What Really Happened At Roswell Part 2

Paranormal Palace Radio show

Summary: Join me as I join Roswell debunker Paul Hewitt and  Mufon leading Roswell investigatorDennis Balthaser in this debate over controvercial subject of The Roswell Crash  Part one of this debate took place 8/19/2008 8:00 PMhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/paranormalpalace/va/2008/08/20/What-Really-Happened-At-RoswellThis turned out to be a very interesting debate both side makeing some good points however in the end some question were asked I felt  would be better adressed by the man who is in the big thicket of this investigation Dennis Balthaser Mufon investegater and leading Roswell researcherDennis has served onThe Board Of Directors at The International UFO Museum Dennis has been directly involved with interviewing witnesses of The Roswell CrashJoin us for what is sure to be a eye or dare we say ear opening experience http://www.blogtalkradio.com/paranormalpalace/2009/02/11/What-