BDP 048 | Logging Blood Sugars, Lighting the Olympic Flame and Investing in Knowledge

Blogging Diabetes Podcasts with Tony Rose show

Summary: <a href=""></a>In this episode of the Blogging Diabetes Podcast I talk about some news that hit about the T:Slim insulin pump and how there was quite a bit of a negative response from the diabetes community. Also in this episode I discuss some of the metrics that came out of the American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions around those with diabetes logging blood sugars.  The percentage of people not logging at all was quite shocking. "What's frustrating is that it was avoidable (regarding Tandem)" Click to Tweet This I talk about logging and analyzing blood sugars in some detail in my tips I've learned from guests (submit a review in <a href="">iTunes</a> and message me to get a copy). In this episode, I challenge you to start looking at your numbers by simply beginning with breakfast.  My challenge is to check your basal rate and then insulin to carb ratio for just the first meal of the day for most people.  Learn more in the episode! Please leave your feedback or what you learned from this exercise below in the comments.  I hope you enjoy the show! Mentions: <a href="">Episode 47</a> Previous podcast Get your 10 Tips to lower A1c with an <a href="">iTunes</a> review T:Slim <a href="">Article</a> by Mike on Diabetesmine <a href="">Edgepark</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow">Steve Redgrave</a> 5x gold medalist (<a href="">Phil</a>, <a href="">Clint</a> premier athletes) <a href="">Post</a> about logging from the ADA 2012 Sessions Dr. Bode <a href="">Interview</a> Pumping Insulin 5th Edition Ginger's Book - <a href="">Your Diabetes Science Experiment</a> Gary's Book - <a href="">Think Like a Pancreas</a> <a href=";camp=0&amp;creative=0&amp;linkCode=as1&amp;creativeASIN=0312611749&amp;adid=0TFPK2ZESKZ748DXRWEF">Discovery of Insulin</a> Book <a href="">You Can Do This Project</a> by Kim <a href="">Legendary Excursions</a> - Offroad fun in PA 1 Year of Blogging Diabetes Podcasting - <a href="">episode 1,</a> I cringe listening to this now :) I will be off for the next two weeks, but have an awesome line up of guests for when I return.  Have a great 4th of July! Run time: 28:08 <a href="">How to Review in iTunes</a> iTunes Subscribe or find the Blogging Diabetes Podcast on: <a href=""></a><a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>