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Job Search Radio show

Summary: Every now and then you need to step back and assess how your search is going. We take you through a step-by-step approach how to do that. This show is all about building on what is good and improving or fixing what isn’t working. These 8 steps will make sure you identify why your resume isn’t getting noticed, why you aren’t getting referrals, why you are getting interviews but no offers and help you fix the problem. But it also makes sure you don’t diagnose the wrong problem. Candidates often work on the wrong thing, mainly because they don’t know the real problem. In addition, we give you access to our free job search assessment tool to help you. You can download this tool and follow along as we discuss each topic. Download your assessment first it is free and will be helpful as you listen to the show. <a href="http://www.impacthiringsolutions.com/index.php/8-point-matrix-assessment-for-your-job-search-plan" target="_blank">CLICK HERE</a> to get your assessment. To listen to this radio show recording<a href="http://www.impacthiringsolutions.com/index.php/candidates/free-resources/free-audio-programs" target="_blank"> CLICK HERE.</a>