The Mayan Calender, 2011-2012; What On Earth Is Going On?? Presenters Max And Alana Tobin

Paranormal Palace Radio show

Summary: Show airs 14/15th July, Weds at 8pm US Central time and Thurs at 1pm NZ time. Biographical Background: Alana Tobin is a skilled and seasoned Telepath, Psychic Medium, Transition Facilitator and trained Life Coach/Counsellor. Max Tobin is a Visionary, an articulate Story Teller, Transition Facilitator and a Digital Publisher through Media Magnetix. Alana and Max are committed gardeners intent on co-creating and celebrating a conscious relationship with Earth and within Community. What On Earth is Going On? The Creator has provided humanity with a Divine Blueprint which has been gifted to and through the Mayan people in the form of a Calendar System which is core to the Maya's cosmology. The Calendar combines symbolic glyphs and numbers which move in an intricate dance relative to each other, and their purpose is to describe and track the patterns of creation. Ironically and paradoxically, this calendar system is better utilised to understand the transformation of consciousness within our global cultures (Divine Alchemy) rather than it merely being a time-keeping tool which records linear time.