and evolve. It must have a greater capacity to serve people who are undergoing change in their personal lives and change at the level of nations and societies as well. Indeed, even as the environmental conditions of this world change in the face of the Great Waves of Change that are coming to the world, religion will have to adapt and change as well. What essentially is the role of religious leaders in nearly all situations is to be providers and maintainers. And what they are providing is not really of a material nature as much as of a spiritual nature, within the realm of a deeper experience and recognition that is possible for all human beings and other races within the Greater Community. For God has placed a deeper mind within all sentient beings—a mind that is called Knowledge in the New Message. Clearly, women in many societies have been taking greater roles, but there is still considerable resistance, and in some traditions, it is not allowed at all. But there must be a greater recognition here of the inherent strength of women and the natural capacity they can serve in this regard. For even in current traditions, women may not serve as the recognized leaders, but they are in most cases the backbone of the religious organization and tradition itself. Men should not be threatened by this, for it is an assumption of natural abilities. And while men will continue to be religious leaders, the opportunity for women should be greatly expanded. For if an individual, a woman in this case, has developed her skills in learning of the deeper mind and of responding to it appropriately—in carrying out its direction responsibly, without altering it or redefining it for herself or for the expectations of others—then as she gains this maturity and this responsibility, she can assume a greater and more natural role as a religious leader. Clearly, if you look in the past century, you have seen in all of society’s evolution, in many places in the world, the rise of women to roles of prominence that were previously only assumed by men.


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