Defense Against The Darkness With Author Emily Carlin

Paranormal Palace Radio show

Summary:  Emily Carlin is an intuitive and eclectic witch.  Starting at age five or six she realized she could sense and communicate with energies and beings of which others weren't even aware, and was naturally interested in Pagan practices.  She's always felt drawn to things that were a bit darker, and a few dark things were drawn to her too which made for a growing up experience that was both interesting and terrifying.  She spent her teen years devouring just about any book on magick, monsters and the occult that crossed her path.   Leaving her native Seattle for college at Wellesley, a day trip to Salem, Massachusetts catalyzed everything Emily had been experiencing and formally launched her formal study of Paganism and Magick.  Her first Samhain at college saw her finding other Pagans and attending her first ritual.  What was an ordinary ritual for the group turned into a major experience for Emily:  she "wandered off" on her own during the guided meditation and found her spirit guides and magickal allies. During college Emily continued her magickal studies alongside her mundane ones and learned how she was just destined to work with darker energies and deities.  After college she returned to the Pacific Northwest and enrolled in both law school and the Grey School (  Now she is not only licensed to practice law in the state of Washington but a graduate of the Grey School and their current Dean of the Dark Arts department.  Defense Against The Dark is her first book.