The Future That Brought Her Here Author Deborah DeNicola

Paranormal Palace Radio show

Summary: In a poetic memoir both personal and transpersonal in our fearful post-911 era, Deborah DeNicola, among others, has predicted the world crisis we are now facing will initiate the global population into a new awareness of spiritual evolution. Against the backdrop of New England and the academic city of Boston, she tells her story of metaphysical experiences which first began unexpectedly as she wrestled with a depression stemming from her father’s breakdown and death during her adolescence. At once an ordinary woman, a college professor and a poet steeped in Jungian dream work, DeNicola is tapped by a new claire-sentience that draws her into the esoteric world. Three journeys distill her private quest into esoteric knowledge. With references to String Theory and quantum physics, medieval history, the crusading Templar Knights, the Black Madonnas, The Church of Mary Magdalen and revelations from the Gnostic Gospels, DeNicola finds the common denominator of diverse mystery traditions, relating how dreams and creative process heal by expressing both individual and archetypal truths. In this epoch of economic disaster, when three crucial cycles are simultaneously ending, The Future That Brought Her Here should reach a new audience, one not previously aligned with “New Age” ideas. Given her credibility as an academic professor, more practical-minded readers will open to her surprises and speculations, as she reveals the atrophied