77 – Unferth the Unhealthy

The British History Podcast show

Summary: Ok, so last week we chatted a bit about treatments. And from the comments that I’ve received, it seems like many of you were quite interested in the treatments and wanted to hear some more. And frankly, I had fun putting it together. So lets talk about some more. Lets begin with trauma since there would have been a fair amount of that in Anglo Saxon britain. If Unferth was in a fight and received a cut that went down into the senews and severed them (and lets face it, this was probably not an uncommon event)... Bald’s leechbook suggests that the physician pound some earthworms and then put them on Unferth’s open wound. Yep. Ground up earthworms. I suppose he should just be happy it isn’t the powdered fresh horse dung from last week. But it really makes you wonder who thought worms were a good idea and why, after it undoubtedly failed on numerous occasions, they kept doing it and wrote it down.