"Bigfoot Patterson Case True Or False with Jeff Hilling?"

Paranormal Palace Radio show

Summary: http://www.pattersonfilm.com/ Join me and Jeff Hilling tonight as we discuss the pros and cons of  perhaps the most well known Bigfoot case in history The Patterson Case Jeff is convinced the Patterson footage is real and not a man in a suit as some claim. Jim has spent considerable time researching this case trying to prove or disprove the validity of the film he has also been on The Tom Biscardi Show discussing this issue. Jeff welcomes all feedback whether it agrees with his opinion or not The 1967 Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin film is the second most analyzed film in world history. Only the Zupruder film of the Kennedy assassination has been studied more. Was it just a man in a gorilla suit, or was it really an unknown creature. After 40 plus years, the 952 frames of 16mm film are still hotly debated amongst believers and skeptics alike. Could an "average joe" former rodeo rider put together such an elaborate hoax, that has not been disproved to this day? In 1966 Patterson self-published paperback book entitled "Do Abominable Snowmen of America really exist?" this established Patterson in the bigfoot business. Some say if you are in the cryptozoology field, and do not come up with any substantial evidence, you will ultimately quit, or resort to "hoaxing" in order to promote your work. (i.e. book, movie, website, tv show etc.) This is one possible motivation Patterson may have had for a hoax. On the other hand, a believable hoax would take a significant amount of funds