Honey, Your Skin Is Bee-utiful! - Sep 23,2010

The Organic View show

Summary: The Ancient Egyptians used honey for medicinal purposes as well as for beauty. In Hawaii, there is a very active apiary community. Hawaiians are making a concerted effort to promote organics as well as the importance of bees in nature. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, I will be talking to a bee keeper named Anthony Maxfield that decided to share his knowledge and the healing potential he discovered while working with directly with honeybees. His wife Gwen, actually noticed the softness of his skin and asked him to create a skin cream for her so that she also have skin as soft as his. The cream was amazing! So, Anthony and Gwen collaborated with their long time friend Christina Sirlin to create Honey Girl Organics. Honey Girl produces a wide variety of skin care products that are made in Hawaii and derived from their very own honey. Honey, beeswax, pollen and propolis are great antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatories. They scavenge free radicals and are collagen stimulators. These ingredients are natural emollients and humectants that also supply your skin with nutritious amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Honey Girl uses ingredients that are collected from their own hives located in forested areas on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii which are also organically maintained. So, whether you are a bee keeper and want to learn more about different things you can make with honey or just simply want to find out about the wonderful benefits of honey, stay tuned!