Eternal Prophet or Internal Profits

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Tonight Segment # 1 we will have guest(s) from : A group who wants to FIRE almost ALL congressional members for NEW average middle of the road Americans. Are you the person they are in search of to run in your district? Well listen up because this group gives you support and backing and they are poised to STRIKE all over the U.S.A. Tonights segment # 2 show headline brings us to the topic of our beliefs, church, faith, and is Jesus Christ really the ETERNAL PROPHET or during the last 2011 years has it turn more into the INTERNAL Profits? Baptist or Burn? Is that something Jesus Christ would approve of or does it NOT mattter because the BAPTIST church is Supreme Commander of organized religions? How about Roman Catholic, Reforms, etc. etc. etc???? Is Christianity the only way to the Father? What about growing Islam? Let us NOT for get Buddhism or even A large number of Hinduism. Are churches in general really about UNITY for Jesus Christ or Unity for very, very live LARGE  $ CASH $ collection plate? Oh and just when you were thinking BTR Drama was the show of ALL show(s), think again because TONIGHT you get your chance to CLAIM your CHURCH, FAITH or Following is KING of all KINGS when it comes to the organization of RELIGION. Harry Chrisna, Jim Jones, The Pope does it ever end? The leaders, Shieks, Omans of Islam, High Priest, Pastors are they our spiritual advisors and leaders or political figures?  Is The Bible 100% accurate with NO exaggeration or is it full of changes over the years for todays modern world of acceptance? TONIGHT its your night one more time to take center stage on Prime Time and let your voice be be known to The BTR world. Eternal Prophet or Internall ProfitS TONIGHT the organized world of RELIGION all over the globe. Your comments, calls always welcome for this AWESOME program.