Episode 9: Katey Healy-Wurzburg & Running Weather

In Too Steep show

Summary: What's the best running weather? NONE according to Katey Healy-Wurzburg, an hilarious NY-based stand-up comedian and host of The Fascinator, a comedy quiz show at UCBeast. We talk about Katey's path to stand-up, her run-in with her idol (Stephen Fry), and why she can't look Simon Amstell in the eye, all while coloring in a hilarious comic from Chicago-based illustrator Beth Evans. Subscribe on iTunes Download Beth's comic and color along! Fascinated by my guest? (Oof I went there) Check out The Fascinator on December 8th, 7 pm at UCBeast. Also, do yourself a favor and follow Katey on Twitter. Love coloring in that comic? Check out Beth's work on Tumblr and keep an eye out for her upcoming comic book. Also, shout-out to Seamus Gallagher for being awesome! Love those tunes? Download "Becoming a Jackal" by Villagers through the Free Music Archive. Proud of your artwork? Send pictures of your masterpiece to intoosteeppodcast@gmail.com and I'll post them on our new Facebook page! Take a break! You deserve it!