Varroa Mites Stay Clear! Miteway is Here! - Sep 08,2010

The Organic View show

Summary: Honeybees have been under severe stress for several years. One of the key reasons is the loss of control options for the invasive parasitic mite varroa destructor. The Varroa mite is the parasite with the most pronounced economic impact on the beekeeping industry. It may be a contributing factor to colony collapse disorder (CCD), as research shows it is the main factor for collapsed colonies in Ontario, Canada. NOD Apiary Products has developed an organic treatment product using formic acid as the active ingredient, in a bio-degradable matrix. It is currently under the pesticide review process at the EPA. My guest in this segment of The Organic View will be Mr. David VanderDussen. David has been a beekeeper since 1975. By the time he finished high school he had 75 colonies of bees. Obviously, his parents were very accommodating. David started working with commercial beekeepers in 1979, and in 1981 started his own commercial beekeeping outfit. David has been active in the Ontario Beekeepers Association. He served on the Board of Directors and is a past President. Varroa mites were found in Canada in 1992. NOD Apiary Products was founded in 1997, to be a vehicle to register organic treatments for bee diseases, and to encourage the adoption of sustainable beekeeping practices. David was a founding partner in NOD Apiary Products, incorporated in 1997. He is the CEO of NOD Apiary Products, which manufactures Miteaway,