Police State VI { The Internet }

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Ronald Reagan made A still popular quote : I am here from the government and I am here to help & Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program. Are those NOW the good ol'dayz? The President NOW making his move on the Internet claiming NATIONAL Security. Is this another form of Dictatorship w/ in our own Government? Do you suppoer the Federal Government in their quest for more LAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS reguarding the internet? Is your screen name, password or hard drive the business of any government body? Do you say YES to A Internet online KILL SWITCH The Presidnet has access to end many peoples only form of communications? Is he alone? What is The Democratic partys stand on REGULATIONS of The Internet? How about the FAT CATS of  The Grand Ol' Party? Where do you stand? Whats your opinion? Who hired the Federal, State & Local officials as MASTER & KING, Babysitter and Nanny of our Internet & online choices? TONIGHT on Police State 6 - The Internet