16: Paleolithic Diets with Dag Viljen Poleszynski, PhD

The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast Feed show

Summary: Dag Viljen Poleszynski is my featured guest in this very special episode of the Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast with Robert Su, MD. Welcome back. During the recent decades, the Paleolithic diet of our ancestors has been mentioned frequently as it probably helped the cavemen avoid obesity and diseases such as coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus. Many people around the world apparently employ this diet for restoring their health. Dr. Poleszynsk holds an undergraduate degree in business administration in Norway, studied language and social science, before taking a sharp turn and receiving a master’s degree in the science of nutrition. Then, he earned a PhD in the historical analysis of complimentary medicine. Dr. Poleszynski, a Paleolithic dieter, knows the diet intimately, including the details of its evolution and its impact on the health of our ancestors. We need to know if the Paleolithic diet, which is similar but not identical to the carbohydrate-restricted diet, is the answer to today’s health crisis. You surely want to learn about the Paleolithic diet from Dr. Dag Poleszynski. Wish to invite Dr. Su to speak at your meeting, contact us at jevpublishing@verizon.net Website:    http://www.vof.no