Episode #45 – The Hope that is in You

In Between Sundays – A podcast for young adults. show

Summary: What does it mean when 1 Peter 3:15 says “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope”? What type of hope is the Bible talking about? In this episode, we answer that question and lay the foundation for an upcoming episode on apologetics.<br> To start off the show, we go through our 3Js and listen to a very funny line sent into us from one of her children. Listen in to see how we can work in the line, “Mommy, pick me up!”<br> In our Help, I’m Fallen segment, we have a question from John, who emailed us a while ago asking about the passage in 1 Peter 3:15 where it mentions that we should be prepared to give an account for our hope. He asks us what type of hope Peter is talking about and wonders how we can make our own lives interesting enough that someone asks us about our hope.<br> <br> To finish out the show, we have some interesting news from Google, who started a new feature called search stories. Additionally, there is some news coming out about seven new people who are set for beatification. Check the link in the show notes below to find out more.<br> If you haven’t joined our Facebook group yet, head to <a href="http://www.inbetweensundays.com/">InBetweenSundays.com</a> and go to the right hand side of our page to become a fan of our podcast. If you would like to send us feedback, e-mail it to <a href="mailto:feedback@inbetweensundays.com">feedback@inbetweensundays.com</a> or call us at (206) 337-7945. Lastly, if you like this podcast you can find more great free Catholic content at <a href="http://www.sqpn.com/">SQPN.com</a><br> “In Between Sundays” is podcast dedicated to today’s Christian young adults. The goal is to help you live in the world outside of church. We talk about life as a young adult and ways to grow in faith.<br> Links<br> <a id="v0.f" title="Saintcast" href="http://www.saintcast.org/">Saintcast</a><br> <a id="wuw5" title="Facebook Page" href="http://www.facebook.com/inbetweensundays">Facebook Page</a><br> <a id="t:du" title="Google Search Stories" href="http://www.youtube.com/user/SearchStories">Google Search Stories</a><br> <a id="zi4s" title="The Essential Catholic Survival Guide" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1888992816?ie=UTF8&amp;tag=inbetweensundays-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1888992816" target="_blank">The Essential Catholic Survival Guide</a><br> <a id="o5yy" title="Challenges from Spe Salvi" href="http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&amp;source=web&amp;ct=res&amp;cd=4&amp;ved=0CBEQFjAD&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.centralmdcatholic.org%2Fcweber%2FchallengesfromSpeSalvi_ChristopherWeber.pdf&amp;ei=FBTHS_ySDZTYNva2resI&amp;usg=AFQjCNGF9yzRWxiGOTZA7pbBDuz8sH8IVw&amp;sig2=9BLan98SNyuTDPo9JiGTNw">Challenges from Spe Salvi</a><br> <a id="h_qm" title="Seven New Beatifications" href="http://zenit.org/article-28901?l=english">Seven New Beatifications</a><br>