Quantum Angel Healing With Author Eva Maria Mora

Paranormal Palace Radio show

Summary: Eva-Maria Mora is the founder of Quantum Angel Healing ®. Together with her husband Michael, she will present this new, sophisticated healing method, which is based on energy therapy and communication with angels. QA-Healing is identifying the true cause of an illness and addressing the core of a problem. This is possible through accessing the information of the quantum field or divine matrix with the assistance of non physical, angelic helpers and divine messengers. By applying the “Quantum Angel Healing Formula” the energetic cause (e.g. limiting belief systems, specific programs or traumatic experiences) is transformed – therefore balance and health is restored, the ill symptoms disappear. QA-Healing works either hands-on or at a distance. It uses diagnostic intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy, energy healing and prayer. It goes beyond physical death, and integrates non physical helpers in the process. The success of this healing method is based on finding the origin for an illness or a difficult life situation, and transforming it for good. This modality was created with angelic guidance and put in a practical and teachable 3-day Certification Program.