BDP 060 | Kelly O’Connell Schmidt Interview, Diets and Offensive Diabetes Marketing

Blogging Diabetes Podcasts with Tony Rose show

Summary: <a href=""></a>In this episode of the Blogging Diabetes Podcast I talk to Kelly Schmidt about diets, pancreas transplants, diet soda/energy drinks, vitamins and her site and services she provides.  There are so many different diets out there that are considered fad diets and it can be quite confusing.  Kelly breaks down what "eating Paleo" is all about and how it can benefit someone with type 1 or 2 diabetes. Also mixed into this show is a bit of a rant by me about Liberty Medical and their marketing tactics.  I will say that I was probably the most fired up I've been in a long time related to diabetes on this subject.  Some companies really understand how to interact and provide valuable services to their customers and some really have no clue.  Check out the show and let me know what you think and if you have any similar experiences. “Learning about the Paleo Diet on the Blogging Diabetes Podcast" Click to Tweet This FREE GIVEAWAY - Leave a comment below or send me a message to enter the give away for the Paleo Infused Nutrition Pledge. I will select one winner on 10/31 at the end of the day. I hope you enjoy the episode! Mentions: <a href="">Previous Episode 59</a> Last weeks show <a href="">Paleo Infused Nutrition</a> and Kelly on <a href="">Twitter</a> <a href="">Paleo Infused Nutrition Pledge</a> <a href="">Liberty Medical</a> China Study <a href="">debate</a><a href=""></a> Vitamin D <a href="">article</a> on Paleo Infused <a href="">Dukan Diet</a> <a href="">Ketogenic Diet</a> Dr. Bernstein, <a href=";camp=0&amp;creative=0&amp;linkCode=as1&amp;creativeASIN=0316182699&amp;adid=0VHREMB0F8MESK0QKPDW">Diabetes Solution</a> <a href=";camp=0&amp;creative=0&amp;linkCode=as1&amp;creativeASIN=1936608758&amp;adid=06MNZD9YX3S30NAH5XF8">Practical Paleo</a> and <a href=";camp=0&amp;creative=0&amp;linkCode=as1&amp;creativeASIN=0982207786&amp;adid=0JMRB68H3P8TJRYR30Z9">Primal Blue Print</a> books Paleo vs Vegan <a href="">article</a> <a href="">Onnit</a> – sponsor: coupon code “rose” <a href=";utm_medium=banner&amp;utm_term=blogging%2Bdiabetes%2Bblog&amp;utm_content=banner1&amp;utm_campaign=blogging%2Bdiabetes%2Bblog">Life Insurance</a> for those with diabetes – sponsor If you enjoy this podcast, please take a minute to help me and others find it by submitting an iTunes <a href="">review</a> Run time: 1:02:07 <a href="">How to Review in iTunes</a> iTunes Subscribe or find the Blogging Diabetes Podcast on: <a href=""></a><a href=""></a> <a href="http://bloggingdiabetes."></a>