Razorcake Podcast #215

Razorcake Podcast Feed show

Summary: I'm a completest nerd. If I know it is of quality, then I have to see it/read it/watch it. For this reason, my list of things to do never actually empties itself. That's also the reason why my favorite part of the year is the end. That's when I get to see everybody arguing about what the best records of the year were. I was actually a little disappointed that I didn't see many records I hadn't already heard this year, but that's fine! After scouring through all of the records that I've heard this year, I've compiled this playlist of my favorite songs, with some glaring omissions, of course*. All in all, I give 2011 an A- for music. I feel like 2010 had more good records, but this year had some high quality releases. Best Show of 2011: Marked Men, Shitty Limits, and Chinese Telephones at Red 7 in Austin, TX Best Record: The Spits, Self-titled (V) As always, here's a list of bands with good records that I didn't play: ADD/C, Andrew Jackson Jihad, Bad Sports, Banner Pilot, Big Eyes, Bomb The Music Industry!, Brain F≠, Burning Sensation, Bust!, Cruddy, Crusades, Dead To Me, Dude Jams, Gateway District, GG King, Good Luck, High Tension Wires, The Holy Mess, Hunx And His Punx, Lipstick Homicide, The Manix, Marvelous Darlings, Pangea, Shannon And The Clams, Something Fierce, The Steve Adamyk Band, Summer Vacation, Street Eaters, Turkish Techno, The Underground Railroad To Candyland, and Unwelcome Guests. Tell me if I missed any! –Bryan Static bryanstatic@gmail.com *I didn't play Summer Vacation or Crusades because it feels like cheating. Last time I played Summer Vacation, I was not aware that Razorcake was going to put out the vinyl. To download the file to your computer, right click the link below and select "save target as..." It's a hefty file, so it may take some time to download to your computer. To play the file without downloading (it depends on your computer's configuration for playing music files), just click it. Your media player should recognize what to do with an mp3. (If it doesn't, you're on your own.) RAZORCAKE PODCAST #215 If you have any problems or helpful suggestions you can contact us through the website here. In the subject put “Podcast.” Hope you enjoy listening. Tracklisting: House Boat, “Throwing in Those Weird Chords Did Wonders for the Copyrights And The Dopamines” (The Thorns of Life, Kiss of Death/Traffic Street) ---- The Copyrights, “Worn Out Passport: (North Sentinel Island, It's Alive/Red Scare) Future Virgins, “Ruin Me” (Western Problems, Starcleaner/Plan-It X South) Sloane Peterson, “Tallahassee” (Why Go Out?, Dead Broke/Hip-Kids/Hang Up/Art of the Underground) Chixdiggit!, “Found Love” (Safeways Here We Come, Fat) ---- The Slow Death, “Fuck You Nighthawk” (Born Ugly, Got Worse, Kiss of Death) Smart Cops, “La Legge Del Più Debole” (Per Proteggere e Servire, Sorry State) Billy Raygun, “Selfish Shellfish” (What Are We Gonna Do Now?) (Billy Raygun/Lipstick Homicide Split LP, Bloated Kat/John Wilkes Booth) Tenement, “Spit in the Wind” (Napalm Dream, Mandible) ---- Diarrhea Planet, “Cigarettes” (Loose Jewels, Infinity Cat) Jeff The Brotherhood, “Mellow Out” (We Are The Champions, Infinity Cat) Whatever Brains, “Blues Lawyer” (Self-titled, Sorry State) The Spits, “I'm Scum” (Self-titled, In The Red) ---- Night Birds, “Oblivious” (The Other Side of Darkness, Grave Mistake) Alex Cuervo, “Hand of Glory” (Self-titled, Trouble in Mind) The Heat Tape, “Spend It” (Raccoon Valley Recordings, Red Scare) Lenguas Largas, “Yardsale Heart” (Self-titled, Recess) ---- Big Kitty, “Milky Way Spin” (Florence, Recess)