** Leavers ** 12-02-06

Athcast - Athens Music! show

Summary: Leavers The Leavers were formed in 2002 by three ragtag college kids. Not really knowing where to fit in or conform to musically, the Leavers had a rough start. The lack of talent and contacts might have had a hand in the slow beginning of their tenure, but talent is overrated and the guys would eventually find the courage and confidence to become a balls in your face musical experience. As time went on, things changed slowly but ever necessarily. Drummers came and went, but songs continued to write themselves into the minds and hearts of those who called themselves 'Leavers.' The meaning of this word "leaver" which is not spelled or pronounced like a similar word, "lever", continues to grow and develop into an ideal or belief with its basis being: THERE ARE BETTER WAYS TO LIVE. A controversial and revolutionary ideal requiring the action of balls in faces gave birth to this nonconformist posse of wierdos and their passion to affect change. The band adopted its name in 2002 from a book written by Daniel Quinn called "Ishmael".