How Is Your Relationship Evolving?

The Spiritual Peak Center show

Summary: Relationships like all other living and breathing things evolve over time. Just when we think that everything is perfect, our relationship changes and a new dynamic enters.  Take for example having children or getting a new job those are two instances that make our relationships evolve.  However, it can be not so obvious things that cause your relationship to evolve.  For instance maybe all of the sudden you get an interest in an art such as painting.  Most would say that might not change your relationship, but it will.  Now you might want to spend time painting when you would have been doing other things, or you might start wanting to got o art shows instead of ballgames.  Even though it is not a major shift it slowly starts to evolve your relationship.  Think about it how has your relationship evolved since the beginning? Check out more at Sexy Challenges You might also want to pick up Sexy Challenges on iTunes, Amazon, and for your Nook.