How To Start Your Own Organic Farm - Sep 14,2010

The Organic View show

Summary: Often, many people that I meet tell me that they would love to live on a farm the way I did as a child. In a heartbeat, they would gladly escape the concrete jungle to breathe in fresh air and be able to see the stars in the heavens in the moonlit sky. Farming really does have many wonderful advantages and is also very therapeutic. There really is nothing like growing your own food and being able to sink your hands into the soil. Many people have often thought about taking the plunge and relocating to the country but are not sure how or what to do. While we have well established paths to train qualified plumbers, accountants, electricians, doctors and more, there isn't the same kind of path for farmers. The Northeast Organic Farming Association otherwise referred to as NOFA is just one of many organizations that are working together to create a first rate collaboration to make the region a great place to learn to farm. As public interest in local and organic food grows, the number of farmers who produce food to meet that demand needs to increase dramatically. Growing food, especially organic food, requires a lot of knowledge and a wide variety of skills. However, it is something that is not too difficult to understand, it is a matter of learning. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, my guest will be Mr. Bill Deusing, Executive Director of CT NOFA to talk about some of the steps the northeast is taking to encourage organic farming.