Africam: Wildlife Preservation On Your PC - Sep 07,2010

The Organic View show

Summary: Imagine if you live in an area where drug dealers and gang members were killing animals randomly in order to sell more drugs and commit more crimes with the money they gained? A group of people are dealing with this very issue in South Africa and they decided to do something about it. They pooled their resources and reached out to the community and started Millions of people now tune in to this live stream that is coming directly to their PC's, blackberries, etc in order to view these beautiful creatures as they exist in their natural habitat. Each of the cams has a unique history and infrastructure that supports it. requires the commitment of many people and organizations that include the nature reserves, conservation bodies, game parks and dedicated people whose passion it is to share their love of wildlife. One of the most heinous situations that this group is dealing with is in regards to poachers who are mercilessly and cruelly slaughtering rhinos just for their horn and hooves. These poachers are very sophisticated and are armed with night vision, automatic weaponry as well as chain saws to hack off the animal parts while the poor creature suffers a very painful death. Often, these low lives will kill the mother and leave the calf behind with no hope of survival. On this segment of The Organic View, I will interview Mr. Paul Penzhorn, founder of who will talk about the efforts of the organization which is dedicated to the preservation of all wild animals in their natural community. Stay tuned!