A Day At The Mind Spa With Lydia Proschinger & Ariaa Jaeger

The Organic View show

Summary: It is a new year and with new stresses. People have made New Year’s resolutions and failed because they lack balance. They are already off their diets, smoking twice as much, stressing out over the smallest problem, etc. Emotional balance is mandatory in an age where there never seems to be enough time, money or energy. How can you achieve balance and more importantly remain grounded and calm when things are really going out of control? It doesn’t matter if it's work, family or friends. Sometimes, it's difficult to cope. There are ways to achieve emotional balance. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, Advanced EFT Practitioner and Host of Living La Vida Healthy, Lydia Proschinger will join Author, Ariaa Jaeger, an Executive Life Counselor and Motivational Speaker. They will discuss methods for emotional detoxification, New Year’s Resolutions vs. Resolves, what determines how much energy we "leak" and finding relief. Lydia Proschinger, an expert EFT practitioner, specializes in working with high profile clientele which includes: celebrities, C-level executives, ex-Pats, and other high net-worth individuals whom she assists in their efforts to maintain an energetic balance, which enables them to achieve maximum efficiency. Please visit her site at www.life-procoaching.com . Ariaa Jaeger (http://Ariaa.com)is an Executive Life Counselor, Motivational Speaker, Intuitive and singer who has made a global impact on the masses with her special blend of wisdom, humor & accurate prophecy. Her "Ariaaisms Spiritual Food for the Soul" and "Ariaa Quotes" have significantly impacted millions in social media. She inspires and teaches others to “LOVE OUTLOUD” and has drawn a huge following as a result of living that very message. She is also an animal rights activist, environmentalist and humanitarian. She sang at the UN’s Spirit Awards & has a new CD of covers "Absolute Ariaa".