New Ciguatera treatment needs clinical trials

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Summary: English: Tournefortia argentea (habit). Location: Kure Atoll, Near coast (Photo credit: Wikipedia) download MP3 A traditional herbal medicine based on the Octopus bush has been found effective against Ciguatera fish poisoning in bioassay tests. The active ingredient Rosmarinic acid has been patented. Clinical trials are yet to be done, but its the most hopeful news for Ciguatera Fish Poisoning sufferers I've seen in the ten years I've been poisoned. The active ingredient actually seems to work against the action of ciguatoxins and also act to remove them from the body.Deutsch: Ciguatoxin CTX2 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Resources: Use of Rosmarinic Acid and the Derivaties Thereof to Treat Ciguatera- patent Protective effect of Heliotropium foertherianum (Boraginaceae) folk remedy and its active compound, rosmarinic acid, against a Pacific ciguatoxin - Journal of Ethnopharmocology Heliotropium foertherianum - wikipediaRosmarinic Acid - wikipedia