Reincarnation Claims

Paranormal Palace Radio show

Summary: Unravel the Mystery Delve into the mystery of reincarnation. Many reasons surface to embrace the unproven phenomenon while other arguments come forward to dispel the notion entirely. Discover how soul mates may play a significant role in the rebirth process. Various cultural, religious and social groups claim the invisible event of reincarnation occurs at the precise moment of death, while others profess a belief in souls resting upon astral planes before re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere. Another multitude of persons who claim near-death experiences convey messages of evidence that seems to prove the recycling of souls occurs when the individual makes the choice to incarnate or ascend to Heaven. Myriads of reasons evolve for sustaining or disregarding the belief in reincarnation within the sects of Polynesians, Hindus, Scientologists, Kabbalah, Muslims, Christians, Wiccans, LDS, Pagans, Atheists, Voodoo, UFO cults. Great philosophers, coalesced with many social, religious and cultural climates throughout the world, including Scotland, New Zealand, Norway, Brazil, Africa and Japan rationalize the phenomenon as a normal activity that is beyond reproach. Discover the many secrets of reincarnation and soul travel that could reveal the mystery of a past life. Learn to listen to the inner whispers! The book is a fascinating read even if a person does not believe in reincarnation. The theories proposed to tease, educate and envelope the mind are truly riveting! Excerpts: "Reincarnation appears as a source of tremendous comfort, sprinkled with a glaze of sultry seduction, for persons fearing their ultimate demise on Earth." "In extreme and rare cases, once the rebirth process is complete inside the astral world and the Earthbound soul is due to arrive, it becomes possible that the spirit retains memories of an earlier life." "There is no absolute proof, physical evidence or logical support, for the act of reincarnatio