Dr. Parris Kidd & Valerie Hall

Science-Based Nutrition Podcast » Podcast Feed show

Summary: In this week’s episode, Steve will introduce you to Dr. Parris Kidd, Chief Scientific Officer for Doctor’s Best and Valerie Hall, Product Education Manager. Dr. Kidd earned his PHD from the University of California, Berkeley. He began working in integrative medicine in 1983 and has concentrated on natural brain enhancers since 1994. As a gifted educator with a love for science, Dr. Kidd exemplifies Doctor’s Best philosophy of Science Based Nutrition. Valerie Hall is a Certified Natural Health Professional and Nutritional Consultant. Her enthusiasm and passion for natural health have made her a popular speaker to thousands of health seeking individuals each year. She educates on how foods and nutrients can help us achieve health and healing naturally. Valerie has specialized in nutritional education for the past 12 years, and speaks throughout the United States. Please join us as Valerie and Dr. Kidd explain their roles within Doctor’s Best, and their commitment to educating consumers about science based nutrition.