The Gift of a New Life

The New Message from God » Audio show

Summary: right-click here to download Revealed to the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers on May 14, 2011 in Boulder, Colorado God’s New Revelation is not here to simply add value to your current existence or to validate your current ideas and pursuits. It is not here to validate the world’s religions or to conform to their beliefs or expectations, for God is not bound by these things. It is not here to validate your expectations, for the Creator of all the universes is certainly not bound by this. Really, the New Message from God is here to provide a new life to those who can truly respond to it, to give them a greater foundation upon which to build a meaningful life—an inspired life, a life that is guided by Knowledge, a life of true relationships and meaningful engagement with the world. Here roles are not assigned, but people are given the foundation so that Knowledge within them, the Greater Power that God has given to guide them, may become evident to them, that they may learn through time to trust this and to follow this, navigating the difficulties of life and the greater difficulties they will have to face in a new world of diminishing resources and greater instability. People come to the New Message to see if it conforms to their beliefs, their ideas and their expectations. Of course, it does not do this. People come to the New Message from God wanting to use it as a resource to get what they want for themselves, but the New Revelation has a greater plan and promise for them. People come to the New Message hoping that they will find the wisdom necessary to correct their mistakes and to make their current investments profitable and meaningful, but the New Message is here to give them a new life—not simply a new idea put upon an old life, not simply a sweetener to make the bitter taste of their current experience more palatable and acceptable. People expect too little and want too little, and their expectations are not in keeping with the meaning and the power of the Revelation. People come to God’s New Revelation wanting to see how they can use it right away, as if it is nothing more than a series of tools that people could use to try to improve their lives. But they cannot improve their lives because they do not know what they are doing. They do not know where they are going, and their assumptions and beliefs, more often than not, are not in keeping with their greater purpose and true direction in life. People may think God is great and inexplicable, but they try to use God as a kind of servant, an errand boy for their desires, their wishes and their difficulties. They say, “Well, what can God do for me? What will God’s New Revelation do for me?” You can see by this questioning that their attitude and approach is not appropriate. There is no reverence. There is no respect. There is no comprehension that they are dealing with something far greater than their understanding, that far exceeds their expectations, their values and their preferences. So what can God do for them but encourage them through life’s changes and life’s disappointments to come to this great engagement with a clearer intention and a more honest approach? The New Message is here to save humanity from calamity and from subjugation in the universe as you begin to emerge into a Greater Community of life, a Greater Community in which you have always lived and with which you must now learn to contend. But it is also here to give individuals a new experience, a new foundation and the opportunity to restore their lives, to redeem themselves and to utilize their abilities and the power of Knowledge within themselves to be of service to a world whose needs and difficulties are escalating with each passing day. Many people have given up on the search for greater meaning, or they never cultivated it to begin with. For them, the New Revelation will be a curiosity or an object of condemnation,