BDP 054 | Interview with Ginger Vieira a Diabetes and Health Coach and Diabetes News

Blogging Diabetes Podcasts with Tony Rose show

Summary: <a href=""></a>In this episode of the Blogging Diabetes Podcast I chat with Ginger Vieira about diabetes, blood sugar management, exercising with diabetes, her books and diabetes &amp; health coaching. I've learned so much from Ginger since getting a copy of her first book and just took it to another level with this interview. “Clients finally get to be able to exercise without roller coaster blood sugars” Click to Tweet This Also in this episode are a few updates that hit the news related to diabetes. I get into another incident that almost landed me in the hospital again for the second time in a week related to diabetes. That's after not ever going to the hospital living with diabetes for 14+ years. I hope you enjoy the episode! Mentions: <a href="">Previous Episode 53</a> previous podcast<a href=""></a> <a href=";jsessionid=C452E69257A2CE82F7A02AB42C46135A">Ginger Vieira's website and on twitter</a> <a href=";jsessionid=C452E69257A2CE82F7A02AB42C46135A">Your Diabetes Science Experiment</a> by Ginger Vieira <a href="">Team Wild</a> <a href="">UltraMind Solution</a> Disney/ADA - Update on park passes for those with diabetes <a href="">Lilly Diabetes</a> - Glucagon App <a href="">Celiac</a> disease Submit an iTunes <a href="">review</a> and get a free gift from me Run time: 1:09:50 <a href="">How to Review in iTunes</a> iTunes Subscribe or find the Blogging Diabetes Podcast on: <a href=""></a><a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>