Bad Dog – Handling Problem Behaviours

Canine Nation show

Summary: Audio edition of the article Bad Dog – Handling Problem Behaviours from the Life As A Human online magazine website. You can visit Life as a Human to find this and other articles. Correcting bad behaviour in our dogs can be like putting out a fire. We have to act swiftly and decisively. But if we don't know a little bit about behavioural science, we could end up making things worse instead of better. Inspired by Dr. Susan Friedman, this article looks at what our options are when we need to deal with unwanted behaviour. Punishing our dog for bad behaviour might be the first thing that comes to mind but, according to Dr. Susan Friedman, it is likely that it will be the least effective for correcting behaviour long-term.  There are lots of options to try before we resort to trying to stop behaviour.  Being proactive and teaching the behaviours we want to see is a great start!   The diagram at the left is Dr. Susan Friedman's hierarchy of behaviour modification.  Options should be used in the order from top to bottom in trying to remedy problem behaviours.  As each technique is eliminated as being ineffective, the next should be tried until all options are exhausted.  Not that "Positive Punishment" is Friedman's choice of LAST RESORT.   Thanks for listening to Canine Nation podcasts. I hope you can spread the word and let your dog-friends know about what you're hearing here. As always, your comments and suggestions are welcome!