Razorcake Podcast #217

Razorcake Podcast Feed show

Summary: Hi friends! My name is Liz Prince and this is my first podcast for Razorcake! This dude Mitch Clem co-hosted, and some guy named Bryan Static did all the technical recording stuff while Mitch and I dicked around and made jokes about Prussian Blue. You should have been there, it was so fun. Oh wait, but you can listen to it all here, so it's almost like you were there (except, I'm warning you now, all the good jokes happened in between takes, sorry)!! Mitch and I thought we were being so funny while we were recording this, acting like you'd have to guess what the theme is, but we kind of forgot that the track listing will be spelled out right in front of your faces while you're listening to this, so that offer to win $10,000 of Bryan's money is now null and void. Try to ignore how annoying we are, and at least give us credit for curating such a great list of punk rock gems that feature THE ONE. Forever proving that comic artists are only funny on paper, Liz To download the file to your computer, right click the link below and select "save target as..." It's a hefty file, so it may take some time to download to your computer. To play the file without downloading (it depends on your computer's configuration for playing music files), just click it. Your media player should recognize what to do with an mp3. (If it doesn't, you're on your own.) RAZORCAKE PODCAST #217 If you have any problems or helpful suggestions you can contact us through the website here. In the subject put “Podcast.” Hope you enjoy listening. Tracklisting: The Only Ones, “Another Girl, Another Planet” --- Sludgeworth, “The Only One” (Lookout) Big Eyes, “You Ain't the Only One” (Evil Weevil) Lipstick Homicide, “You're the One for Me” (Public School) Bananas, “You're Not the One for Me” (Plan-it-X) --- Ramones, “She's the One” Green Day, “The One I Want” (Lookout) Teenage Bottlerocket, “She's Not the One” (Red Scare) Vitamin Party, “She's Not the One” (Get It Out!) --- Descendents, “I'm the One” (SST) John Cougar Concentration Camp, “I Ain't the One” (BYO) The Clorox Girls, “The One” (Smart Guy) Jetty Boys, “Not the One” (Rally) --- The Mr. T Experience, “You're the Only One for Me” (Lookout)