Rod Blagojevich GUILTY

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: CHICAGO -- A jury convicted former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Monday of nearly all the corruption charges against him, including that he tried to sell or trade President Obama's old Senate seat. This was A Re - Trial from A year ago 2010. Is this the case of A rotten apples in the LARGE BIG photo of our political structure OR is this A terriable TRUTH that we are in denial about each and everyday? Are almost every single political figurers on the take at ALL & EVERY level?  Who of the LONG standing Chicago Political Machine was involved? Was curent Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Former Mayor Richard Dailey II of the Chicago Machines involved?  Why were they NOT changed? Why was Congressman Jessie Jackson Jr. not at the aide of the former gov. of Illinois? Is their strong evidence to suggest Rod Blagojevich was simply A FALL guy - in A PRESIDENTIAL cover up? YES or NO? True or False? Join the fun and join the show TONIGHT