Paranormal Cookbook With Author Shaun BeleKurov

Paranormal Palace Radio show

Summary: As uncertainty increases about what 2012 will bring? The Paranormal Cookbook offers a new and different understanding of the nature of reality. Examining-The Curse of the Joker and the Return of Phantom Clowns. Quantum Physics, Observer Effect and Synchronicity. Window Areas, Flap Activity and the Interactive Universe. The New Theory of Environmental Archetypes in Hauntings. Tulpas, Golems and Other Projected Thought-forms. The Occult Werewolf Theory. The Trail of the Hellhound of the Ozarks and Much More... With philosophical perspective as well as practical tips for paranormal investigators in the field; The Paranormal Cookbook is a necessity in facing the brave new world of 2012. We here at S.P.O.O.K.S. have something of a different philosophy than many of our contemporaries. We believe most paranormal phenomena is directly connected to certain psychological dynamics. One woud be emotions, this can have great influence on how violent the PK , psychokinetic, ie paranormal activity will be.  We also believe that these "ghosts, spirits, shadow-folk etc." while normally tied to a specific location (such as a haunted house or cemetery)  can be activated by certain personality types, expectations, ritual and so much more. We use our understanding of all religions and esoteric knowledge to work within the belief systems of our clients. This ensures that you are comfortable but more importantly by using your already established belief we make the "entity" submit to the rules of your faith.