Conservative Primetime - "The Second Amendment"

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: This is part II in BTR's NEW Conservative Evening Alliance Series. The Constitution of The United States Is the constitution worth the paper its written on?     Fresh off our Part I series on The first amendment we NOW go in depth on Part II: The Second Amendment Rights of our Constitution.    Recent Supreme Court rulings have over turned governments local decisions to ban guns with in its city limits. Bi 5-4 votes BOTH Chicago & Washington DC have had their hand slapped in an attempt to circumvent the constitution for their own person law enforcement rules and city counsel regulations.   What exactly is Gun Control? What does it really mean & who is behind it? Why is The NRA so POWERFUL & who is behind their push for absolutely positively no legislation, delay or back round check on firearms purchases? Are the 12" Saturday Night Specials any different on the BLACK market then the ones being offered for $5.00 at your local Subway? Do you know your rights?   This evening in part II again 30 year military veteran Dr. C Robert Jones ( American History Historian ) & our BTR callers, chatters & friends in depth and detail of our Second Amendment and the rights we are entitled to by our founders under The Constitution of The United States.   Those who make A peaceful revolution impossiable, make A violent one inevitable.   TONIGHT on ggt183's Conservative Prime Tyme